The Phone System (cont’d)


The Survox phone system has many features to control calling. Here are some of the additional features you can use. Most of these features can be used concurrently, for instance, you can do “Preferred time of day sampling” and use “Market control” on the same study.

6.6.1 Retrieving Phone Records Directly Using a Phone Number or Name

Using the PHONE,5 command, phone numbers can be retrieved specifically by phone number or some other criteria. In order to have fast access to specific phone records an index is built, allowing the system to get a specific number without having to read sequentially through the file. Regardless of the size of the phone file, a number may be specifically retrieved with little strain on the system. You may build up to three different indices for a study, one of which is always the phone number itself, and up to two more which would allow you to access the phone numbers via some other criteria. In this way you could retrieve a phone record by a name, address, or some special code stored in the phone sample file. Compile and run the example files FNIND^FBL and FNIND^RAW (FONEBULD) and FNIND^QPX (PREPARE) to see exactly how this operates. CREATING THE INDICES IN FONEBULD When building a phone file, by default you automatically get an index built for the phone numbers themselves. We assume that you may want to be able to get specific numbers at some time during the study. This index gets built with the extension FNX. This is the file the program reads to find a specific number to get from the FON file by phone number. Phone numbers must be at least 5 digits long. You may have two additional index files built by saying ‘INDEX <column.width>’ before building the file, where <column.width> is the position in the phone record which you will be using for the index. The <column.width> must be between 5 and 18 columns long. In addition to the original records processed, any records that are added to the file later will update the index files with their indices. Make sure you say “TEXT_LENGTH=#” before specifying the index so the program knows where you allowed the value to be put. Each additional index will create an additional index file. The first additional index will create a file with an extension of FNY, and the second will have an extension of FNZ. When the indexes are searched, they are searched in the order of FNY, then FNZ, so put the index you expect to use the most first. RETRIEVING NUMBERS BY NAME OR ADDRESS IN SURVENT If you wish to access additional indices, you will need to use the form of the PHONE,5 question that gets its information from a prior question, i.e. “{!PHONE,5,,,info}”, where ‘info’ is the name of the question where the interviewer enters the index information (see 6.3.1 The PHONE Statement, Phone,Letter Subtype G). The program will first determine whether that data is a phone number, and if so, look in the phone number (FNX) index. If it is not a phone number, the program goes to the next index (FNY), and possibly the FNZ index until it finds a matching code. If no matching code is found, an error message is returned, and you will be reprompted for a phone number. If you simply press Enter , it will continue with the next available phone number.

6.6.2 The ‘Do Not Contact File’

The Do Not Contact file is a file that contains numbers that are checked whenever you add numbers to a sample file either using the Fonebuld program or when Survent adds a new number. It is an indexed CfMC TR file with phone numbers assigned as the case id for the file. To set this up so that you always check against the file when adding sample, in the CfMC parmfile (located in the CONTROL directory) add the line:
DO_NOT_CONTACT_FILE: /usr/cfmc/control/ (UNIX)
DO_NOT_CONTACT_FILE: f:\cfmc\control\ (DOS)
The file (eg. can be located anywhere, as long as you have read access to the file. If a telephone number is present in the do not contact file, the number will not be added to the file. To create or append to a dnc file, you can use MENTOR with the following commands:
~INPUT <ascii filename> ASCII=100 ID=1.10
~OUTPUT <do not contact filename> DNC_File TR_File_Directory=<#>
        Maybe_Create Write_Now
The DNC_File option is required otherwise FONEBULD will not accept it as a dnc file.    Set the “#” on the TR_File_Directory option to the maximum number of records you expect to ever be in the file.   The Maybe_Create option can be used if you want to just append the records in this file to an existing file.  The Write_Now option causes the input records to be immediately be written to the output file. Survent’s command to add a number to the phone file (!PHONE,A) checks the file before adding the number, in addition to FONEBULD. Any number that can not be called is added to the fonefile in stack 330, the “never-call” stack, and given resolved status 96. Survent’s !PHONE,A command will use the dnc file specified in the parmfile, if there is one. FONEBULD can override the parmfile specification by having a command DNCFILE <filename> before the “GO” command. FONEBULD can also have DNCFILE NONE and it will not check against the default Do Not Contact file. You can now have up to four different DNC files for different reasons. In addition, you can control the status to use for numbers put in the DNC stack of the phone file. The parmfile syntax is:
DNCFILE: filename
DNCFILE: filename ''second dncfile, etc.
In FONEBULD the syntax is:
DNCFILE = filename
The default statuses are 96 and 70 respectively. In this way you can mark “do not contact” numbers coming from different sources with different statuses. The DNC filenames used are stored in the phone header and are listed if you use a “HEADER xxxx” command in foneutil. You can refer to it as the “DNCfile” in all commands. (This is the same as fone_number_index.) You can use dncfile on the ~output command line in MENTOR. For example:
~output dncfile trfiledirectory=100000 append
This will make a DNC file for the CfMC phone system. DNC FILE allows e-mail as well as phone numbers You can now specify a file of e-mail addresses to check when building a sample file with FONEBULD to disallow records with those emails. The syntax is:
DNC_File: <filename>,e-mail
This is used in the parmfile and “DNCFILE=<filename>,email” in FONEBULD. In FONEBULD, use the command “Email_loc=<location.width>” to specify where the email address to compare is. Records that match will be given status 255 and saved in the “bad email” stack (340). To build an e-mail Do Not Contact file, use the following Mentor syntax:
~INPUT <filename>,ASCII,LENGTH=100
~OUTPUT <e-mail dnc filename>,APPEND emailindex WRITENOW
The maximum e-mail length is 128. USING INTERNATIONAL PHONE NUMBERS IN THE DNC FILE In order to accommodate international phone numbers, CfMC supports 18-digit phone numbers in the Do Not Contact file. CfMC creates a “fonenumber_index” which converts up to 18-digit numbers to an encoded 10-character case id. To build or append to a Do Not Contact file for numbers > 10 characters, use the following Mentor syntax:
~INPUT <ascii filename> ASCII=100
~OUTPUT <do not contact filename> TRFILEDIRECTORY=<#>
This will read the first 18 characters of the file and convert them into a fonenumber_index. Even though the case ID is encoded, you can find the case in MENTOR, using the command:
next "123456789012345789"
The ‘12345, etc.’ is the phone number you are looking for. Note that the phone number may contain special characters, such as – and (). The program handles these characters REMOVING BLOCKS OF NUMBERS FROM THE AVAILABLE NUMBERS TO CALL DO_NOT_CONTACT_PREFIX_FILE=xxxx is designed to remove cell phone numbers from the phone sample. The file is created exactly like the DO_NOT_CONTACT file, except that the program uses seven-digit case IDs. Any phone number that starts with those seven digits will be removed from the available sample when FONEBULD is run. The command may be invoked in FONEBULD for that run or in the parmfile as a system default. To build the file, add:
~INPUT <ascii filename> ASCII=100 ID=1.7
~OUTPUT <dncprefix filename> TRFILEDIRECTORY=<#>
The <#> is the number of phone number prefixes you expect to have. To invoke the file, in FONEBULD say “DO_NOT_CONTACT_PREFIX_FILE= xxxx”where xxxx is the name of the TR file to use (the .tr extension is not required). To set a system default, add the command “DO_NOT_CONTACT_PREFIX_FILE: xxxx” in the CfMC parmfile. You can also shorten the command to “DNC_PREFIX_FILE”. FONEBULD gives numbers it resolves due to being in the “DNCPREFIXFILE” file a status of “70”.

6.6.3 Preferred Time-of-Day Sampling

Some sample designs require specific scheduling of each call to the respondent, or different call scheduling for different groups of numbers. This can be accomplished using preferred time-of-day sampling. Preferred time-of-day sampling makes it possible to have each phone record be called in a different call-scheduling order. It uses the ‘buckets’ defined for each time zone, and is handled the same way NO ANSWER calls are handled, except that you decide which bucket the call will be returned to after each call, rather than simply defining a maximum number of times to call in each call period. SPECIFYING THE TIME PERIOD CALL ORDER IN THE PHONERECORD USING FONEBULD To use preferred time-of-day sampling in FONEBULD, specify the preferred time-of-day location and length in the phone text area. You will need to put a string of digits between 1 and 9 in this field using MENTOR or some other data processing software that tells the program in which bucket to place the number after the first call, the second call, and so, on for as many calls as you want to control. After the first call, the number will go into the bucket specified by the first digit. After the second call it will go into the bucket specified by the second digit and so on. If you want to pre-schedule what bucket to start in, use columns 31-45 of the phone record with the text “BUCKET=#” in FONEBULD, where ‘#’ is a number from 1-9 as above. When you build the file or add the phone records specified using FONEBULD, the calling pattern will be established. For example, in a designated field of the phone text you would provide a string, such as “123123778” to say after the first call, call back first in the morning, then the afternoon, then the evening/weekend, then the morning, then afternoon, then evening/weekend, and after 6 calls, call any time up to 2 more times, then go to All Targeted Attempts (ATA) bucket 8. This field can be different for each phone number, so one number can go into the MORNING bucket for the first four calls and AFTERNOON for the next four calls, while another number can just stay in MORNING,AFTERNOON,EVENING/WEEKEND bucket for all the calls made to it. You can use preferred time-of-day control for some phone records, and let the system automatically control others. Once it is used on a particular phone record, however, it may not be turned off except by using the RELEASE_ALL_SYSTEM_CALLS parameter to release all numbers, or by Deleting the record using FONEUTIL, deleting the preferred time-of-day information out of the phone text, and adding the number back into the phone file using FONEBULD. SURVENT ISSUES REGARDING PREFERRED TIME-OF-DAY SAMPLING The buckets used by Preferred-Time-Of-Day sampling are:
Morning only                1
Afternoon only              2
Evening/weekend only        3
Morning or afternoon        4
Morning or eve/wkend        5
Afternoon or eve/wkend      6
Morning, Aft., Eve./Wkend   7
All targeted attempts       8
Holding Area                9
All Targeted Attempts means you hit the total number of attempts for each of the three target time periods, and you had allowed more total call attempts to possibly be made.  The Holding Area is another place to store numbers until they are released. The three-day parts are called MORNING, AFTERNOON and EVENING/WEEKEND. They can be described more thoroughly as follows:
day part 1:    day part time 1 through day part time 2 (Monday-Friday)
day part 2:    day part time 2 through day part time 3 (Monday-Friday)
day part 3:    day part time 3 through day part time 4 (Monday-Friday)
weekends:      day part time 5 through day part time 6 (Saturday)
               day part time 7 through day part time 8 (Sunday)
NOTE: The system will use day part times 5 and 6 for Sunday as well as Saturday if day part times 7 and 8 are both set to 12:00 am. The system will use day part times 1 and 4 for both Saturday and Sunday if day part times 5-8 are all set to 12:00 am. These definitions can be modified using Time Period Option 1-5 (see 2.2.1 The Phone Parameters). Once Survent chooses a time zone to call from, it uses the buckets within a time zone to decide which number to call, along with the day part times (assigned in FONEBULD using the DAY_PART_TIME options), and the number of calls to day parts (TARGET1 through TARGET3). When a call is attempted and gets a NO ANSWER status, Survent will by default assign it to be called back in the next open time slot based on the number of calls you have made to each time slot and the targets for each. But, if preferred time-of-day sampling is used, it assigns the number as you specified in your call scheduling string. A number will go to the All Targeted Attempts (ATA) bucket in one of two situations: 1 All the targets are filled, so if you set targets at 2, 3, 2 and there have been two calls in the MORNING and EVENING and three calls in the AFTERNOON the number goes to ATA no matter what digits you may have in the preferred-time-of-day field (make sure you set these high enough for your preferred-time-of-day setting). 2 You put an “8” in the string of digits to specifically place the number in the ATA bucket. Using the previous example, make the phone text begin “4446668”. This would be the best way to control exactly when the number should go into the All Targeted Attempts bucket.

