3rd Party Shell QPX and Themes

Below is information on the 3rd party shell QPX and their themes.

Shell QPX

The following Placeholders are filled in by the perl script that creates the project. These placeholders must not be removed or modified.  We will not support any changes made.


The following information in the Third Party code section must not be removed or modifed.  The only change that can be made are the data locations but be very careful if you are changing them, we will not support any other changes.

''SurveyType writes based on the type of survey being done.
''Passed to third parties as part of url encoded string

{ SURVEYTYPE: 1290.12



{ RETURN: 1271.1 ''Set up Return Field for the Result of Zspc
A Wrong Arguments
B Bad Sub-Type
O File Open Failure
N Nothing to Read, past end of file
^ returned with no error }
''This section is used to get the specific sample information for the record in hand.
''It is passed to a perl script that write a file that is url encoded sample information
''The Zspc,11 reads that file in.

{ RECNUMBER: 1282.7

__INSERT_CFMCPATH_HERE__/go/QTX_sample_data_get "@STUDY~" "\:RecNumber" "Qualtrics"

{ FILENAME: 1200.70

{ URL_STRING: 1500.2000 HIDE
!VARIABLE,,2000,0 }


There was a problem accessing this records sample information.  The program will quit now.


{ BADRET1:              ''If there is an error reading the file then display
!IF [Return ^NB]        ''the error to the interviewer
<br/>Here's return code for writing: \:Return

/bin/rm \:FileName


{!HTML_DEFINE CompleteButton }
''This is the code that opens the third party survey in the top iframe and passes it data.

<script type='text/javascript'>
$(document).ready(function() {

{!-AllowSuspend }
{!-AllowTerminate }

{!html_text_prefix=<p> }
{!html_text_suffix=</p><br/> }
{!html_rl_suffix=<br/> }

{ CONFIRM: 1404.1
Are you sure you want to complete this record? Did you click the complete button by mistake?
1 Yes this is an actual complete - click the "Complete" button to finish
2 No this is a mistake - click the "Complete" button to remain on the screen }


With placeholders filled in.

<script type='text/javascript'>
$(document).ready(function() {


The 3rd party themes are found in the cfmc area under the Themes subdirectory.  There is one for each 3rd Party type.

The files used to create the project by the Survox Console come from the jquery subdirectory under the main directory for the theme.

NOTE: We do not recommend making any changes to the 3rd Party themes nor do we support any changes made.