Delimited Data Output

Delimited data output reads a datafile and a DBfile and creates a comma delimited output. The output can be read into an EXCEL spreadsheet with the variable text in the fields rather than the data codes.

  1. Click the Data Analysis Tab
  2. Click Data Utilities
  3. Click Delimited Data Output
  4. You will be presented with a screen that looks similar to List Data
  5. When running an output file, you have the option to use Live or Test data or an assembled suspend TR file
  6. If you haven’t deployed your project live Delimited Data Output will automatically use the Test data
  7. However, if you have collected both Test and Live data, you can choose which data file to report on from the drop down menu

Output files can run using CAT questions (closed ended), FLD questions (closed-ended), NUM questions (numeric), VAR questions (short open-ends) and TEXT questions (long open-ends).


Running Delimited Data Output Files

When running output files, only fields marked in blue are required. Other fields marked in gray are optional. After specifying the fields, click the “Run List” button to process the listing.

Saving Delimited Data Output Spec for Future Runs

When running your output file, you have the option to save your input specifications. After specifying the fields, click the “Save List Spec” button to process your output. When choosing this option, you will be prompted for a file name. In future runs, you can choose your saved spec from the drop down menu where it says Select a Previously Saved Spec. The input options will be imported so you do not have to re-select them again.



Input Fields:

Required Fields in Blue
Option Description
DB file to Use Select a database file from the drop down menu. The database stores all question variables
Delimiter to Use Choose either comma or tab delimited for output file
Question Type(s) to Use Report on FIELD, NUMERIC, VARIABLE and/or TEXT questions
Questions to Use Report on All questions, a subset of questions or specific questions
Output File Name Specify name of output file. The default output file name will be: studycode_vars.
Non Required Fields in Gray
Option Description
Use Base Basing allows you to report on certain criteria rather than ALL criteria.  Click on the “Click here to see examples of selection criteria” to see examples of bases.
Print Additional Variable The additional variable will print with the case id in the output

Selecting Your Saved Spec

To Select a previously saved spec, choose your saved spec from the Select a previously saved Spec drop down menu and then click the “Read Spec” button. All previously saved input options will import. When finished, click the “Run List” button to run your output.



Subsetting Questions

When creating your output file, you have the option to use a subset of questions.

To run your output off of a subset of questions, choose the Subset of questions of type(s) selected option next to Questions to Use. Two additional input boxes will appear where you can define the first and last question to run your list from.



Choosing Specific Questions

When creating your output file, you have the option to use specific questions.

To run your output off of specific questions, choose the Specific question(s) of type(s) selected option next to Questions to Use. Additional input boxes will appear where you can define each question.  You can also use a wildcard to print all questions of that type. For example, if you entered q*, it would print all questions that started with a “q.”



Output File Created

When the output file has finished processing, a new screen will refresh with a SUCCESS message. An output file is generated and automatically named. The output file generated will be in the format of studycode_vars and with either have a .csv or a .tsv extension depending on the type of delimited file that you requested.

Downloading Output File

  1. Available files for download will appear on the screen
  2. You can click the “All” or “Check All” box to select all the files, the “None” or “Uncheck All” box to deselect all the files, or you can select the specific file hyperlink that you want to download
  3. These files will be automatically compressed and saved as a zip file
  4. Click the “Download” button to download the file


 Video on Delimited Data Output