6.6.4 Controlling the Sample with Markets

Often you will need to call sample that is controlled and reported on in groups, and you know the characteristics of each group in advance. We will call each of these groups a “market.” These groups are often geographic, such as north, south, east, and western regions, but can be based on anything we already know about the sample, type of business, income level, etc. In order to use market controls, you must have a market name in each phone record. You could just assign a number to each market, and thus name them “001”, “002”, and so on, or you can give more meaningful names up to 8 characters long. Since the supervisors will be able to report on and control the sample by market, it is useful to have names that make sense. For instance, you may wish to control the sample in groups defined by sex of respondent by city (where the cities are New York, Atlanta, Boston, and Detroit). You would then create market areas such that the first character is M or F, followed by the city name NEWYORK, BOSTON, DETROIT, or ATLANTA. You could then have eight markets which would be MNEWYORK, FNEWYORK, MBOSTON, and so on. Using market areas, you can control the relative amount of calling to a particular market during the study using market weights, either in FONEBULD initially, or in SURVSUPR while supervising, or programmatically in Survent. More particularly, this feature is usually used in conjunction with quotas such that when a market reaches its target quota, it will immediately shut down a market for calling. This has three distinct advantages over using quotas by themselves to control the sample:
  • The numbers can be weighted up so that if you are falling short in a particular market’s target sample, you can pick up more numbers without completely shutting down other markets using the HIDE command or setting their target quotas down.
  • You can shut down a market using a market weight of 0. These numbers will then never be picked up by Survent, which will improve the study speed over using quotas to stop calling. Quota checks require you to first pick up the number in Survent, putting a heavy load on the system if you have met many of your quotas. Setting the market weight to 0 completely removes this load and the market is simply not called.
  • You will not have to use the HIDE and REVEAL options in SURVSUPR or FONEUTIL to stop calling a market, which takes time and CPU, is often diffic ult to specify and cannot easily be tracked.
Specific timed callbacks and numbers already in a special interviewer or ownership stack are not affected by any market weight other than 0. If the market weight is set to 0, and the system wants to call one of these numbers, it will automatically status the number with the call status that is assigned by the MARKETWEIGHT_ZERO_STATUS parameter in the server’s parmfile (in the CONTROL directory or group under CFMC). If this value is not set, the program will send the number to an interviewing station, to let Survent determine what to do with this number. For example, if you set MARKETWEIGHT_ZERO_STATUS: 213 in the parmfile the program will hide timed callbacks instead of dialing them in markets with a weight of zero. You can get reports by market area in PHONERPT and see the bucket layout for each market in the supervisor program SURVSUPR. SETTING UP THE MARKETS IN FONEBULD Before building a market phone file, you must specify the set of markets to be used. The market in which a number is put will be specified in the phone text. Each record in a market will have the same string in the market location of the sample record. To build the phone file with markets, run FONEBULD as always, but include the following commands in this order before the file is built.
If you want to allocate space for some maximum number of market areas that are going to be defined, use this. The number specified must be less than 960. If not specified, the number of MARKET commands (see below) for this phone file determines the maximum, and you will not be able to add any additional markets in the future without rebuilding the file. The maximum number of markets depends on the number of time zones used. Markets times time zones times must be ⇐ 9600 and the maximum markets must be ⇐ 960.
1 to 10 time zones = 960
     11 time zones = 872
     12 time zones = 800
and so on.
Tells the program where you can put the market location
Says where in the phone text to get the market area specifier. The location must be between 51 and TEXT_LENGTH-50, that is, somewhere in the phone text area. The width is 1 if not specified, and may be 1-8.
MARKET = <name>,<number>,<weight>
This assigns the various markets. There should be one MARKET command for each market used in the study, or each string found in the MARKET_LOCATION in the phone records. If you say “MARKET=???” all phone records with no other market specified will be assigned to this market. If no “catchall” market such as this is specified, a number that does not have a matching market name will be an error, and be left out of the phone file. <name> is the name of the market that is stored in the phone text. This may include any ASCII character except blank. The comparison ignores case of alphabetic characters. <number> is the market area number. It can be left out in which case Fonebuld will assign the next available number. The number must be between 1 and MAXIMUM_MARKETS if specified. <weight> is the initial calling weight, that is, how often a number will be chosen from this market relative to the other markets when a system call is made. If not specified it will default to 1. Weights can be a number from 0 to 9, just like the time zone weights. Generally weights will be 1 (to call the market) or 0 (to suppress calling to the market), but you may also slant the dialing to hit some markets more than others by changing the weight. Market weights can also be changed in FONEUTIL or SURVSUPR, or programmatically in the Survent interview by executing a PHONE,M,<market>,<weight> statement. After the market commands are specified, enter “GO” to read the sample file in and have the phone file built. If you are adding numbers to an existing phone file, you can also add new markets if space has been left for them by using the MAXIMUM_MARKETS command; specify the new markets exactly as before. If you say MARKET_LOCATION again, it must be the same as the first time. Be sure to specify a market number, as otherwise it will try to start at 1 again, which will already be in use. When you specify the number for a market, it must not be used by another market. Here is an example command file to make markets with FONEBULD:
See example file MKTCV^SPX to convert an existing market controlled job into a non-market job or vice versa, or change the market numbers in an existing study. REPORTING ON MARKETS AND CHANGING MARKET WEIGHTS SURVSUPR and FONEUTIL have a MARKET command to show and/or change the weights for a particular market. The syntax for showing and/or changing weights is:
MARKET <studycode> <market name> <-ZERO>
If the <market name> is specified you will see the timezone/bucket array for the specified market (and you can see others by using the + and – keys). If the <market name> is left off you will see a list of all the markets, the number of records in the market, and their weight, and you can modify market weights if you wish. If “-ZERO” is specified, you will not see markets whose weights are currently set to 0. Using Survent to Control Market Weights Survent allows specific setting of the market weights. This is usually used when you check whether the target quota has been met for a particular market, and if so, to shut down the market by setting the weight to 0. To control market weights, the PHONE,M statement is used. The syntax for controlling market weights is:
!IF condition
!PHONE, M, <market name> ,<weight> }
You can specify a condition under which the weight will be set, and you specify the market name and weight on the question type line. Here is an example where you are setting the market weight to zero because the quota for that market is full:
!IF MARKET$=”A” AND QUOTA(Market_A) >= QUOTA(Market_A.T)
!PHONE,M,A,0 }
This example says if the current interview is in market “A” and the quota for MARKET_1 is greater or equal to the target quota for MARKET_1, set the weight for that market to 0. See example files MARK^QPX and MARK^FBL which demonstrate how to set up and use markets in conjunction with quotas. You can also use the !Phone,M statement to read the market name from the data.
EX: !PHONE,M, [<label or location>], <weight>
The “label or location” would store the name of the market you will be updating. In this manner, you can update all your market weights with just the following two statements, instead of a statement for each market.
{mkt: !PHONE,G,51,4}
{!IF QUOTAN([quotanum]) >= QUOTAN([targnum])
This is in keeping with the increased number of markets we are supporting and allows you to work with quota names such that quota and market weight updates can occur with very few statements. Controlling Nonsystem Numbers when a Market is Closed Market weights only control system callbacks, so by default timed callbacks, special interviewer numbers, and owned numbers in a market continue to be released even if the market weight has been set to 0. But, if you want the server not to call these numbers in markets that are closed (because you set the market weight to 0 when quotas are full, for instance) you may do so using the MARKETWEIGHT_ZERO_STATUS parameter in the server’s parmfile. This tells the server that you want it to assign a status to these numbers instead of giving them to an interviewer or dialer to be called. Using this keeps you from having to write code in your questionnaire to check whether you have a number in an over quota group to resolve after you have closed the market. Likely statuses to use would be 188 or 213 to hide the numbers, 189 or 214 to place in Time Zone Holding Area (Bucket #9), or 11- 69 to resolve the numbers. If the status is set to 0, or the command is not in the parmfile, the program will continue to hand the number to the interviewer or dialer. Statuses 83 (bad phone number), 186 and 211 (put in front of current stack), 187 or 212 (put in back of current stack) are not allowed. Note: Like all parmfile command, this is set for ALL studies under the server. You cannot assign a different status for these numbers from two different studies running under the same CfMC server at the same time.

6.6.5 Existing Case Mode

“Existing Case” mode means that you start with a partially filled in data record and add to it. This is especially useful for wave studies or studies with a “database” you want to continue updating. To use Existing Case mode you put a case ID matching an existing data record starting in column 25 of the phone record. When Survent picks up a phone record, it looks to see if there is a case ID in that location, and if there is, it goes and gets the matching case from the data file. It is very important that the data file be “indexed” if it has more than a few hundred records in it for faster access. Survent will build an indexed datafile by default, but in existing case mode you must start with an existing file. If the file was not created by Survent, you can index the file by putting TRFILEDIRECTORY=# on the OUTPUT command of a MENTOR run, where # is the number of cases you expect to have at most in the file. Here is a MENTOR example to fix up an existing data file:
~input study^tr
~output new^tr trfiledirectory=20000 writenow
Then, just rename new^tr to study^tr and put it in the interviewing area. Be sure to build a data file with the CASE ID field filled. Even if the data is in the case ID location, if the CASE ID field is blank, SURVENT will not find the case. Here is a MENTOR example that will build the case ID into the file starting from an ASCII file of information where the data is already formatted such that the case ID is in columns 1-4:
~input CLIENT.DAT ascii=800 id=1.4
~output study^tr numcases=5000 writenow
If you do not include the “id=1.4” statement, although there is a number in columns 1-4, SURVENT will not recognize that number as the case ID. Note also that the case ID must match EXACTLY what is in the sample file in columns 25+, including checking for leading zeroes. If a case ID you specify in column 25 of the phone record does not exist in the data file, Survent will build a new data record to work with. So, you can have some sample with matching cases and other sample that is building new cases. If you do not want this to happen, add a statement in your questionnaire to check for existing data before moving forward in the interview, such as:
{!if [1.4^^B]
Case \[20.10] for phone number \[1.10] does not
exist in the data file.
Please tell your supervisor, terminating
}!if [1.4^^B]
!phone,s,78} ‘’give phone number resolved status to keep from coming back
{!if [1.4^^B]
!spc,b} ‘’abort the interview
Also see the {!SPC,P} PREPARE command to get a specific case by case ID or by using a conditional statement. This has the same mechanics, but is more often used for coding applications.

6.6.6 Ownership Mode

Ownership Mode allows you to assign certain phone numbers to particular interviewers. This typically occurs when there are long, involved interviews, or when there are particular interviewers that have the skills or knowledge needed to talk to a particular group of your sample. Another use is to assign a number to an interviewer after they have started talking to the respondent, such as when the call is suspended. This allows the respondent to continue the interview with the same interviewer. The idea is that a piece of sample can be owned by a specific interviewer, and if it is so owned then only the owner is ever going to see that number. We also provide facilities to override this ownership if necessary. To summarize these features, sample can be initially assigned to an interviewer, or can be assigned once contact has been made. Once that sample is assigned, the system will only present it to the particular interviewer, unless the Ownership mode is turned off for the whole study or the specific number is requested by another interviewer. If the specific number requested, the interviewer is warned that the phone record is owned by another interviewer. At that time, the interviewer may override the ownership for this call, in which case the call will still be owned by the other interviewer; or he may take the number for himself, in which case the number will belong to him from now on. Both of these features may be handled internally by the program or with special keywords by the interviewer. NOTE: For webSurvent, the interviewer ID will be filled in as “WEBS” in call histories. This is so you can distinguish between histories saved from SURVENT, webSurvent or webCATI interviews. INITIAL ASSIGNMENT OF THE PHONE RECORD TO A SPECIFIC INTERVIEWER You initially assign the phone record to a specific interviewer using FONEBULD. There, place “ID:xxxx” anywhere between one space after the phone number and before column 22 of the initial phone record. xxxx would be replaced by the interviewer ID you want to assign to that record. When the phone file is built with ID:xxxx in a phone record, the interviewer ID assigned is stored in the OWNER field in that record. If there is an ID in that field, when Survent searches for a number to call and that number is scheduled to be called, the interviewer with the ID specified will receive that number if they are available. If that interviewer is not available, the number will go into the OWNED records stack until the interviewer signs on or the number is specifically released using FONEUTIL’s option “B”. The OWNED stack will be checked each time Survent goes to pick up a number to see if the interviewer asking for a number to call has a number available. If released, the number will be Rescheduled for the next day as if no call was ever attempted. If you have many owned numbers in the phone file and few or none numbers that are not owned, you may cause the server to search far down when it seeks a number that can be given to the current interviewer. Ownership mode works best with either relatively small sample files (< 2000 numbers) or a low percentage of owned numbers in the file (20%). USING SURVSUPR OR FONEUTIL TO CONTROL OWNERSHIP MODE The phone file has a special switch called OWNER_MODE that can be set to YES or NO using FONEUTIL or SURVSUPR. If it is set to NO, the system behaves like it normally would if the phone records in the file were not assigned to a specific interviewer. This in effect releases all numbers that are still active to be able to be called by any interviewer on the system. If it is set back to YES, once again numbers assigned to specific interviewers will only be offered to those interviewers. When in FONEUTIL and looking at a specific phone record with the F or # options, you can specifically change the owner, delete the owner (thus releasing the phone record to other interviewers), or just view the following information related to ownership mode: OWNER: The current owner of the phone record, or, if blank, the record is available to any interviewer. OLD_OWNER: If the record was owned by someone and the ownership was changed in any way, the last owner is recorded here. OWNER_CHANGED: f the owner was changed in this record, this will indicate by whom. 1 means it was changed by an interviewer indicating “NEWOWNER” to get a record that was previously owned. 2 means it was changed by FONEUTIL. OWNER_MODE: Is set to the value of OWNER_MODE In the phone file itself when the record was added to the phone file in FONEBULD. You may have some records in the file with OWNER_MODE set to YES and some set to NO, but this is just informational. The switch in the phone file header controls whether Ownership mode type operations are done to the file as a whole. CONTROLLING THE OWNERSHIP OF PHONE NUMBERS IN SURVENT As stated earlier, when getting phone numbers, only numbers which are not owned or which are owned by the interviewer requesting the number will be returned, unless a specific number is asked for. Once a phone record is available in Survent, new ownership may be established either programmatically or with the use of interviewer keywords. In the case where a number is available, you can assign ownership to the current interviewer with the PHONE,8 question. Interviewers cannot assign a number to themselves by keyword; it must be set up by the Survent programmer to allow reassignment. Execution of the PHONE,8 writes the ID of the interviewer doing the interview into the owner field of the phone record. A typical example of this is within the Suspend block, where you might want to assign ownership to this interviewer, since they have already established a rapport with the respondent. Here is an example of the specifications to do this:
INTERVIEWER: Do you wish to retain this call as a
callback, or allow other interviewers to also make
the callback?
1 Retain call
2 Release to other interviewers }
{!IF Setowner(1)
In this example, the interviewer is asked whether they wish to retain contact with the respondent for future callbacks. If yes, the PHONE,8 execute and this interviewer is assigned as the new owner of the record. Getting Numbers Owned by Others Using Standard Prompts In the case where the number is specifically requested using the standard PHONE,5 question prompt, and the number is previously owned by someone else, a message will be returned that the number is owned by someone else, and the interviewer will be re-prompted for a phone number to call. At that point, they can enter one of two keywords to get access to the phone number: OVERRIDE: The interviewer will get the number even though it is owned by someone else. However, the ownership of the number will not be changed in the case where the call is not completed and rescheduled. NEWOWNER: This will retrieve the number and the ownership will be changed to the ID of the requesting interviewer. In this case, when the phone number is returned to the phone file as a complete or for rescheduling, the previous owner ID will be written to the OLD_OWNER field, and the OWNER_CHANGED field will be set to ‘1’. Getting Numbers Owned by Others Using Internal Controls The PHONE,5 statement has a format which records a code for the result of the attempt to find the number requested. You can then write code that will allow you to continue if you got a phone record, or reset and/or abort if you did not. (See 6.3.1 The PHONE Statement, PHONE,# Subtypes). If you use this mode and the phone number is owned by another interviewer, the letters “OA” will be recorded in the phone status field, meaning ‘owned by another’. Since there is no prompt at which the interviewer might enter override keywords, the OVERRIDE and NEWOWNER keywords can be programmatically executed by using the PHONE,6 and PHONE,7 questions respectively. Here is an example of controlling specific phone number access using internal controls:
INTERVIEWER: Enter the phone number to get, or press
<Enter> to just get the next number.
{Phoncode: .2
!IF Phoncode$="OA"
The number is currently owned by another interviewer
Do you want to OVERRIDE the ownership at this time,
but let \[OWNER] have it later, or ...
Do you want to become the NEW OWNER of this phone record?
1 OVERRIDE ownership for now
2 Become the NEW OWNER
3 Drop the record and get another }
!IF Newowner(1)
!IF Newowner(2)
In this example, PHONENUM is a VAR,P question which allows valid phone numbers including dashes (-) or parentheses around the numbers. The VAR,P will keep this as a 10-digit number, which is read by the PHONE,5 (because it is referenced as the place from which to get the phone number). If the number returns a status code of ‘OA’, the interviewer is given the choice of overriding ownership, claiming ownership, or trying for another number. Notice that we can show the current owner from the phone record on the screen with \[OWNER]. If they decide to override or become the new owner, we execute the proper phone question to do so, and continue with the questionnaire.

