MaritzCX Project Setup

Registering the Project in the Survox Console

  1. Click on the Project Creation tab
  2. Click Register 3rd Party Project
  3. Select the client associated with the project from the Select a Client drop down menu
  4. Select the partner associated with the project from the Select a Partner drop down menu
    1. For MaritzCX type projects, select MaritzCX
  5. Select the project name of the study you want to run from the Project Name drop down menu
    1. The studies are listed from the sftp sample site
    2. The survey IDs will be pre-pended with  maritzcx_
    3. The project name and study code will be maritzcx_<survey id>
    4. The mode is webCATI
  6. Assign users as necessary
  7. Click the “Add Project” button
  8. When the project is registered successfully, you will see a summary at the bottom of the screen displaying all of the necessary information about the project.
  9. The Default MaritzCX Theme will be applied.



Disposition File

Every night a cron job will run that generates a file for every MaritzCx project in an environment.  It then transfers that file to the disposition site.  The files created are deleted after the transfer occurs.

NOTE: The cron job is created automatically and does not require any user input.

The file is a csv file with the following format for each record in the fone file:

  1. Survey id
  2. Authentication Key
  3. Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
  4. MaritzCX Status
  5. Survox Status
  6. MaritzCX Result
For example:
"Survey Id","Authentication Key","Date","MaritzCX Status","Survox Status","Survey Result"