Move to New Stack

You can use this feature to change sample priority and move numbers from one stack to another. This function requires you to choose a stack to move the numbers From and a stack to move the numbers To.  When issuing this command, you will be prompted for a select statement. You can use the keyword ALL to move all of the numbers from one stack to another stack or use a select statement to move certain numbers.

  1. Click on the Manage Tab
  2. Click Manage Sample
  3. Click Move to New Stack
  4. Select a project from the drop down menu
  5. Click the “Move Numbers” button
  6. Choose the Stack Name to move FROM
  7. Choose the Stack Name to move TO
  8. Specify a Select Statement or select the check box to move all of the numbers to a different stack
  9. Click the “OK” button



Video on Moving to a New Stack