6.6.7 Independent Validation of Interviews upon Completion

NOTE: This validation feature may only be used with studies that use phone files in a servered environment. It works best when used with an SER/EIS predictive dialer. You may use this without the dialer, but the interviewer must transfer the call manually to the validator, which may cause management problems. This feature is not currently supported with a MSG dialer. Your client or project designer may require that the information collected during the interview be validated by the supervisor or an alternate interviewer. This may be achieved at the end of the original interview by automatically transferring the call and the respondent’s information (data and phone record) to a designated person whom we refer to as a “validator.” There may be one or several validators per study. The validator will then execute a questionnaire that will only include the questions that are to be validated. USING VALIDATION WITH A DIALER CfMC software will work in tandem with the SER/EIS predictive dialer to validate interviews. The respondent’s current call and their information will automatically be transferred to the next available validator. Prepare Spec-writing Considerations For the Interviewer’s Questionnaire: When a {!PHONE,X} statement is executed during the course of a questionnaire, the interview will be designated as one to be validated. It is recommended that this statement appear at the end of the interview to be sure that the interviewer cannot suspend or terminate the interview after the record has been flagged. It is also recommended that a !DISPLAY statement appear at the end of the interview telling the interviewer what will be happening next, for example:
Interviewer: Press <Enter> to end interview.
The call will be transferred to the next available validator.
This may take a few moments.
For the Validator’s Questionnaire: The questionnaire for the validator will have the same study name in the questionnaire header as the original study since it will be using the same study files. Use the QFF_FILE_NAME= parameter to give the questionnaire file a different name. The validation questionnaire is designed such that the program will wait at the {!PHONE,4} statement for the next phone number to be sent it by an interviewer on the study. At that time the data record is also transferred and the questionnaire applied to the data collected by the interviewer. For example:
Validation Qff”, QFFNAME=MYSTUDV]
Valname: 101.30 HIDE
!var,,30 }
{Valnum: 151.10
{Valaddr: 201.40 HIDE
!var,,40 }
Hi, I would just like to make sure we have your
information correct.
Is this correct?
Name: \|Valname
Telephone number: \|Valnum
Address: \|Valaddr
STARTING VALIDATOR INTERVIEWER SESSIONS Validator interviewers not only must be started on the validation questionnaire but they must also be started with validation capabilities. These sessions may be initiated by a supervisor, or unsupervised interviewers may start themselves with such capabilities. Sessions Initiated by a Supervisor (SURVSUPR): In SUPER (SURVSUPR), start up designated validator interviewers as follows:
Enter a SUPERVISOR command--> atmv <interviewer list> <valqffname>
Enter a SUPERVISOR command--> atm <interviewer list> <valqffname> v
Once the validator interviewers start up, the supervisor will receive the normal startup line with “validator:1” included. Unsupervised Interviewers: Interviewers may put themselves in validation mode by entering “V” or “validator” mode after their interviewer IDs. They must also enter a “D” to designate that they are using the SER/EIS dialer. For example:
Type interviewer ID [,special type] or "quit" --> int101,d,v
On the EIS Gateway: There will be a new EIS campaign dedicated to receiving calls for validation. The study name has a V postpended if the studycode is less than 8 characters, or the eighth character is replaced with a V. The phone call will automatically be transferred to the validator station at the end of the interview. TRANSITION FROM THE ORIGINAL INTERVIEW TO THE VALIDATOR INTERVIEW: The call will be transferred automatically as soon as the record has been sent to the validator. This may take a few moments. During this time, the call will remain with the original interviewer. The interviewer may be required to engage the respondent in idle conversation until the call is transferred. The validator interviewer will execute the validator questionnaire up to the {!PHONE,4} statement. At the point where the {!PHONE,4} is executed, validators will see a progression of dots on their screens until they receive the record to be validated. Once the validation is completed, they will be required to start another interview and wait at the {!PHONE,4} once again (or the validation program could go there automatically). USING VALIDATION WITHOUT A DIALER Prepare Specwriting Considerations For the Interviewer’s Questionnaire: When a {!PHONE,X} statement is executed during the course of a questionnaire, the interview will be designated as one to be validated. It is recommended that this statement appear at the end of the interview to be sure that the interviewer cannot suspend or terminate the interview after the record has been flagged. It should also be explained to the interviewer that they should check to see if the validator is available. If the validator is available, the interviewer should end the interview and send the call to the validator’s extension. The program will display a message indicating which terminal the phone and data record are being sent to This way, you know which extension to transfer to in the case there are multiple validators per study. Otherwise, allow the interview to finish as normal. For example:
Interviewer: Check to see if validator is
Select 1 if they are, 2 if they are not
1 Validator is available
2 Validator is not available
!IF gotoval(1)
For the Validator’s Questionnaire: The questionnaire for the validator will have the same study name in the questionnaire header as the original study because it will be using the same study files. Use the QFF_FILE_NAME= parameter to give the questionnaire file a different name. The validation questionnaire is designed such that the program will wait at the {!PHONE,4} statement for the next phone number to be sent to it by an interviewer on the study. At that time, the data record is also transferred, and the questionnaire applied to the data already collected by the interviewer. For example:
Validation Qff”, QFFNAME=MYSTUDV]
Valname: 101.30 HIDE
!var,,30 }
{Valnum: 151.10
{Valaddr: 201.40 HIDE
!var,,40 }
Hi, I would just like to make sure we have your
information correct.
Is this correct?
Name: \|Valname
Telephone number: \|Valnum
Address: \|Valaddr
Starting Validator Interviewer Sessions Validator interviewers not only must be started on the validation questionnaire but they also must be started with validation capabilities. These sessions may be initiated by the supervisor, or unsupervised interviewers may start themselves with such capabilities. Sessions Initiated by SUPER (SURVSUPR): In SUPER (SURVSUPR), start up the designated validator interviewer as follows:
Enter a SUPERVISOR command--> sts <validator int id> <valqffname> v
Once the validator interviewer starts up, the supervisor will receive the normal startup line with “validtor:1” included. Unsupervised Interviewers: Interviewers may put themselves in validation mode by entering “V” or “validator” mode after their interviewer id. For example:
Type interviewer ID [,special type] or "quit" --> int101,v
Transition from Original Interview to Validator Interview: The call must be manually transferred to the validator’s phone extension by the interviewer at the end of the interview. This should be done only when the validator is available to receive the record. The validator interviewer will execute the validator questionnaire up to the {!PHONE,4} statement. At the point where the {!PHONE,4} is executed, validators will see a progression of dots on their screens until they receive the record to be validated. When the validation is completed, the phone record is returned to the file with a default status code of 97 (you can change this to whatever status you want or to no status using the !PHONE,S statement). Once the validation is completed, they will be required to start another interview and wait at the {!PHONE,4} once again.


There are several utility programs and batch files that can be run when using the phone system. FONEUTIL can change some phone file parameters, show you information about the phone file or specific phone records, and convert your phone file to an ASCII file to be added to other studies using FONEBULD. FONEUTIL can also repair a phone file that has gotten corrupted by a system crash or other non-standard termination. SURVSUPR can modify phone file parameters, hide or reveal numbers, show phone information and set market weights while a study is live (see4.4.2 SURVSUPR Main Menu). PHONERPT generates 10 different summary reports, including interviewer productivity reports, current call status, and reports by market, special type, and replicate. MAKEZONE allows you to update the area code/exchange file to accept new area codes. There are also many MENTOR command files that work with the phone file. FONERUN, a command file in \CFMC\GO or CGO.CFMC, lets you automatically update, integrate, and do other options to all your phone files, files in a list, or a particular phone file. QUOTARPT reports number of completes, time on study and time to completion of quotas. Example files you may use include LGRPT^SPX to get detailed time on study information, FNCHK^SPX to make a thorough check of all fields in the phone file, or MKTCV^SPX to convert a MARKET phone file to a nonmarket phone file or vice versa.

