Numbers Available

The Numbers Available market report provides specific market availability information across timezones. Use this report to see the breakdown of how numbers in your markets are to be dialed. Such information includes the amount of fresh numbers (never been dialed), system numbers (no answers) and numbers in the all targeted attempt bucket (numbers that have reached their daypart attempts but can still be called if released by a Supervisor).

  1. Click on the Project Tracking Tab
  2. Click Markets
  3. Click Numbers Available
  4. Select a study from the drop down menu
  5. Click the “Go” button
  6. The report will display on the screen



Report Information

The Numbers Available report includes the following information:

Variable Description
Fresh Numbers Numbers that haven’t been dialed
Call in day-part 1 Numbers available to be dialed in the morning daypart
Call in day-part 2 Numbers available to be dialed in the afternoon daypart
Call in day-part 3 Numbers available to be dialed in the evening daypart
Call in day-part 1 or 2 Numbers available to be dialed in the morning or afternoon dayparts
Call in day-part 1 or 3 Numbers available to be dialed in the morning or evening dayparts
Call in day-part 2 or 3 Numbers available to be dialed in the afternoon or evening dayparts
Call in day-part 1, 2, 3 Numbers available to be dialed in the morning, afternoon or evening dayparts
All Targeted Attempts Holding area for numbers that have reached all of their daypart attempts.
They can be released by a Supervisor at any time
Holding Area A job specific holding area for numbers which can be released at a later time