Go Live/Updating Live Files
Deploying live loads your study files onto the server and makes them available for live data collection. This is usually done after you’ve tested your project and made any necessary changes. Going Live will preserve all existing files and present WARNINGS if data locations change or resume files are no longer valid.
First Time Going Live
If this is your first time going Live, the link on the left will say “Go Live.”
- Click on Go Live
- Select a project from the drop down menu
- Click the “Go Live” button
When clicking the “Go Live” link, the program will:
Recompile the questionnaire file
Copy the phone file and indexes to the $CFMC/fone directory
- Copy the qff file to the $CFMC/qff directory
- Copy the quo file to the $CFMC/quo directory
Check for an index.php file for a webSurvent project
If no such file exists, it will create one using the ws_default theme
Mark the status of the study as LIVE
Updating Live Files
Before updating live files, deactivate your study.
If you’ve already gone live and you’ve made questionnaire changes, the link on the left will say “Update Live Files.” A green button will also appear on the screen indicating that the project has already gone live. Information about when the project went live will also display.
- Click on Update Live Files
- Select a project from the drop down menu
- Click the “Update Live Files” button
When clicking the “Update Live Files” link, the program will:
Recompile your questionnaire file
Compare the new .CHK file with the old .CHK file and look for differences
Present warnings, with the option to cancel, if data locations have changed
Check viability of resume files (fixresum) and return total file count and number of resumes that will be broken
Present warnings, with option to cancel, if any resume files cannot be fixed
When making changes to your questionnaire and updating live files, you need to pay attention to data locations and make sure your data has not shifted. When Updating Live Files, the process will check the new data layout against the old data layout. If there are differences, an alert popup will appear on the screen displaying the actual differences. The differences displayed could include data location changes or could indicate there was a shift with your internal question numbering. You need to look closely at the alert and check for major data differences. You have the option to rename the old data file and continue with a new one or quit and take care of the problem. If you choose to rename the old data file and continue, the existing <study>.tr file will be renamed and a new one will be created. If you choose to quit and take care of the problem, you will need to edit your changes, upload, click Deploy and Update Live Files again.
NOTE: Always follow the best practices outlined in the What to do when changes are made after going live to maintain the data layout and preserve existing suspended interviews solutions article which describes how to make changes to a spec after going live.
The example below shows the variable GENDER has an OLD location of 1001.2 and a NEW location of 1003.2 which means the data has shifted and the layout of both files is different.
Updating Live Files – Bad Resume Files
The Update Live Files feature will also check your resumes to see if they are compatible with the new version of your questionnaire. It will attempt to run FIXRESUM on these files to coordinate the old data locations with the new locations in the new version of your questionnaire. If there are bad resumes, a popup menu will appear on the screen displaying the errors. You have the option to continue or quit and take care of the problem. If you click continue, the program will attempt to make the resumes compatible with the new version of the questionnaire.
The example below shows the alert when bad resume files are found.