Kinesis User Information

Each user that is set up in your Kinesis account, that will be registering projects in the Survox console, will need to be set up as a user in the console as well.  The user will need to have their username and password added to their user profile.

  1. Click on the Admin tab
  2. Click Add New User
    1.  If you need further information on adding a user Click Here
    2. Enter the user’s first name, last name, email address, username, and password in the subsequent boxes provided
    3. Anything in blue is required
  3. Select Custom as the security profile type from the drop down menu and assign all functions or Select a Security Profile Type that already has all functions assigned to it
  4. Click the “Save User Details” button
  5. Click Edit User
    1. If you need further instructions on editing a user Click Here
    2. Select Kinesis from the Select Third Party Partner drop down menu
    3. Enter the Username of the Kinesis account in the Kinesis Username box provided
      1. The Kinesis Account Owner needs to create a standard user account for the Call Center to be able to access the Kinesis surveys
      2. See Kinesis for more information
    4. Enter the Password of the Kinesis account in the Kinesis Password box provided
  6. Click the “Update User Details” button at the bottom of the page
  7. Click the “Delete” button to delete the user