6.7.1 Managing the Phone File with FONEUTIL

FONEUTIL can be used to change parameters (like SURVSUPR), to look at specific phone number records, to verify that the phone file is in good condition, or to convert the file to an ASCII file to be modified and read back into a phone file using FONEBULD, moved to another type of computer system, or used by other packages for processing. To run FONEUTIL, enter:
You will then be prompted for a list file, where you may press Enter to work interactively, or enter a name if you want to save the output to a file. If you enter a name, much of the program output will only go to the file, and not to your screen. If you enter the following, the listed output will go both to the screen and to the file named FUTIL.
FONEUTIL CON “<filename>,ECHO”
You will then be prompted for a study code. You may enter a study code or a fully qualified filename. If you enter a study code, the program will look to see if the CFMCFONE system variable is set. If it is, the program will look for the phone file in the directory here the CFMCFONE variable points. If it is not set, the program will look in your local directory for the file to open. If you enter a full name, the program will look for the related index file and find it if it can (<study>^FNX); if it cannot, it will prompt you for the name. If you do not give a valid name, you will not be allowed to modify the file. If specified, you will have read write access to the phone file (unless it is currently open by the server or someone else). You cannot open a phone file in read-write mode if the study code in the phone file header doesn’t match the file name. To open the file in read-write mode and make modifications, you must rename the file to the study code in the file or convert the file in FONEUTIL and read it back in using FONEBULD, providing the proper study code. At this point, you may enter * at the prompt to see the menu of options:
                      ** DISPLAY PHONE NUMBER INFO **
  L) List info on set of numbers     O) List info on set in stack order
  P <ABCDE>) Print scheduling info   SHOW #) Show all by telnum or record #
  =) Get count for set of numbers    @) Print suspended telnum info by set
                     ** MODIFY SET OF PHONE NUMBERS **
  A) Alter call back times           B) Return owned recs to previous stack
  F) Find and display/modify telnum  #) Display/modify telnum (by record #)
  H) Hide set of phone numbers       R) Reveal 'Hidden' numbers
  D) Delete set from file            U) Return 'on-the-floor' numbers
  E<,LAST,SAVE>) Erase live history  Z<,LAST,SAVE>) Zap any call history
  N) Change Ownership of set         K <=status>) Kill set (make resolved)
                       ** WORK WITH PHONE FILE **
  I) Integrate timed callbacks       M) Modify scheduling parameters
  V) Verify file/fix 'up-in-the-air' <parameter=value>) Modify w/ commands
  X) Fix/re-link phone file          C) Convert phone file to ASCII file
  REPSORT) Sort new #s by replicate  MARKET <name>) Set/display market info
                               ** OTHER **
  DS+/-) Convert to/from DST         HEADER <file>) Save parameter list
  MAP) Show stacks map               >SHOWDEF) Show phone fields
  Q) Quit                                                |file access (rw)|
File access, in the lower right corner of the help screen, shows you what access you have to the current phone file. RW means Read-Write access, RO means Read-Only. In addition, FONEUTIL allows you to specify “READONLY” access so others can open the READWRITE file. By default, a .FON file is open in read-write mode, so you that can make parameter modifications etc. To do so, when specifying the study or filename add ”,readonly”. For example:
This is particularly useful if you are in the CFMC “fone” directory looking at things and there is a possibility that the study is about to be started by someone else, and you don’t want to stop them. You can also specify this in ‘batch mode’ applications for the same reason (you don’t want to stop a study from starting). NOTE: If the file is already open read-write by some other process FONEUTIL will open the file read-only automatically. SELECT STATEMENT The “select” statement tells the program which records to include when processing the option specified. The following options will prompt for a SELECT statement:
Alter (A)
Change Ownership (N)
Convert (C)
Count (=)
Delete (D)
The maximum number of characters that can be processed is 32,000. This maximum would allow 2,500 10-digit phone numbers to be referenced. The syntax for the SELECT statement is the same as the IF statement in PREPARE, see 2.6.2 Using Data Location References and 2.6.3 Complex IF Statements for a complete list of examples. Here are three ways to say the same thing on a SELECT statement:
Enter SELECT statement
--> [Phone_number.3#415] AND [Special_type#1]
--> [1.3#415] AND [22.1#1]
Within brackets ([]s), you may use the label or location of the field of interest (see PHONE,G phone format description). You may refer to data as “string” type data by using [label$”string1”,”string2”,etc.] or “numeric” data using [label#range1,range2,etc.] where ranges may be simple numbers (1,23,35) or numeric ranges (1-23,45-99). You may use “AND” and “OR” to combine conditions. For long conditions, use an ampersand (&) at the end of the line to continue the specification on the next line. Additionally, you may use previously defined keywords that are set up for you in FONEUTIL and SURVSUPR. Generally, for simple conditions using a whole field, you may wish to use the predefined variables (@VARIABLE_NAME), otherwise use the name or location in brackets ([]). The keywords are read from \CFMC\CONTROL\PHONEDEF. This is an editable ASCII file that holds defined names and locations that you can use on the SELECT statement. You may add your own items to this file, using the existing items’ layout for your guide. Some of the items in the default PHONEDEF file look like this:
>DEFINE @AREACODE [1.3]        ''Area code of phone number
>DEFINE @PREFIX [4.3]          ''Prefix of phone number
>DEFINE @PHONE_NUMBER [1.10]   ''10 digit phone number
To see the complete list of variables available, enter >SHOWDEF at a FONEUTIL prompt. A user can define any variable based on the record layout of the phone file (see 6.2.2 The Phone Record Format). Something defined in this file as >DEFINE AREACODE [1.3] can be referred to on the SELECT statement as:
@AREACODE=415 or
[AREACODE#415] or
[AREACODE]=415 or
[AREACODE $] = 415
When the operation is done, it will display how many numbers were read (total records in file), how many were selected (the number that matched your SELECT criteria), and how many were used (the number selected minus any unavailable numbers – those in use, resolved when action only applies to unresolved numbers, etc.). Other Program Conventions Options that scan through many numbers will print a message on the screen to give you an indication of their speed. Some options that will print several screens of information will not pause as the screen becomes full; you should designate a list file for the output (as shown on the previous page), or use Ctrl-S to stop the screen and Ctrl-Q to resume it. Several options that look at many numbers give you the choice of using Ctrl-Y to get a status report while processing or to quit the operation. If you press Ctrl-Y while the option is working, FONEUTIL will tell you what record it’s currently on. This will give you an indication of how long the operation will take. Those options that support this feature will tell you at the beginning of their work. FONEUTIL will print a dot (.) for every 100 records processed. Most commands have a shorthand and longhand version. Here are the commands and their two versions:
Shorthand       Longhand
*               Help
=               Count
@               list_suspend_stuff
%               show_stacks
#               record_number
>show_def       >show_defines
A               Alter
B               return_owned_records
C               Convert
D               Delete
DS+             spring_forward
DS-             fall_back
E               erase_history
F               find
G               generate_summary_info
H               hide
HEADER          ascii_phone_header
I               integrate_manana
K               kill
L               list
LOAD            load
M               modify_phone_header
MAP             map
MARKET          market
MARKETWEIGHT    marketweight
N               change_owner
O               display_stacks
P               print_rec_zero
Q               Quit
R               reveal
REPSORT         replicate_sort
S               gather_specials
SHOW            show_record
SORT_SPEC       sort_specials
SORT_SYS_CALLS  sort_system_calls
T               set_list_options
U               return_up_in_the_air
USE_FREE_STACK  use_free_stack
V               verify
X               fix
Z               zap_history
Here are the explanations of each command in help screen order: DISPLAY PHONE NUMBER INFORMATION L List set of phone numbers The program will prompt you for a SELECT statement.
  1. → L
Enter SELECT statement or ‘ALL’
  1. → [1.10]=4157775684
Ctrl-Y for status
(First call to this number...there is no history yet)
#Records read(135) #Selected(1) #Used(1)
Press any key to continue
Use the = (Count) option to just find out how many records match the SELECT statement. O Display set in stack order Enter the stack number or name. This option will print information for each phone number in this stack. Numbers are displayed in the order in which they will be called.
--> O
Enter STACK number, * for HELP, or QUIT
--> 350
(7) Record(s) in stack #350
(7) Record(s) in stack #350
In addition to a stack number, you can enter any of the following to display its stack:
COM/RES      completed/resolved numbers
DEL          deleted numbers
DUP          duplicate numbers
ERROR        “error” stack (bad phone records)
HID          numbers hidden in SURVSUPR or FONEUTIL or using statuses
MAN          “Mañana” numbers (timed callbacks, tomorrow or later)
Map          displays a map of all stack names and numbers and market counts
SPEC-#       special interviewer stack # (1-9)
TAPROX##     “approximate time” stacks (##=1-24, 1 for each hour of the day)
TIMED        displays all timed callback stacks that have at least one number
Thhmm        Specified timed stack, where time is hhmm
TZ##B#M###   System callback stacks for time zone # (0-24), bucket
             # (0-9) and market # (001-255). Leave the M### off if
             not using markets.
P Print phone file info screens Displays up to six screens of phone file information. These are the same as the screens displayed in the SURVSUPR program using the SPI option. You may display any combination of the 6 screens using the letters “ABCDEF” to represent each screen. “P B” prints screen 2. “P ABC” prints screens 1, 2 and 3. “P BDE” prints screens 2, 4, and 5. In addition, with the P option, you can phone information on a subset of markets or a particular market. The new syntax is:
P <A-F> <study> <market list>
The “market list” can be any standard alpha reference using wildcards, such as “me*” for all markets beginning with me, or just a list of the markets you want to see, as in “north,south”. This allows you to get summary numbers in the various screens – in particular the “F” screen (how many numbers available in stacks). Currently, the other screens don’t get subset by market. Note that the same subsetting feature can be used in the Survsupr “SPI” option and the Fonesim “PZ” option (which are the same reports). Screen 1: Summary information and count of numbers by stack and time zone
 Phone screen 'A' - Call scheduling status - (ACME) (26APR11 12:28:21 PST)
 Earliest Callback:  ** none set **     Later:  07 JUL 2011 18:32
 Fresh:    -1   Freshfirst:     0   Replicates:    7   In the Air:     0
 Timed today:     0  Timed Later:     0  Resolved:     0
 Onthefloor:      0  Hidden:          0  Free:         0
 Owned recs:      0  Errors:          0  Duplicates:   0
 Special  1: 0  2: 0  3: 0  4: 0  5: 0  6: 0  7: 0  8: 0  9: 0
 Zone: 5         6        7        8         TOTAL    Description
       34        19       12       35        100      0) Fresh numbers
       0          0        0        0          0      1) Call in day-part 1
       0          0        0        0          0      2) Call in day-part 2
       0          0        0        0          0      3) Call in day-part 3
       0          0        0        0          0      4) Call in day-part 1 or 2
       0          0        0        0          0      5) Call in day-part 1 or 3
       0          0        0        0          0      6) Call in day-part 2 or 3
       0          0        0        0          0      7) Call in day-part 1, 2, 3
       0          0        0        0          0      8) All targeted attempts
       0          0        0        0          0      9) Holding Area
      34         19       12       35        100      TOTAL(100)
 Press any key to continue
Screen 2: General information about parameter settings and counts
 -------------------- PHONE PARAMETERS for ACME    -------------------
   Phone file version: 24.1   Phone number size: 10   Allow duplicates?: No
    Daylight savings?: No     Phone text length: 200  Preferred TOD loc: 0  .0
     Intv owner mode?: No      # Call histories: 10    Market name loc.: 0  .0
      # of time zones: 4             File type : 0   Zero weight status: 0
           Time zones: 5   6   7   8                      Country Code: 1
    Time zone weights: 1   1   1   1                      Max attempts: 10
   Outofnumbers delay: 10 seconds                    Timed use MaxAtt?: No
 -------------------- SYSTEM 'NO ANSWER' CALLS   -------------------------
    Maximum replicate: -1                           New numbers first?: No
   Dp time1: 08:00am   time5: 12:00am  #Att Dp1: 1  New numbers avail.: -1
      time2: 12:00pm   time6: 12:00am  #Att Dp2: 1   Release system #s?: No
      time3: 05:00pm   time7: 12:00am  #Att Dp3: 1   Release AllTrgAtt?: No
      time4: 09:00pm   time8: 12:00am   Dp opt.: 0     Min sys callback: 180  min
    Use bucket order?: No                                # busys --> NA: 2
  Invert bucket list?: No       HoldArea option: 0    Release HoldArea?: No
  --------------------         TIMED  CALLS         --------------------
  Shop  MON: 09:00am | 09:00pm    SAT: 09:00am | 09:00pm Release timed?: No
  open/ TUE: 09:00am | 09:00pm    SUN: 09:00am | 09:00pm   Timed exact?: No
  shut  WED: 09:00am | 09:00pm  Max callbackage: 30  min  Retry busy in: 30  min
  times THU: 09:00am | 09:00pm   Last scheduled: NONE SPECIFIED
        FRI: 09:00am | 09:00pm   Last delivered: NONE SPECIFIED
  Dialings: 250        Current: 122   Completes: 35   Current: 10
For a detailed explanation of the information provided, see the PHONE PARAMETERS. Screen 3: Summary of numbers in specific time callback stacks by half-hour
  Phone screen 'C' - Timed calls today summary - (ACME) (26APR11 10:15:11)
 (0) numbers scheduled 31 - 35 minutes ago
 Scheduled time has passed:
 Scheduled from now:
 (0) numbers in the future 31 - 35 minutes
 (0) other numbers just over 35 minutes away
 Summary by half hour.  Time now: 26 APR 2011 10:15am  Callback_age: 30 minutes
         13:00 - 13:29  =  12    13:30 - 13:59  =  1   13:00 - 13:59  =  13
         14:00 - 14:29  =  20    14:30 - 14:59  = 42   14:00 - 14:59  =  62
         15:00 - 15:29  =  15    15:29 - 15:59  = 35   15:00 - 15:59  =  50
         16:00 - 16:29  =  10    16:29 - 16:59  = 37   16:00 - 16:59  =  47
         17:00 - 17:29  =   0    17:29 - 17:59  = 26   17:00 - 17:59  =  26
         19:00 - 19:29  =   9    19:29 - 19:59  =  0   19:00 - 19:59  =   9
         20:00 - 20:29  =   0    20:29 - 20:59  =  2   20:00 - 20:59  =   2
         21:00 - 21:29  =   8    21:29 - 21:59  =      21:00 - 21:59  =   8
# Records in Timed Later stacks: 150  First one at 28 APR 2011 12:00pm
# Calls in approximate timed stacks, by hour:
        17:00 = 5   19:00 = 23
This display shows the number of callbacks for today, broken down by half hour. “# records in Timed Later stack” gives the count of numbers scheduled for callback later than today. “# calls in approximate timed stacks, by hour” tells how many approximatetime calls there are by hour. Screen 4: Display by stack of the number of minutes before the first number in each stack will be available with regard to minimum system callback time setting.
Phone screen 'D' - System calls summary - (ACME) (26APR11 13:41:25)
 Zone: 5    6    7    8     Description
       NOW  NOW  *    *     0) Fresh numbers
       *    NOW  *    *     1) Call in day-part 1
       *    *    *    *     2) Call in day-part 2
       *    *    *    *     3) Call in day-part 3
       *    +40  +43  NOW   4) Call in day-part 1 or 2
       *    +30  *    *     5) Call in day-part 1 or 3
       *    *    *    *     6) Call in day-part 2 or 3
       *    *    *    *     7) Call in day-part 1, 2, 3
       *    *    *    NOW   8) All targeted attempts
       *    *    *    *     9) Bucket-9
This displays the stack grid indicating times in +minutes from now for when the first phone number in each stack will be available. If the stack is currently available for callback, the word NOW appears instead of a number. NOTE: The examples of screens 3 and 4 are not meant to reflect the same phone file as each other or as the other screen examples. Screen 5: Show scheduled calls by minute
