Track Password

The Track Password Report shows each hit and action in the web access logs for a specific study and password, or for all passwords on a study within a specific date range. This report shows information for every time a specific password started the study, suspended or resumed, completed, or failed access . It is typically used as a way to track a specific password if a respondent is having problems. The Track Password Report displays information such as: Timestamp, Status, Password, UserName, IP Address and Browser information.  You can enter a date range to see all information on a password in a specific time period.

  1.  Click on the Project Tracking Tab
  2. Click Web Response
  3. Click Track Password
  4. Select a project from the drop down menu
  5. Select Test or Live Data to use for the report from the drop down menu
  6. Enter the specific password and/or enter a date range to run the report off of
  7. Click the “Run Report” button
  8. The report will open in a separate window
