Copy Study

In the editor, you have the ability to Copy an existing study to another study. For example, suppose you had a wave study where the second wave was similar to the first. You can use the Copy Study feature to copy the contents of the wave 1 study to your new study. This will copy the study in it’s entirety to the new study.

  1. Click on the Project Setup tab
  2. Click Create/Edit Questionnaire
  3. Select the project you want to copy information to from the drop down menu
  4. Click the “Edit Questionnaire” button
  5. Click the Copy Study tab
  6. Select the study to copy information to from the Select Study to Copy From drop down menu
  7. The Study Being Copied To field will already be prefilled since you’ve opened that project in quickSurvent
  8. Click the “Copy Study” button
  9. A confirmation screen will appear confirming if you want to copy the study
  10. Click the “Continue” button to copy the study or the “Cancel” button to cancel
  11. A success message will appear on the screen once you have successfully copied your study


 A confirmation page will display asking you to verify the copy.  Note that copying a study will overwrite all previous work done on the study within the editor and all prior changes will be lost.  There is no undo feature.


A success message will appear on the screen once you have successfully copied your project.
