Download Files

Downloading files enables you to download relevant project files. Project related files would include any file used to help you set up your project. Files will be downloaded in a zipped format.

  1. Click on the Project Setup Tab
  2. Click Download Files
  3. Select a project from the drop down menu
  4. Click “Go”
  5. Select the files you want to download
    1. Click the check boxes next to each file
    2. Click on an individual file hyperlink to automatically download the file to your desktop
    3. Select “All” in each category to select all of the files in that category
    4. Select “None” in each category to deselect all of the files in that category
    5. Select “Check All” to select all of the files on the screen
    6. Select “Uncheck All” to deselect all of the files on the screen
    7. If downloading files, a zip file will be created
    8. Click the “Download Button”
