Add Client

When a user adds a new client, the client will automatically be assigned to the company that the user belongs to. When adding a new client, you have the ability to input client details, assign users and assign environments.

The Client Name, web area password, and environment are required fields.  All other fields are optional.

NOTE: Spaces and Periods are not allowed in a client name but you can use underscores.

For example: TEST CLIENT is not allowed and TEST.CLIENT is not allowed but TEST_CLIENT or TESTCLIENT are both okay to use.

Assign Users

Users assigned to a specific client will be allowed to access all studies associated with that client.

To assign specific users to this client, click on and highlight the available users that will be accessing studies under this client. To assign multiple users at once, hold down the ctrl or shift key as you highlight each user. You can use the right arrow button to move user names from the Available Users list to the Assigned Users list. To remove users from the Assigned Users list back to the Available Users list, click on the left arrow button.

Assign Environments

The environment field is used to manage the programming environment for the client/user. Each company and/or client should be assigned a different Survox environment on the Linux machine. This is a security measure. At a minimum, you would want to assign a different Linux environment to each company. Certain projects may be required to have an isolated environment as well. Although not recommended, you could assign the same environment to more than one client for multiple access if necessary.

The Linux administrator sets up these Survox environments as needed. The administrator assigns environment(s) to a specific company. The company administrator will assign environments to a specific client. All environments assigned to the company are available for assignment to a client and you can also assign multiple environments to a client.

To assign an environment to a client, click on and highlight the environment from the Available Environment list. You can use the right arrow button to move the environment from the Available Environments list to the Assigned Environments list. To remove environments from the Assigned Environments list back to the Available Environments list, click on the left arrow button.

  1. Click on the Admin Tab
  2. Click Add Client
  3. Enter Client Specific details
  4. Assign Users from the Available User list to the Assigned User list
  5. Assign Environments from the Available Environments list to the Assigned Environments list
  6. Once you have finished setting up the Client information, click on the “Save Client Details” button

Admin-Add Client

Video on adding a client