Open-Ended Text (TEXT)

An open-ended question allows the respondent to input their answer into a text box.

  1. Click the Add Questions tab
  2. Select where to insert your question from the drop down menu on the bottom left corner of the screen
  3. Click the “Go” button
  4. Select Open-Ended Text from the Type drop down menu
  5. Enter a Label up to 30 alpha-numeric characters beginning with a letter
    1. Labels are required and must be unique
  6. Enter question text in the Text box (Required)
    1. You can add HTML to the question text
    2. Click Start Highlighting
    3. Highlight the text that you want to add html to
    4. A menu will display to choose the type of html to add
    5. Click the “Save” button
    6. Click Stop Highlighting when all html has been added
    7. Click the “Clear HTML” button if you want to clear it
  7. Select the check box to allow BLANKS if you want to allow the respondent to advance to the next question without entering a response (Optional)
  8. Control the height of the data entry box on the screen by specifying the number of rows
    1. The default number of rows is 2
    2. This will not reduce the maximum number of characters (5000) allowed for this response
    3. If the response text entered by the respondent requires more than the number of rows specified, the data entry text box will become scrollable
  9. Click the “Update Question Details” button to save your question