 Phone screen 'E' - proximate calls by minute (ACME) (26APR11 13:54:53
  (0) numbers scheduled 31 - 35 minutes ago
  scheduled time has passed:
  scheduled from now:
(0) numbers in future  31 - 35 minutes
(0) other numbers out of bounds
This screen shows that there will be one call in three minutes from now and that no mbers have passed their call time. Screen 6: Display of the number of records in each stack across all non-zero weightmarkets
  Phone screen 'F' - market summary - (ACME) (26APR11 13:59:36)
Zone: 8        Description
      41       0) Fresh numbers
      0        1) Call in day-part 1
      0        2) Call in day-part 2
      0        3) Call in day-part 3
      0        4) Call in day-part 1 or 2
      0        5) Call in day-part 1 or 3
      0        6) Call in day-part 2 or 3
      0        7) Call in day-part 1, 2, 3
      0        8) All targeted attempts
      0        9) Bucket-9
      41       TOTAL(41)
This displays the stack grid for the time zones used and tells you how many numbers are available across all markets. To see each market separately, see the MARKET command. See option M to modify phone file parameters. SHOW # Shows the complete phone information for a particular number. You may say “SHOW <telephone number>” or “SHOW <record number>. “SHOW 415-777-2922” will show information on that phone number, and “SHOW 1” it will display record 1. The output will go to the list file if you have a list file open. This is the same as the “PHONE_NUMBER” command in the supervisor (SURVSUPR). = Display a count of how many numbers meet your SELECT statement criteria. @ Print information on suspended records MODIFY SETS OF PHONE NUMBERS (FILES WITH READ-WRITE ACCESS ONLY) A Alter callback time This option allows you to change the time of numbers in the timed call stacks. You will be prompted with a SELECT statement. Then you will be presented with the first number to change and asked if the new time is ok. If you say “yes”, it will continue to modify all the timed numbers selected.
Enter SELECT statement or 'ALL'
Ctrl-Y for status
enter new time to call
-->5/1/11 10am
Time to call is '01 MAY 2011 10:00'
This ok? Y
Reading (1 dot per 100 records) .
#Read(100) #Selected(99) #Used(3)
Enter a date and/or time in any of the formats described in 6.5 INTERVIEWING WITH THE PHONE SYSTEM. FONEUTIL doesn’t show you the numbers it is changing, so you might want to look at the callback stack first. Also, be careful when changing ‘All’ of the callback times. After changing callback times, you may want to re-Integrate the phone file. Alter will not work on active phone files. B Return owned records to stack they came from Puts numbers in the “owned records to call” stack (327) back into the stack from which they came. This is the temporary stack where numbers go if they are “owned” by a particular interviewer, come up to be called, but the interviewer is not on the system. NOTE: You cannot use the B option on an active phone file. F Find, display, and modify one number This option prompts you to enter a phone number. Enter it in the format of 4157770470 or 415-777-0470. If the phone number exists, FONEUTIL will display it along with its history (first one and last four call histories only):
Phone number: 212-222-0001      Final status: 0         Daylight Exception: No
Record number: 1                Time zone:    5         Replicate #:        0
Next record:   2                State code:   NY        Case ID:
Datarec:       No               Number of calls: 0      Total Minutes:      0
Resume file:                    Stack:        350       Previous Stack:     0
Old phone number:               Attempts:     0/0/0     Interviewer Type:   0
Ownership mode: 0               Previous owner:         Owner Change:       0
Callback time: NONE SPECIFIED   Owner:                  Market:             0
Text:  (320) characters max  12345 boys | Sample fone text starts in
                                                          ESC to exit
The “Call back time”, “Interviewer type”, and “Owner” can be altered using your arrow keys (on a monitor) or Ctrl-U, D, R, L (on a terminal) to position yourself, and then entering the new value. When you press Esc to exit the screen, you will be asked if you want to see the rest of the phone text, or to confirm if you want to update the record. Answer T to see the phone text, Y to update, or N to leave the record unchanged. The display of 320 columns of text starts at column 51 on the screen so that it matches up with the raw record layout. Also see the SHOW option that displays the information by record number and allows you to print it to a list file. # Find, display and modify one phone number by record # This works like option F, except you enter the absolute record number you wish to see from the phone file. The information for that record is then displayed. The “Call back time”, “Interviewer type”, and “Owner” can be altered like in F. You are also asked if you want to update the record or display all the text when you press Esc to exit. Also see the SHOW option, which displays the information only by record number and allows you to print it to a list file. D Delete set from file Marks phone numbers as deleted and makes a copy of them in a backup file. You are prompted for a SELECT statement, and for the name of an output ASCII file for the deleted records. This can be a brand new file or an existing file to append to. These records can be modified and added back into the phone file with the FONEBULD program. See the PHONE,G statement for a description of the ASCII file format, and the FONEUTIL “C” option below for a discussion of exporting “squished” records to save disk space.
Enter SELECT statement or 'ALL'
Enter name for ASCII file
#Read(100) #Selected(100) #Used(100)
Press any key to continue
You cannot delete if the study is active. Note: Previously deleted numbers will be ignored by rs and FONEUTIL operations unless you use the “USE_FREE_STACK” parameter in FONEUTIL to temporarily make them available to be read. As you add new numbers though, they will use up “free” records such that you will not be able to recover those previously deleted records. E Erase histories of live numbers Used to reset unresolved numbers to “fresh” status, or remove a call history, without having to write the number out and re-read it in with FONEBULD. If you are doing call reporting, be sure to use the C option to save the call histories to a data file before erasing the histories in the phone file. You will see a warning before the call histories are erased. You cannot erase histories if the study is active. E,LAST will erase just the last history. Also see Z option to work on resolved numbers. E,SAVE or E,LAST,SAVE will retain the histories even though the call is reset back to a fresh status or the last status of the number. H Hide set of phone numbers When you hide phone numbers, they are no longer available for calling. They are not removed from the phone file, but are put into stack 317. The program prompts for a SELECT statement and hides all of the numbers that meet that criteria. Hidden numbers can be called later if they are revealed (see option R). Numbers in the following stacks cannot be hidden: already hidden, errors, duplicates, free records, resolved and any numbers which are up-in-the-air or active. The following example illustrates how you could hide all business numbers currently being called.
Enter SELECT statement
#Read(250)   #Selected(7)   #Used(5)
Press any key to continue
You can later display the numbers that have been hidden by using option O and printing the numbers in the HID stack or stack 317. To hide numbers in an active study, use SURVSUPR’s HIDE option. You cannot use “ALL” with HIDE because it usually makes no sense. If you want to hideALL the numbers, you can use a location specification, such as ”[1#0-9]”, which says all records with a number in the first position of the file which would be all numbers since that is where the phone number is. NOTE: Hiding numbers can put a heavy load on the CfMC SERVER. If this affects your system performance, use market controls instead (see6.6.3 Controlling The Sample with Markets). If you do not wish to use markets, see the example file BURN^QPX to have Survent hide numbers in a less intensive fashion. K Kill set (force to be resolved) This resolves the phone numbers selected and gives them a final status of 81 by default. Use “Kill=23” to kill a set of numbers and give them a resolved status of 23. This is useful to move a set of numbers to their “over quota” status or such. Numbers killed will not be called again unless you “Zap” the call histories. This option is preferable to the “D” option (delete numbers) in that the numbers will still be available for reporting. You cannot kill numbers if the study is active. N Change ownership Changes the owner to the ID specified for the selected group of records. You cannot use this option on an active study. R Reveal hidden numbers This reveals previously hidden (see option H) phone numbers. You are prompted for a SELECT statement. All numbers are revealed which meet the criteria of the SELECT statement. Revealed numbers are returned in order to the end of the stack they were in before being hidden. When revealing, you may wish to use the SORT_SYSTEM_CALLS option to make sure system callback stacks are sorted by the time of the last call to them. If using replicates, you may need to use REPSORT to sort them in replicate order.
Enter SELECT statement or 'ALL'
(5) Record(s) in HIDDEN stack
(5) Record(s) removed from HIDDEN stack
Press any key to continue
To reveal numbers in an active study, use SURVSUPR’s REVEAL option. R,NOSORT will reveal numbers leaving replicates in their current order (even if that means they cannot be called due to bad order). U Return on-the-floor numbers Used to return numbers in the On-The-Floor stack (stack 328) into the stack that they were in before being Up-In-The-Air (in use) (See Verify option). Z Zap histories (even resolved #s) Used to reset numbers to “fresh” or their previous call stack, without having to write the number out and re-read it in with FONEBULD. Unlike option “E”, this includes resolved numbers. If you are doing call reporting, be sure to use the C option to save the call histories to a data file before erasing the histories in the phone file. You will see a warning before the call histories are erased. You cannot zap histories if the study is active. Z,LAST will zap just the last history and return the call to its previous calling state. Use this, for instance, to release numbers that were resolved due to being over quota when you decide to get more interviews in that quota group. Z,SAVE or Z,LAST,SAVE will retain the histories even though the call is reset back to a previous attempt. Zap does not reset the numbers of calls, only the number of attempts. You cannot use “ALL” with Zap because it usually makes no sense. If you want to zap ALL the numbers, you can use a location specification, such as ”[1#0-9]”, which says all records with a number in the first position of the file, which would be all numbers since that is where the phone number is. WORK WITH PHONE FILE <parameter=value>Change phone parameter settings by keyword This option lets you modify the phone file header, like option M, but by keyword rather than on the screen. You can use the keywords as designated for FONEBULD, shown in 6.1.1, Building the Phone File. You can also do this by reading in a file created by the HEADER command in FONEBULD or FONEUTIL. C Convert to ASCII file This option writes out an ASCII file of records that match your SELECT statement. This can be a brand new file or you can append to an existing ASCII file. The file can then be read by other software programs or modified (i.e., using Mentor) and read back to this or some other phone file using the ASCII option. The original numbers are not deleted from the phone file; this makes a copy only. The ASCII file that is created with the “C” option can be shortened by adding on the ASCII file name ,length=, where is a number from 10 to the maximum length of the phone text of the phone file you are converting records from. This is good for users who want to get phone number lists or “raw” files created for use by other programs or to be loaded as new sample. If you use the parmfile parameter ASCIIPHONERECTYPE: SQUISHED (in version 7.6L or later), the ASCII file will be built with a letter in column 50 representing the actual phone text length, and the file will be written such that the system information follows immediately after the phone text for 300 columns, after which the phone histories are written. Each letter increments the alleged text length by 200, For instance, a “B” in column 50 says that the phone text length is 400, “C” is 600, and so on. This “squished” file can then be read by FONEBULD as input. If you standardize your phone text length, you could use this for other programs as well, but you would have to define variables that matched the skewed locations.
Enter SELECT statement or 'ALL'
Enter name for ASCII file
#Read(100)  #Selected(100)  #Used(100)
Press any key to continue
See 6.2.2 The Phone Record Format for the layout of the ASCII file. I Integrate timed callbacks Sorts and integrates phone numbers in stack 313 (timed later), callbacks after today, into stacks 1-312, calls for today. Numbers that are not moved from stack 313 into 1-312 stay in stack 313. The program uses the current time and the CALLBACK_AGE to determine which numbers will be moved to the today stacks. Any number scheduled to be called at “current time – callbackage” will be moved. If you do NOT integrate a phone file prior to the next day’s calling, when you log on to the study the next day the CfMC server will either not allow the study to start and force you to run FONEUTIL to integrate the file, or automatically integrate the file, depending on the setting of the “FORCE_INTEGRATE” parameter in the parmfile (in the CfMC CONTROL directory). If you want the server to always do integration for you, set FORCE_INTEGRATE to a very high number. FORCE_INTEGRATE:0 server will never do automatic integration. FORCE_INTEGRATE: 200 (default) do automatic integration for up to 200 numbers m Modify scheduling parameters
 -------------------- PHONE PARAMETERS for ACME    -------------------
   Phone file version: 24.1   Phone number size: 10   Allow duplicates?: No
    Daylight savings?: No     Phone text length: 200  Preferred TOD loc: 0  .0
     Intv owner mode?: No      # Call histories: 10    Market name loc.: 0  .0
      # of time zones: 4             File type : 0   Zero weight status: 0
           Time zones: 5   6   7   8                      Country Code: 0
    Time zone weights: 1   1   1   1                      Max attempts: 10
   Outofnumbers delay: 10 seconds                    Timed use MaxAtt?: No
 -------------------- SYSTEM 'NO ANSWER' CALLS   -------------------------
    Maximum replicate: -1                           New numbers first?: No
   Dp time1: 08:00am   time5: 12:00am  #Att Dp1: 1  New numbers avail.: -1
      time2: 12:00pm   time6: 12:00am  #Att Dp2: 1   Release system #s?: No
      time3: 05:00pm   time7: 12:00am  #Att Dp3: 1   Release AllTrgAtt?: No
      time4: 09:00pm   time8: 12:00am   Dp opt.: 0     Min sys callback: 180  min
    Use bucket order?: No                                # busys --> NA: 2
  Invert bucket list?: No       HoldArea option: 0    Release Holdet-9?: No
  --------------------         TIMED  CALLS         --------------------
  Shop  MON: 09:00am | 09:00pm    SAT: 09:00am | 09:00pm Release timed?: No
  open/ TUE: 09:00am | 09:00pm    SUN: 09:00am | 09:00pm   Timed exact?: No
  shut  WED: 09:00am | 09:00pm  Max callbackage: 30  min  Retry busy in: 30  min
  times THU: 09:00am | 09:00pm   Last scheduled: NONE SPECIFIED
        FRI: 09:00am | 09:00pm   Last delivered: NONE SPECIFIED
  Dialings: 250        Current: 122   Completes: 35   Current: 10
See 6.2.1 The Phone Parameters for information on these parameters. MARKET Display market info and/or modify market weights This option lets you look at individual markets, look at totals by market, and/or change the market weights.
Type market to see, or <cr> for weights screen:
If you press Enter , you will get the market weights screen:
Market weights for study: mark
  (If count (cnt) > 9999, it displays as 9999)
name   wgt   count   name   wgt   count   name   wgt   count   name   wgt   count   name   wgt   count
WWWW     1      13   XXXX     1      20   YYYY     1      10   ZZZZ     1       7
You may change each market’s weight from 0-9 if the file is not active by using the arrow keys or Ctrl-U, D, R, L to move from field to field. Press Esc when done. Use the command “MARKETWEIGHT <marketname> = <0-9> to set this in batch mode. If you have more than 100 markets, you will only be able to see the first 100 on the market weights screen. To see all market weight values, use the HEADER command to write out an ASCII record of all the weights. To see the number of records in each market, use the MARKET command and page through each market. If you enter a market name, you will see its individual market screen:
Market name:  (WWWW)   weight: 1   avail:13
 Zone: -5        -6       -7       -8      TOTAL      Description
       0          2        0       11         13      0) Fresh numbers
       0          0        0        0          0      1) Call in day-part 1
