Advanced Web Options

Advanced Web Options gives you control over the following aspects of your survey:

Controls Description
Status Bar
An optional feature you can add to your webSurvent project. It shows the respondent how far they’ve progressed in the survey. By default, a percentage will be provided based on the question number the respondent is on. Does not need to be used for webCATI projects.
Window Controls Prompting on window close or allowing right click can be controlled through the Window Controls option.
Template Controls Ability to “redirect” your webSurvent respondents to another URL upon completing, suspending and terminating the survey. You can also control the number of seconds for the window to stay open before the redirect executes. Redirects can only be set up for specific URLS. If you want to pipe information into a redirect from a survey, this must be setup in the appropriate tmpl file.
Advanced Data
Check Controls
Automatic data checks occur for specific question types and specific functions using jQuery. By default they are always turned on but can be turned off and a user can set controls on how they perform.
Error Message
Allows you want to modify the javascript error messages that appear in your survey. You can do this when setting the option “Modify Web Options” during the Project Setup phase. Selecting a function from the drop down menu under “Error Message Controls” allows you to edit these messages to your liking.


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Status Bar Controls

The status bar is an optional feature you can add to your webSurvent project. It shows the respondent how far they’ve progressed in the survey. By default, a percentage will be provided based on the question number the respondent is on. This is not used in webCATI projects.

Project Setup-ModWebOpt-Adv Web Opt-Stat Bar

Status Bar Options to Change

Status Bar Option Description
Use Status Bar If checked, the status bar will appear in the survey. If unchecked, the status bar will not appear in the survey.
Status Bar Width (in pixels) Length can be a number anywhere from 50 to 2000.
Show Status Bar Percent If checked, you will be prompted for specific text.
Percent Text to Use Percent Text appears after the percent sign. Limited to 30 characters.
Status Bar Text Text appears to the left of the Status Bar.

Window Controls for webSurvent

Window controls such as prompting on window close or allowing right click can be controlled through the Window Controls option.

Project Setup-ModWebopt-Adv Web opt-Window Controls Unchecked

Window Control Options for webSurvent

Status Bar Option Description
Prompt on Window Close (webSurvent) If a respondent tries to close the window during a webSurvent study, this will prompt them and remind them not to close the window. This option is turned off by default.
Close Text for webSurvent You can control the following text: “Please do NOT close the window, answers on this page will not be saved. Instead, choose the ‘Suspend’ button to quit the survey”
Use Force Suspend Button Programmatically clicks the suspend button after X amount of time with no activity on a page. If a user clicks any input on the page then this time is reset back to the start. Using this function allows any data entered to be saved. If choosing this option, will be prompted for the number of seconds to wait.
Disable Buttons on Submit Disables/hides the buttons once they’ve been clicked to submit the page.
Allow Right Click By default, you won’t be allowed to right click anywhere in your webSurvent questionnaire. Click this option if you want to enable this feature in your survey.

Window Controls for webCATI

Window controls such as prompting on window close or allowing right click can be controlled through the Window Controls option. The window controls for webCATI are different than the window controls for webSurvent. In webCATI, interviewers are getting each screen whereas in webSurvent, random respondents are getting the screen. The surveys are administered differently for each mode.

Project Setup-ModWebopt-Adv Web opt-Window Controls Checked


Window Control Options for webCATI 

Status Bar Option Description
Prompt on Window Close (webCATI) If a respondent tries to close the window during a webCATI study, this will prompt them and remind them not to close the window. This option is turned off by default.
Close Text for webCATI You can control the following text: “Please do NOT close the window, answers on this page will not be saved. Instead, choose the ‘Suspend’ button to quit the survey”
Present Suspend Message for webCATI This option controls if you want a message to appear to the interviewer when suspending.
Message Text You can control the following text on suspends: “Are you sure you want to suspend?”
Present Terminate Message for webCATI This option controls if you want a message to appear to the interviewer when terminating.
Message Text You can control the following text on terminates: “Are you sure you want to terminate?”
Disable Buttons on Submit Disables/hides the buttons once they’ve been clicked to submit the page.
Allow Right Click By default, you won’t be allowed to right click anywhere in your webCATI questionnaire.
Click this option if you want to enable this feature in your survey.

Template Controls

You have the ability to “redirect” your webSurvent respondents to another URL upon completing, suspending and terminating the survey. You can also control the number of seconds for the window to stay open before the redirect executes. Redirects can only be set up for specific URLS. If you want to pipe information into a redirect from a survey, this must be setup in the appropriate tmpl file.

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Automatic Data Check Controls

A user can turn these controls on or off and set them to how they want the controls to perform. These work with the new jQuery javascripts.

The default for all of these controls is “On”. These are set up to replace using the old JS functions within a spec. If a user wants to turn them off and use the old JS function calls instead, you still have that option.


Other Specify (Automatic Data Check)

This replaces the setother function.

Check box to turn the automatic checks on or off. Default is on.
Require a specify response: Can be turned off to allow an other specify response option to be checked but the specify input to be blank. Default is on.
Popup Other: If on, the other specify button causes a browser popup where the specify response can be entered. Default is off.
Hide Other: If on, the text input for specifying the response is hidden until the associated other response is checked. Default is off.


Numeric (Automatic Data Check)

This replaces the setnumeric function.

Check box to turn the automatic checks on or off. Default is on.
Require a numeric response: Forces either a number to be entered or an exception code checked. Default is on.
Allow Fewer Decimal places: If on, allows a user/respondent to enter less than the specified number of decimals in a numeric entry. Default is off.


Unique Response (Automatic Data Check)

This replaces the setunique function.

Check box to turn the automatic checks on or off. The default is on.
Alert type:

Alert: Pops up a standard error alert if a unique response and another response is given. Default is alert.

Confirm: Pops up a confirmation. The user/respondent can either say ok to clear the other responses and keep the last one given unique or say cancel to clear the last response.

None: No error message just clears the appropriate responses.


Required Response (Automatic Data Check)

This replaces the setnoskip function.

Check box to turn the automatic checks on or off. The default is on.
Alert type:

Alert: Pops up a standard error message if a required response is not given. Default is alert.

Confirm: Pops up a dialogue box if a required response is not given. The user/respondent can either say ok to leave the page with the response unanswered or cancel to answer it.

Required Message: Is the generic text for the last part of the message if a response is not given.


Text Length (Automatic Data Check)

This replaces the texlen function.

Check box to turn the automatic checks on or off. Default is on.
Text Entry warning level. A warning will be presented as they approach the maximum number of characters. This number says how many characters away from the max should we present the warning for. If 0 no warning will be presented. Default is 0.


Multiple Response (Automatic Data Check)

This replaces the setmulti function.

Check box to turn the automatic checks on or off. Default is on.


Error Message Controls

Selecting a function from the drop down menu under Error Message Controls allows you to edit these messages.

Project Setup-ModWebopt-Adv Web opt-Errors

Keep in mind that many javascript messages include placeholders. Placeholders are marked as uppercase characters surrounded by underscores. They may be moved around in the text of the message but they must NOT be removed.
The functions that can be modified are: