3rd Party Multi-Mode Integrations

The Survox® Multi-Mode Solution combines Survox survey call center automation solutions with 3rd Party Integrations to provide a new flexible, multi-mode option for survey research.

The available 3rd Party Companies that can integrate with Survox are:

  1. Survox for KinesisPanel™ – A multi-mode solution that allows panel managers to revitalize sample and collect data through both self-administered and interviewer-assisted phone-based sessions.
    1. Version 8.9+
  2. Survox for MaritzCX – a multi-mode solution that enables businesses to easily add a phone-based channel to collect customer experience (CX) data directly into the MaritzCX Platform, reaching a broader audience while providing a clearer and more accurate view of customer behavior and the insights to respond effectively.
    1. Version 8.9+
  3. Survox for Qualtrics – A multi-mode solution that integrates web surveys with live or automated phone interviewing (CATI and IVR).
    1. Version 8.8.x with 2 new features in Version 8.9+
  4. Survox for SurveyMonkey – A multi-Mode solution that integrates web surveys with phone surveys.
    1. Version 8.9+