       0          0        0        0          0      2) Call in day-part 2
       0          0        0        0          0      3) Call in day-part 3
       0          0        0        0          0      4) Call in day-part 1 or 2
       0          0        0        0          0      5) Call in day-part 1 or 3
       0          0        0        0          0      6) Call in day-part 2 or 3
       0          0        0        0          0      7) Call in day-part 1, 2, 3
       0          0        0        0          0      8) All targeted attempts
       0          0        0        0          0      9) Hold Area
       0          2        0       11         13      TOTAL(13)
 (+) for next, (-) for previous market or <cr> to quit-->
To be able to control up to 960 markets on one screen, more commands have been added to make it easier to move from screen to screen. The commands are:
UNIX         DOS         Function
Ctrl-G       Home        Go to start of list
Ctrl-V       Page down   Go to next screen
Ctrl-T       Page up     Go to previous page
Ctrl-E       End         Go to end of list
Here is a market weight screen that displays 100 markets: <INSERT SCREEN SHOT HERE> There is also a MARKETWEIGHT command (not shown on the help screen) that lets you change marketweights using command language, instead of only allowing changes on the interactive MARKET screen. The syntax is:
MARKETWEIGHT <marketname>=<weight>
In addition, you can exclude the “ZERO WEIGHT” markets in SUPERVISOR and FONEUTIL by using the command:
EXPORTING MARKET WEIGHT VALUES TO ASCII You can export market weight values to an ASCII file. By doing this, you can edit the file and read this back in using “&<filename>”. This allows you to have batch operations to change the weights or you can edit them in a file instead of on the market screen. To do this, enter:
(in the Supervisor)
The file has lines saying MARKET <study> <marketname>= <weight>. If no filename is specified, it will write to the LPDEV file that is currently open. REPSORT Sort numbers in replicate order This option sorts the fresh number stacks in replicate order. This can come in handy if you added more new numbers to your phone file but think the replicate numbers may be out of order now. They must be in order for the program to release fresh number properly.
'*' for HELP or 'Q' to quit (phone (rw)) --> repsort
check rep order in stack 350, timezone 5
check rep order in stack 360, timezone 6
check rep order in stack 370, timezone 7
check rep order in stack 380, timezone 8
'*' for HELP or 'Q' to quit (phone (rw)) -->
V Verify integrity, return up-in-the-air numbers Verifies the integrity of the phone file. It also recovers numbers which were left “up in the air” due to a non-standard termination of Survent while interviewing was in progress, and puts them in stack 328, where they are now considered “on the floor.” See option U to put these numbers back into the regular stack that they came from.
Phone file is ok. Done verifying phone file
ALWAYS verify a phone file after either a system crash or some other nonstandard termination of Survent. FONEUTIL quits if it finds more than 100 errors in the phone file during verification. To recover a file with more than 100 errors you must first use option X. VERIFY also checks that the references to the resume files are correct, and that the resume files are intact. This may give you erroneous error messages if you have not set your CFMCRESUME variable before running FONEUTIL (DOS/UNIX). A good practice is to run a daily batch job that verifies all phone files, produces a report, and subsequently adds back any “up-in-the-air” numbers. See\CFMC\GO\FONERUN.BAT (DOS) or /cfmc/go/fonerun (UNIX) to do this. VERIFY CHECKDNC will go through numbers and move any it finds to the “Do not contact” stack (stack 330). This is to find numbers that either have been added recently to the “Do not contact” file or the phone number has changed. You can specify which type of numbers to check, by default it only checks new numbers. The options are: Verify checkdnc fresh check new number stacks (default) Verify checkdnc active check numbers that have not been resolved Verify checkdnc all check ALL numbers Verify,nosort will do a verify without sorting replicates (even if it means they can’t be called due to incorrect order). When you are done verifying, FONEUTIL can write lines to a file to say if there were any problems in the file. These lines can then be read and actions taken to resolve the problem. To invoke this feature, say “setenv JCWFILENAME <filename>” and FONEUTIL will write the information there. Below is an example of the lines that might be written:
BADATDIALER    45 -    45 records still in the "atdialer" stack
BADSTACKS       1 -    if any stack problems
BADREPLICATES   1 -    if any stacks need repsort
BADUITACOUNT   10 -    10 records moved to onthefloor stack
BADRECORDCOUNT  5 -    5 records which failed checkrecord (BAD)
BADSUSPENDCOUNT 2 -    2 records with bad or missing suspend file
BADERRORCOUNT   6 -    6 records in error stack at end of verify
See the MENTOR command file FNCHK.SPX as well; that will fix up phone records if it finds problems and save the bad records into a “BADRECS” file for you to fix or otherwise decide what to do with them. You would take the output file from FNCHK.SPX called GOODRECS and build a new study .fon file from it and it will be error-free. X Fix, re-sort, and re-link the phone file.
Read through phone file xxxxfon, relink all records in stacks 1-357
**Done fixing phone file. **
Press any key to continue
This fixes records with invalid system information in them and resets the pointers from record to record in a stack. It is generally only needed if there is an abnormal termination of the study, but using the FONERUN batch command file as a nightly job to Fix and Verify your phone files will guarantee that your studies are ready to run each morning. If some records cannot be fixed, run MENTOR using the example file FNCHK^SPX to tell you which fields are incorrect and try to fix them for you. Read the “fixed” ASCII file back into FONEBULD to build a new file using the ASCII option. NOTE: FIX automatically resorts records in the “new” buckets by replicate if you are using replicates (like REPSORT) and numbers in the system callback buckets by time of call (like SORT_SYSTEM_CALLS). Other Commands: >SHOWDEF Show SELECT statement >DEFINEd items This displays the phone file format defined. See SELECT STATEMENT earlier in this section for details on this option. DS+ Convert to Daylight Savings Time Changes exception numbers from “daylight savings” time to “standard” time. This should only be done once a year, in the fall, on active jobs. It is assumed that you will have adjusted the system clock back 1 hour, so this will only change the numbers that don’t observe daylight saving time. DS- Convert to Standard Time Changes exception numbers from “daylight savings” time to “standard” time. This should only be done once a year, in the fall, on active jobs. It is assumed that you will have adjusted the system clock back 1 hour, so this will only change the numbers that don’t observe daylight saving time. HEADER Write out scheduling parameters This writes an ASCII version of the phone scheduling parameters to a file, so you can read it or use it in batch operations. The commands can be read into FONEBULD or FONEUTIL. This command is also in the FONEBULD program. See the example file PHONE^CMD for typical header output. HOLD_SPECIALS:YES causes FONEUTIL to keep numbers in special stacks when integrating the file. This tells the system not to perform FONEUTIL’s “integrate” function, which takes timed numbers in the 9 special stacks that are too old to call and it moves them back into the “call later” stack. In other words, just leave them in the “special” stack until they are called by a special interviewer. MAP Show a map of the stacks
  1. → MAP
Timed calls, stacks:     1 - 312 (5 min/stack)
timed later stack #:     313
resolved stack:          314
error stack #:           315
duplicates stack #:      316
hidden stack #:          317
special intvrs stack #:  318-326 (spcl intv 1-9)
owned records stack #:   327
on-the-floor stack #:    328
deleted stack #:         349
Zones:  5     6     7     8      Description
      350   360   370   380      0) Fresh
      351   361   371   381      1) day-part 1
      352   362   372   382      2) day-part 2
      353   363   373   383      3) day-part 3
      354   364   374   384      4) day-part 1 or 2
      355   365   375   385      5) day-part 1 or 3
      356   366   376   386      6) day-part 2 or 3
      357   367   377   387      7) day-part 1, 2, 3
      358   368   378   388      8) All targeted attempts
      359   369   379   389      9) Hold Area
Market 1  (WWWW    )   weight = 1   count = 13
zone:  6   stacks: 360-369  2 records
zone:  8   stacks: 380-389  11 records
Market 2  (XXXX    )   weight = 1   count = 20
zone: 6    stacks: 400-409  3 records
zone: 8    stacks: 420-429  17 records
Press any key to continue
If you have markets, the map will include all market stacks. PHONE_MOVE_RECORDS Allows you to move records from stack to stack using a “SELECT” statement to determine which records to move. Used in conjunction with the “Call_Now” stack, this lets you give numbers immediate priority as well, if you choose. The syntax is:
PhnMv Fromstack=<from stacks> Tostack=<to stack> <select statement>
Stacks can be numbers or names. You can use up to 10 numbered stacks in the “from” field, but only one named stack. Here are possible names:
From Names            To Names           Description
# #                   (<350)             Stack number
CALL_NOW              CALL_NOW           “Call right now” stack
FRESH                 FRESH
TZ#B#                                    Time zone X, Bucket Y
TZ#B#M[#/marketname]                     Time zone X, Bucket Y,
market Z
Where ”#” is a stack number. Stack numbers go from 1 – 9650. Notice that you can move things FROM most stacks, but you cannot move things to stacks > 350 (the time zone/market array). Users shouldn’t move things from time zone to time zone or market to market in this way. The “TZ#B#” syntax means “Time Zone X, bucket Y”. The TZ#B#M# means “Time Zone X, bucket Y, Market Z”. You can substitute a market name for the market number. Also, there is a keyword “older_than” that will allow you to say “older_than 3 days” (to only get older records). Here are some examples:
phone_move_records fromstack=fresh tostack=callnow [52.3$]="001"
phone_move_records fromstack=callnow tostack=emailsend 1=1
phone_move_records fromstack=email_invite tostack=email_remind 1=1
phone_move_records fromstack=tz5b3mMymarket tostack=fresh 1=1
phone_move_records fromstack=tz5b3 tostack=fresh older_than 3 days 1=1
phone_move_records fromstack=fresh tostack=callnow [1.10$]="4069954724"
phone_move_records fromstack=350 360 tostack=callnow 1=1
Q Quit working with current phone file. Additional Commands Not on the Help Screen G This generates summary records. It creates an ASCII file named SUMMARY, which tells you how many records are in each stack and how many have each status. The format is:
Resolved Stack
columns  contents
1-5      stack number
6-15     not used
16-20    total number in this stack
21-xxx   number with each status
status  position   status   position   status   position
1       21-25        34     186-190      67     351-355
2       26-30        35     191-195      68     356-360
3       31-35        36     196-200      69     361-365
4       36-40        37     201-205      70     366-370
5       41-45        38     206-210      71     371-375
6       46-50        39     211-215      72     376-380
7       51-55        40     216-220      73     381-385
8       56-60        41     221-225      74     386-390
9       61-65        42     226-230      75     391-395
10      66-70        43     231-235      76     396-400
11      71-75        44     236-240      77     401-405
12      76-80        45     241-245      78     406-410
13      81-85        46     246-250      79     411-415
14      86-90        47     251-255      80     416-420
15      91-95        48     256-260      81     421-425
16      96-100       49     261-265      82     426-430
17     101-105       50     266-270      83     431-435
18     106-110       51     271-275      84     436-440
19     111-115       52     276-280      85     441-445
20     116-120       53     281-285      86     446-450
21     121-225       54     285-290      87     451-455
22     126-130       55     291-295      88     456-460
23     131-135       56     296-300      89     461-465
24     136-140       57     301-305      90     466-470
25     141-145       58     306-310      91     471-475
26     146-150       59     311-315      92     476-480
27     151-155       60     316-320      93     481-485
28     156-160       61     321-325      94     486-490
29     161-165       62     326-330      95     491-495
30     166-170       63     331-335      96     496-500
31     171-175       64     336-340      97     501-505
32     176-180       65     341-345      98     506-510
33     181-185       66     346-350      99     511-515
516-525    total number of calls made to numbers in this stack
526-530    studycode
Free Stack
1 - 5    stack number
6 -15    not used
16-20    total numbers in this stack
32-525   not used
526-530  studycode
timedcallback stack (1-288)
time later stack    (313)
first timezone      (333-341)
second timezone     (342-350) if used
third timezone      (351-359) if used
fourth timezone     (360-368) if used
fifth timezone      (369-377) if used
sixth timezone      (378-386) if used
seventh timezone    (387-395) if used
eighth timezone     (396-404) if used
1 - 5   stack number
6 -10   timezone (for stacks 333-404 only)
11-15   bucketnumber (for stacks 333-404 only)
16-20   total number in this stack
21-105  total # of phone numbers having 0-50 calls made to them
        They are as follows:
#calls   position
0        21-25
1        26-30
2        31-35
3        36-40
4        41-45
5        46-50
6        51-55
7        56-60
8        61-65
9        66-70
10       71-75
11       76-80
12       81-85
13       86-90
14       91-95
15       96-100
16       101-105
106-110   special 1
111-115   special 2
116-120   special 3
121-125   special 4
126-130   special 5
131-135   special 6
136-140   special 7
141-145   special 8
146-150   special 9
151-155   special 10
156-160   special 11
MARKET ALLMARKETS This prints the standard time zone grid (like a phone screen A) for all markets to the listfile and or screen. MARKET PRINTWEIGHTS This prints one line per market, listing its market number, name, current weight and number of people in the market’s available call grid. MARKET_WEIGHT The command “Market_weight <market>=<0-9> will set the weight the same way as you can set it interactively on the market weights screen (see MARKET above). This is provided so you can update markets in batch applications. % Shows summary stack counts, as follows:
NO timed calls found
STACKS stack:
(TZ05B0)   first: 1, last: 94, # of records: 25, stack #: 350
(TZ06B0)   first: 4, last: 100, # of records: 42, stack #: 360
(TZ07B0)   first: 20, last: 99, # of records: 15, stack #: 370
(TZ08B0)   first: 6, last: 97, # of records: 20, stack #: 380
(0) records up-in-the-air
Press any key to continue
This shows the first and last record number in the stack and # of records for each stack with records in it. S This command looks for numbers that pass the “SELECT” statement specified in the scheduled stacks that are marked for special interviewers, and “gathers” them to the special interviewer stacks. You may wish to do this for reporting purposes (so you can see all the scheduled numbers) or to immediately make those numbers available to your special interviewers. SORT_SPECIALS This command sorts the special interviewer stacks by time zone; the idea is to call certain time zones before others. You may say “SORT_SPECIALS 1-3,5” to only sort the special stacks for interviewer types 1-3 and 5 (there are 9 possible “special interviewer types”, so this parameter can refer to types 1-9). SORT_SYSTEM_CALLS This sorts the system callback stacks by the time of the last call to that number, so that numbers will come up for calling in the proper order. This is particularly important if you use the “X” option, which sorts the number is ‘record number’ order. If you use the “X” option in the middle of a shift and do not use this parameter, stacks may be unusable for a while because the ‘minimum system callback time’ can prevent calls that were recently called and sorted to the front of their stack from coming up. t Tell what to print in L and O (Set_list_options) This displays a list of display options. These display options will affect FONEUTIL options L and O. Choose the ones you want for the current run of FONEUTIL. These options will affect both the output to the screen and to the list file.
First text line     Yes
Extra text lines    Yes
Show histories      Yes
Show debug stuff    No
Don’t skip lines    No
Move the highlighted box to the item you want to change (using arrow keys or Ctrl-U, D, R, L ) and enter the new value (Y or N). Press Escwhen done. USE_FREE_STACK This command gives you access to numbers in the “free” (deleted) stack for this session only. You could then use the “C” or “D” option to copy the numbers to an ASCII file, and read them back using FONEBULD if they were mistakenly deleted.

