Kinesis Project Setup

You need to register a Kinesis project to run under the Survox Console.

  1. Click on the Project Creation tab
  2. Click Register 3rd Party Project
    1. This function is only available to users that have Kinesis credentials set up in their username of the Console
    2. The necessary credentials are the Kinesis username and password associated with the user’s Kinesis account
  3. Select the client associated with the project from the Select a Client drop down menu
  4. Select the partner associated with the project from the Select a Partner drop down menu
    1. For Kinesis type projects, select Kinesis
  5. Select the project name of the study you want to run from the Project Name drop down menu
    1. Only studies that are active and published in Kinesis and linked to a user’s account will be displayed in the drop down menu
    2. The mode is webCATI
  6. Assign users as necessary
  7. Click the “Add Project” button
  8. When the project is registered successfully, you will see a summary at the bottom of the screen displaying all of the necessary information about the project.
  9. The Default Kinesis Theme will be applied.
