How to change messages in the msgfile.

You should be able to change the error message and its font using the !ERROR_MSG command on ERROR #7113, where “7113” is the error message number for “A question marked below has an error”. Essentially, by using the !error_msg command in the spec to just change it for that one study of if you want to change it for all studies then you can change themsgfile. Whichrawfile you use depends upon what character sets you use by default. If you use utf8 then use the msgutf8.rawfile. If you use extended ASCII, then usemsgfile.raw.

Run therawfile throughmakemsgand it will create a file called newfile. newfile will need to be rename tomsgfile.

Further elaborate information on how to change the error message using the !error_msg command can be found in Survox online documentation in the link below, search for section “!error_msg vs rebuilding themsgfile”.


With regards to changing the font, for that error message, you should be able to do that with the the {!HTML_ERROR_PRE=} and {!HTML_ERROR_SUF}. Further elaborate information on how to make html enhancements can be found in the Survox online documentation in the link below.