6.7.2 Using PHONERPT to Generate Status Reports

To generate status reports on your phone file, enter:
You may read the FON file directly (even while the study is live), or use an ASCII file converted from a phone file by FONEUTIL. You may have multiple input files (using wildcard file references), but they must all be FON files or all be ASCII files. You will be prompted for the study name. Then you’ll be asked which reports you want:
          Enter the phone reports you wish to do, or E to exit:
              A) INTERVIEWER and STATUS/AVAILABILITY reports (1-7):
                 I) INTERVIEWER reports (1-3):
                    1) Time on completes by interviewer
                    2) Status history of calls by interviewer (2a/b)
                    3) # calls/time on calls/cost by interviewer
                 S) STATUS/AVAILABILITY reports:
                    4) Current status by time zone (4a/b)
                    5) Current status by # calls made (5a/b)
                    6) Availability/status history by time zone
                    7) Availability/status history by # calls made
              T) SPECIAL INTERVIEWER TYPE by availability
              M) MARKET availability by # of calls made
              R) REPLICATE Availability by # of calls made
              E) EXIT
                 --> _........
Pick the appropriate code(s). Pick “A,T,M,R” to do ALL reports. You have a choice of putting a base on your reports. This will use only selected phone records. A one-line box will be presented for you to enter your base specification. If you enter enough characters, you will be given a second box to finish your base specification in. You can also specify a start and end date and time for the reports. For interviewer reports, you can specify whether to use the EMPLOYEE file’s list of interviewer IDs, names and other information, which is faster and has the employee name and other information, or specifically generate the interviewer IDs out of the call histories in the phone file if you don’t have access to the EMPLOYEE list, or the file came from some other site. You can get cost information in the Interviewer productivity report as well (report 3). You can base the cost on either the Amount per Interviewer Hour or the Amount per Complete. The Total cost and average cost per hour/complete will print. You will get a standard Portrait or Landscape mode report for printing. The portrait report is useful if you are looking at the reports on a computer screen, the landscape reports have more information. You will also get “delimited” and “html” reports generated. The delimited reports are useful to load into Excel or other spreadsheets, the html reports can be posted on a web page and seen with a browser. This is the ONLY place to get complete MARKET, REPLICATE, and SPECIAL INTERVIEWER information as to which numbers are in which stacks. You can customize the “status” reports by editing the file $CFMC/control/fonestat and putting the labels you want to use for each status there. These same labels will be shown to interviewers in the call histories during the interview. PHONERPT allows for an alternate “FONESTAT” file for report labels. You can use a .fst file in the $CFMC/control directory as the label set to use for that study’s phone reports. If a ”.fst” file does not exist, PHONERPT uses the labels in “FONESTAT” like before. You can customize the report format by editing the file PHRPT^SPX in the SPX directory in the CfMC area and copying the PHRPT^DB and PHRPS^DB file to the CFMC SUPPORT directory, or you can use PHRPT^SPX to run the reports with MENTOR as a batch operation. Some of the customization features include: 1 Ability to count completes as statuses including or other than “1”. 2 Ability to set the numerator and denominator for the INCIDENCE calculation on report 5b. Also, see example file DISPO^SPX to get a simple report of final and last statuses. On the following pages you will see representative tables.
                                                                 T A B L E    O F    C O N T E N T S
                                                                               PAGE   1
                                                REPORT 1: TOTAL TIME ON COMPLETED INTERVIEWS BY COMPLETING INTERVIEWER
                                                         MINUTES ON (PHONE) INTERVIEW
                           =========================================================================================   SOME            AVG.
                     TOTAL  LESS   ONE THREE  FIVE SEVEN  NINE    11    13    16    21    26    31    41    51    61   TIME   TOTAL    # OF
                     COMP-  THAN    TO    TO    TO    TO    TO    TO    TO    TO    TO    TO    TO    TO    TO    TO   PROB    MIN-     MIN
                     LETES   ONE   TWO  FOUR   SIX EIGHT   TEN    12    15    20    25    30    40    50    60   180   -LEM    UTES   -UTES
                     ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------ ------- -------
TOTAL                  531     -     1     1     3    48   139   118   105    68    22    11    10     2     1     2      -    7182    13.5
                     100.0%      100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%         100.0%
3514                    17     -     -     -     -     6     5     1     3     2     -     -     -     -     -     -      -     182    10.7
                       3.2%                         12.5%  3.6%  0.8%  2.9%  2.9%                                               2.5%
3640                    28     -     -     -     -     -     3     8     6     4     3     1     2     -     -     1      -     509    18.2
                       5.3%                                2.2%  6.8%  5.7%  5.9% 13.6%  9.1% 20.0%             50.0%           7.1%
3643                    37     -     -     -     -     1    12     8     5     6     4     1     -     -     -     -      -     509    13.8
                       7.0%                          2.1%  8.6%  6.8%  4.8%  8.8% 18.2%  9.1%                                   7.1%
3650                    33     -     -     -     1     8    13     2     4     3     -     -     1     -     1     -      -     409    12.4
                       6.2%                   33.3% 16.7%  9.4%  1.7%  3.8%  4.4%             10.0%      100.0%                 5.7%
3655                    27     -     -     -     -     2     6     7     6     5     1     -     -     -     -     -      -     352    13.0
                       5.1%                          4.2%  4.3%  5.9%  5.7%  7.4%  4.5%                                         4.9%
3660                    39     -     -     -     1     6    10     7     6     7     -     1     1     -     -     -      -     492    12.6
                       7.3%                   33.3% 12.5%  7.2%  5.9%  5.7% 10.3%        9.1% 10.0%                             6.9%
3668                    23     -     -     -     -     -     4     8     7     2     1     1     -     -     -     -      -     320    13.9
                       4.3%                                2.9%  6.8%  6.7%  2.9%  4.5%  9.1%                                   4.5%
3672                    28     -     -     -     -     2    11     6     3     3     3     -     -     -     -     -      -     358    12.8
                       5.3%                          4.2%  7.9%  5.1%  2.9%  4.4% 13.6%                                         5.0%
3679                    43     -     -     -     1     7    13    11     7     3     1     -     -     -     -     -      -     481    11.2
                       8.1%                   33.3% 14.6%  9.4%  9.3%  6.7%  4.4%  4.5%                                         6.7%
3680                    51     -     -     -     -     -    13    14    15     7     1     1     -     -     -     -      -     677    13.3
                       9.6%                                9.4% 11.9% 14.3% 10.3%  4.5%  9.1%                                   9.4%
3681                    16     -     -     -     -     1     3     3     3     1     -     1     4     -     -     -      -     293    18.3
                       3.0%                          2.1%  2.2%  2.5%  2.9%  1.5%        9.1% 40.0%                             4.1%
3683                    35     -     -     -     -     4     8     6     9     5     1     -     1     1     -     -      -     491    14.0
                       6.6%                          8.3%  5.8%  5.1%  8.6%  7.4%  4.5%       10.0% 50.0%                       6.8%
3686                    40     -     -     -     -     4    11    14     8     1     2     -     -     -     -     -      -     472    11.8
                       7.5%                          8.3%  7.9% 11.9%  7.6%  1.5%  9.1%                                         6.6%
3760                    31     -     -     -     -     3     9     5     8     4     1     1     -     -     -     -      -     401    12.9
                       5.8%                          6.3%  6.5%  4.2%  7.6%  5.9%  4.5%  9.1%                                   5.6%
4343                    38     -     -     -     -     2    11    10     8     4     2     -     1     -     -     -      -     496    13.1
                       7.2%                          4.2%  7.9%  8.5%  7.6%  5.9%  9.1%       10.0%                             6.9%
4464                    36     -     -     -     -     2     7     6     6     9     2     3     -     -     -     1      -     592    16.4
                       6.8%                          4.2%  5.0%  5.1%  5.7% 13.2%  9.1% 27.3%                   50.0%           8.2%
4479                     2     -     1     1     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -      -       5     2.7
                       0.4%      100.0%100.0%                                                                                   0.1%
4524                     1     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     1     -     -     -     -     -     -      -      17    16.9
                       0.2%                                                  1.5%                                               0.2%
4545                     1     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     1     -     -     -     -     -     -      -      17    17.3
                       0.2%                                                  1.5%                                               0.2%
4548                     3     -     -     -     -     -     -     1     -     -     -     1     -     1     -     -      -      85    28.4
                       0.6%                                      0.8%                    9.1%       50.0%                       1.2%
4554                     1     -     -     -     -     -     -     1     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -      -      11    10.8
                       0.2%                                      0.8%                                                           0.2%
4559                     1     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     1     -     -     -     -     -     -     -      -      13    12.7
                       0.2%                                            1.0%                                                     0.2%
                                                                REPORT 2A: ACTIVE CALL STATUS HISTORY
                             STANDARD ACTIVE STATUSES
                     ========================================= OTHER NO ANSWERS     OTHER TIMED       SPECIAL IVR
                                        BUSY  BUSY             ================= ================= =================      DIALER         SYSTEM
                                    NO  102, ->N/A TIMED    CB              108-              162-  TYPE  TYPE  TYPE ================= ===========
                             ACT ANSWR  157-  103,  CALL UNSPD              155,              179,     1     2    3+ NOANS  BUSY OTHER  BLOW OTHER
                     TOTAL  -IVE   101   159  182+   104  105+   106   107  501+   160   161  601+   191   192  193+   851   852  853+   901  902+
                     ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
TOTAL                 5949  4207   729   141    74   905   336     -     -  2022     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -
                     100.0% 70.7% 12.3%  2.4%  1.2% 15.2%  5.6%             34.0%
                     100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%            100.0%
3514                   177   113    18     6     -     1    37     -     -    51     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -
                     100.0% 63.8% 10.2%  3.4%        0.6% 20.9%             28.8%
                       3.0%  2.7%  2.5%  4.3%        0.1% 11.0%              2.5%
3640                   299   221    44     3     2    34    30     -     -   108     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -
                     100.0% 73.9% 14.7%  1.0%  0.7% 11.4% 10.0%             36.1%
                       5.0%  5.3%  6.0%  2.1%  2.7%  3.8%  8.9%              5.3%
3643                   311   213    31     8     5    29    37     -     -   103     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -
                     100.0% 68.5% 10.0%  2.6%  1.6%  9.3% 11.9%             33.1%
                       5.2%  5.1%  4.3%  5.7%  6.8%  3.2% 11.0%              5.1%
3650                   440   321    64    10     4    39    59     -     -   145     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -
                     100.0% 73.0% 14.5%  2.3%  0.9%  8.9% 13.4%             33.0%
                       7.4%  7.6%  8.8%  7.1%  5.4%  4.3% 17.6%              7.2%
3655                   391   286    35    10     6    92     -     -     -   143     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -
                     100.0% 73.1%  9.0%  2.6%  1.5% 23.5%                   36.6%
                       6.6%  6.8%  4.8%  7.1%  8.1% 10.2%                    7.1%
3660                   428   298    39    12     8    74    15     -     -   150     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -
                     100.0% 69.6%  9.1%  2.8%  1.9% 17.3%  3.5%             35.0%
                       7.2%  7.1%  5.3%  8.5% 10.8%  8.2%  4.5%              7.4%
3668                   281   207    34     9    10    28    16     -     -   110     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -
                     100.0% 73.7% 12.1%  3.2%  3.6% 10.0%  5.7%             39.1%
                       4.7%  4.9%  4.7%  6.4% 13.5%  3.1%  4.8%              5.4%
3672                   358   260    43     9     5    41    30     -     -   132     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -
                     100.0% 72.6% 12.0%  2.5%  1.4% 11.5%  8.4%             36.9%
                       6.0%  6.2%  5.9%  6.4%  6.8%  4.5%  8.9%              6.5%
3679                   440   298    56    14     5    67    25     -     -   131     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -
                     100.0% 67.7% 12.7%  3.2%  1.1% 15.2%  5.7%             29.8%
                       7.4%  7.1%  7.7%  9.9%  6.8%  7.4%  7.4%              6.5%
3680                   653   456   106    12     4   122     -     -     -   212     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -
                     100.0% 69.8% 16.2%  1.8%  0.6% 18.7%                   32.5%
                      11.0% 10.8% 14.5%  8.5%  5.4% 13.5%                   10.5%
3681                   343   267    68     7     3    33    24     -     -   132     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -
                     100.0% 77.8% 19.8%  2.0%  0.9%  9.6%  7.0%             38.5%
                       5.8%  6.3%  9.3%  5.0%  4.1%  3.6%  7.1%              6.5%
3683                   329   210    28     8     1    72    11     -     -    90     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -
                     100.0% 63.8%  8.5%  2.4%  0.3% 21.9%  3.3%             27.4%
                       5.5%  5.0%  3.8%  5.7%  1.4%  8.0%  3.3%              4.5%
3686                   409   293    52    15     7    87     -     -     -   132     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -
                     100.0% 71.6% 12.7%  3.7%  1.7% 21.3%                   32.3%
                       6.9%  7.0%  7.1% 10.6%  9.5%  9.6%                    6.5%
3760                   348   232    25     3     4    30    39     -     -   131     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -
                     100.0% 66.7%  7.2%  0.9%  1.1%  8.6% 11.2%             37.6%
                       5.8%  5.5%  3.4%  2.1%  5.4%  3.3% 11.6%              6.5%
4343                   312   217    46     3     4    49     9     -     -   106     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -
                     100.0% 69.6% 14.7%  1.0%  1.3% 15.7%  2.9%             34.0%
                       5.2%  5.2%  6.3%  2.1%  5.4%  5.4%  2.7%              5.2%
4356                     6     4     1     2     -     1     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -
                     100.0% 66.7% 16.7% 33.3%       16.7%
                       0.1%  0.1%  0.1%  1.4%        0.1%
4464                   355   264    34     6     3    97     -     -     -   124     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -
                     100.0% 74.4%  9.6%  1.7%  0.8% 27.3%                   34.9%
                       6.0%  6.3%  4.7%  4.3%  4.1% 10.7%                    6.1%
4479                     6     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -
4524                     1     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -
4545                     3     2     1     -     -     -     -     -     -     1     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -
                     100.0% 66.7% 33.3%                                     33.3%
                       0.1%    *   0.1%                                        *
4548                    50    40     4     3     3     8     4     -     -    18     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -
                     100.0% 80.0%  8.0%  6.0%  6.0% 16.0%  8.0%             36.0%
                       0.8%  1.0%  0.5%  2.1%  4.1%  0.9%  1.2%              0.9%
4554                     4     2     -     -     -     1     -     -     -     1     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -
                     100.0% 50.0%                   25.0%                   25.0%
                       0.1%    *                     0.1%                      *
4559                     5     3     -     1     -     -     -     -     -     2     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -
                     100.0% 60.0%       20.0%                               40.0%
                       0.1%  0.1%        0.7%                                0.1%
Note: Percentage less than 0.05 printed as *.
                                                               REPORT 2B: RESOLVED CALLS BY INTERVIEWER
                                       STANDARD RESOLVED STATUSES
                     ==============================================================                                      CUSTOM STATUSES
                                    OTHER                        NON-   NON-   NON-          OTHER TERMINATES          ====================
                      TOTAL  COMP-    RE-    REF   LANG          WORK RESID-   BUSI ==================================                   15
