Kinesis Company Setup

Setting up a Company will integrate a Survox Console company with the Kinesis software.  The Kinesis survey link needs to be added to any companies using the integration.

NOTE1: You must have a Kinesis account set up before using this feature.

NOTE2: The IP address of the Survox Console must be enabled by Kinesis to access their API.  Multiple Survox Console’s can be enabled by Kinesis.

  1. Log into the Survox Console as Super Admin
  2. Click Add Company if one is not already added
    1. If you need to add a company Click here for instructions
  3. Click Edit Company
  4. Add in the Kinesis Survey Link
    1. This is the actual link where the surveys will reside in your Kinesis account
  5. Click the “Update Company Details” button at the bottom of the page
  6. Click the “DeActivate” button to deactivate a company