                        RE-  LETES SOLVED  -USED  -UAGE   TERM   -ING ENTIAL  -NESS TERM A TERM B TERM C TERM D TERM E                  -99
                      SOLVD    -1-   2-93    -2-    -3-    -4-    -5-    -6-    -7-    -8-    -9-   -10-   -11-   -12-     13     14   301+
                     ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
TOTAL                  1742    531   1211      -      -     28      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -   1183
                      100.0%  30.5%  69.5%                 1.6%                                                                        67.9%
                      100.0% 100.0% 100.0%               100.0%                                                                       100.0%
3514                     64     17     47      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -     47
                      100.0%  26.6%  73.4%                                                                                             73.4%
                        3.7%   3.2%   3.9%                                                                                              4.0%
3640                     78     28     50      -      -      3      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -     47
                      100.0%  35.9%  64.1%                 3.8%                                                                        60.3%
                        4.5%   5.3%   4.1%                10.7%                                                                         4.0%
3643                     98     37     61      -      -      3      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -     58
                      100.0%  37.8%  62.2%                 3.1%                                                                        59.2%
                        5.6%   7.0%   5.0%                10.7%                                                                         4.9%
3650                    119     33     86      -      -      4      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -     82
                      100.0%  27.7%  72.3%                 3.4%                                                                        68.9%
                        6.8%   6.2%   7.1%                14.3%                                                                         6.9%
3655                    105     27     78      -      -      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -     77
                      100.0%  25.7%  74.3%                 1.0%                                                                        73.3%
                        6.0%   5.1%   6.4%                 3.6%                                                                         6.5%
3660                    130     39     91      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -     91
                      100.0%  30.0%  70.0%                                                                                             70.0%
                        7.5%   7.3%   7.5%                                                                                              7.7%
3668                     74     23     51      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -     51
                      100.0%  31.1%  68.9%                                                                                             68.9%
                        4.2%   4.3%   4.2%                                                                                              4.3%
3672                     98     28     70      -      -      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -     69
                      100.0%  28.6%  71.4%                 1.0%                                                                        70.4%
                        5.6%   5.3%   5.8%                 3.6%                                                                         5.8%
3679                    142     43     99      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -     99
                      100.0%  30.3%  69.7%                                                                                             69.7%
                        8.2%   8.1%   8.2%                                                                                              8.4%
3680                    197     51    146      -      -      3      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -    143
                      100.0%  25.9%  74.1%                 1.5%                                                                        72.6%
                       11.3%   9.6%  12.1%                10.7%                                                                        12.1%
3681                     76     16     60      -      -      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -     59
                      100.0%  21.1%  78.9%                 1.3%                                                                        77.6%
                        4.4%   3.0%   5.0%                 3.6%                                                                         5.0%
3683                    119     35     84      -      -      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -     83
                      100.0%  29.4%  70.6%                 0.8%                                                                        69.7%
                        6.8%   6.6%   6.9%                 3.6%                                                                         7.0%
3686                    116     40     76      -      -      2      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -     74
                      100.0%  34.5%  65.5%                 1.7%                                                                        63.8%
                        6.7%   7.5%   6.3%                 7.1%                                                                         6.3%
3760                    116     31     85      -      -      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -     84
                      100.0%  26.7%  73.3%                 0.9%                                                                        72.4%
                        6.7%   5.8%   7.0%                 3.6%                                                                         7.1%
4343                     95     38     57      -      -      3      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -     54
                      100.0%  40.0%  60.0%                 3.2%                                                                        56.8%
                        5.5%   7.2%   4.7%                10.7%                                                                         4.6%
4356                      2      -      2      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      2
                      100.0%        100.0%                                                                                            100.0%
                        0.1%          0.2%                                                                                              0.2%
4464                     91     36     55      -      -      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -     54
                      100.0%  39.6%  60.4%                 1.1%                                                                        59.3%
                        5.2%   6.8%   4.5%                 3.6%                                                                         4.6%
4479                      6      2      4      -      -      3      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      1
                      100.0%  33.3%  66.7%                50.0%                                                                        16.7%
                        0.3%   0.4%   0.3%                10.7%                                                                         0.1%
4524                      1      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                      100.0% 100.0%
                        0.1%   0.2%
4545                      1      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                      100.0% 100.0%
                        0.1%   0.2%
4548                     10      3      7      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      7
                      100.0%  30.0%  70.0%                                                                                             70.0%
                        0.6%   0.6%   0.6%                                                                                              0.6%
4554                      2      1      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      1
                      100.0%  50.0%  50.0%                                                                                             50.0%
                        0.1%   0.2%   0.1%                                                                                              0.1%
4559                      2      1      1      -      -      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                      100.0%  50.0%  50.0%                50.0%
                        0.1%   0.2%   0.1%                 3.6%
                                                              REPORT 3:  INTERVIEWER PRODUCTIVITY REPORT
                                    CALLS MADE                               HOURS LOGGED                          SUMMARY INFO
                     ========================================= ======================================== ===================================
                              COMP          CALL                           COMP    SUSP                             COMP      TOTAL   $COST
                      CALLS  INTER    RES  SCHED  OR NO ACTIVE    PHONE   INTER   INTER     RES ,N/A,OR      PER     PER    -VIEWER    COMP
                     ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- ------- ---------- -------
TOTAL                  5949    531   1211    905   3302      -    226.0   110.9     1.8    29.0    84.4     26.3     2.3       1130    2.13
                      100.0%   8.9%  20.4%  15.2%  55.5%          100.0%   49.1%    0.8%   12.8%   37.3%                      100.0%
                      100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%          100.0%  100.0%  100.0%  100.0%  100.0%
3514                    177     17     47      1    112      -      5.8     2.9       -     0.9     2.1     30.3     2.9         29    1.72
                      100.0%   9.6%  26.6%   0.6%  63.3%          100.0%   50.0%           14.6%   35.4%                        2.6%
                        3.0%   3.2%   3.9%   0.1%   3.4%            2.6%    2.6%            2.9%    2.5%
3640                    299     28     50     34    187      -     14.2     7.7       -     1.7     4.8     21.0     2.0         71    2.54
                      100.0%   9.4%  16.7%  11.4%  62.5%          100.0%   54.1%           12.1%   33.8%                        6.3%
                        5.0%   5.3%   4.1%   3.8%   5.7%            6.3%    6.9%            5.9%    5.7%
3643                    311     37     61     29    184      -     13.5     7.9     0.1     1.7     3.8     23.1     2.7         67    1.82
                      100.0%  11.9%  19.6%   9.3%  59.2%          100.0%   58.6%    0.5%   12.4%   28.6%                        6.0%
                        5.2%   7.0%   5.0%   3.2%   5.6%            6.0%    7.1%    3.7%    5.7%    4.6%
3650                    440     33     86     39    282      -     14.6     6.6     0.2     2.1     5.7     30.2     2.3         73    2.21
                      100.0%   7.5%  19.5%   8.9%  64.1%          100.0%   45.4%    1.4%   14.3%   38.9%                        6.4%
                        7.4%   6.2%   7.1%   4.3%   8.5%            6.4%    6.0%   11.8%    7.2%    6.7%
3655                    391     27     78     92    194      -     13.6     5.4       -     2.1     6.2     28.8     2.0         68    2.52
                      100.0%   6.9%  19.9%  23.5%  49.6%          100.0%   39.4%           15.2%   45.3%                        6.0%
                        6.6%   5.1%   6.4%  10.2%   5.9%            6.0%    4.8%            7.1%    7.3%
3660                    428     39     91     74    224      -     14.7     7.7       -     1.5     5.5     29.1     2.6         74    1.89
                      100.0%   9.1%  21.3%  17.3%  52.3%          100.0%   52.4%            9.9%   37.7%                        6.5%
                        7.2%   7.3%   7.5%   8.2%   6.8%            6.5%    7.0%            5.0%    6.6%
3668                    281     23     51     28    179      -     10.2     4.6       -     1.1     4.5     27.7     2.3         51    2.21
                      100.0%   8.2%  18.1%  10.0%  63.7%          100.0%   44.9%           11.1%   44.0%                        4.5%
                        4.7%   4.3%   4.2%   3.1%   5.4%            4.5%    4.1%            3.9%    5.3%
3672                    358     28     70     41    219      -     12.9     5.6     0.2     1.8     5.3     27.7     2.2         65    2.31
                      100.0%   7.8%  19.6%  11.5%  61.2%          100.0%   43.7%    1.4%   13.8%   41.3%                        5.7%
                        6.0%   5.3%   5.8%   4.5%   6.6%            5.7%    5.1%   10.0%    6.1%    6.3%
3679                    440     43     99     67    231      -     15.4     7.5     0.0     2.2     5.6     28.7     2.8         77    1.79
                      100.0%   9.8%  22.5%  15.2%  52.5%          100.0%   49.1%    0.1%   14.1%   36.8%                        6.8%
                        7.4%   8.1%   8.2%   7.4%   7.0%            6.8%    6.8%    1.1%    7.5%    6.7%
3680                    653     51    146    122    334      -     21.6    10.0       -     3.4     8.2     30.2     2.4        108    2.12
                      100.0%   7.8%  22.4%  18.7%  51.1%          100.0%   46.2%           15.7%   38.1%                        9.6%
                       11.0%   9.6%  12.1%  13.5%  10.1%            9.6%    9.0%           11.7%    9.8%
3681                    343     16     60     33    234      -     11.4     4.6       -     1.6     5.2     30.2     1.4         57    3.55
                      100.0%   4.7%  17.5%   9.6%  68.2%          100.0%   40.3%           13.9%   45.8%                        5.0%
                        5.8%   3.0%   5.0%   3.6%   7.1%            5.0%    4.1%            5.5%    6.2%
3683                    329     35     84     72    138      -     15.5     7.8     0.2     2.1     5.3     21.2     2.3         77    2.21
                      100.0%  10.6%  25.5%  21.9%  41.9%          100.0%   50.7%    1.2%   13.7%   34.4%                        6.9%
                        5.5%   6.6%   6.9%   8.0%   4.2%            6.9%    7.1%   10.5%    7.3%    6.3%
3686                    409     40     76     87    206      -     14.9     7.5     0.2     1.8     5.5     27.5     2.7         74    1.86
                      100.0%   9.8%  18.6%  21.3%  50.4%          100.0%   50.0%    1.2%   11.9%   37.1%                        6.6%
                        6.9%   7.5%   6.3%   9.6%   6.2%            6.6%    6.7%   10.4%    6.1%    6.5%
3760                    348     31     85     30    202      -     13.1     6.5     0.3     1.8     4.5     26.7     2.4         65    2.10
                      100.0%   8.9%  24.4%   8.6%  58.0%          100.0%   49.9%    2.0%   13.6%   34.5%                        5.8%
                        5.8%   5.8%   7.0%   3.3%   6.1%            5.8%    5.9%   14.6%    6.1%    5.3%
4343                    312     38     57     49    168      -     14.0     7.7     0.1     1.8     4.4     22.3     2.7         70    1.84
                      100.0%  12.2%  18.3%  15.7%  53.8%          100.0%   55.3%    0.8%   12.7%   31.2%                        6.2%
                        5.2%   7.2%   4.7%   5.4%   5.1%            6.2%    7.0%    6.1%    6.1%    5.2%
4356                      6      -      2      1      3      -      0.1       -       -     0.0     0.1     60.7       -          0       -
                      100.0%         33.3%  16.7%  50.0%          100.0%                   36.8%   63.2%                          *
                        0.1%          0.2%   0.1%   0.1%              *                     0.1%    0.1%
4464                    355     36     55     97    167      -     16.4     8.9     0.2     1.3     6.1     21.6     2.2         82    2.28
                      100.0%  10.1%  15.5%  27.3%  47.0%          100.0%   54.2%    1.0%    7.6%   37.2%                        7.3%
                        6.0%   6.8%   4.5%  10.7%   5.1%            7.3%    8.0%    9.5%    4.3%    7.2%
4479                      6      2      4      -      -      -      0.2     0.1       -     0.1       -     39.6    13.2          1    0.38
                      100.0%  33.3%  66.7%                        100.0%   59.8%           40.2%                                0.1%
                        0.1%   0.4%   0.3%                          0.1%    0.1%            0.2%
4524                      1      1      -      -      -      -      0.2     0.2       -       -       -      4.1     4.1          1    1.22
                      100.0% 100.0%                               100.0%  100.0%                                                0.1%
                          *    0.2%                                 0.1%    0.2%
4545                      3      1      -      -      2      -      0.2     0.2       -       -     0.0     13.4     4.5          1    1.12
                      100.0%  33.3%                66.7%          100.0%   79.8%                   20.2%                        0.1%
                        0.1%   0.2%                 0.1%            0.1%    0.2%                    0.1%
4548                     50      3      7      8     32      -      3.0     1.2     0.4     0.2     1.3     16.7     1.0         15    4.98
                      100.0%   6.0%  14.0%  16.0%  64.0%          100.0%   38.8%   13.2%    5.1%   42.9%                        1.3%
                        0.8%   0.6%   0.6%   0.9%   1.0%            1.3%    1.0%   22.3%    0.5%    1.5%
4554                      4      1      1      1      1      -      0.3     0.1       -     0.0     0.1     15.5     3.9          1    1.29
                      100.0%  25.0%  25.0%  25.0%  25.0%          100.0%   54.2%           10.1%   35.7%                        0.1%
                        0.1%   0.2%   0.1%   0.1%     *             0.1%    0.1%            0.1%    0.1%
4559                      5      1      1      -      3      -      0.4     0.2       -     0.1     0.1     11.6     2.3          2    2.15
                      100.0%  20.0%  20.0%         60.0%          100.0%   43.0%           29.2%   27.7%                        0.2%
                        0.1%   0.2%   0.1%          0.1%            0.2%    0.2%            0.4%    0.1%
Note: Percentage less than 0.05 printed as *.
                                                                 REPORT 4A: STILL ACTIVE BY TIME ZONE
                                                    STANDARD ACTIVE STATUSES
                                SUMMARY        ==================================                                               SPECL IVWRS
                          ====================                                 CB  CUSTOM NO ANSWERS    CUSTOM TIMED CALLS  ====================        OTHER
                           TOTAL ACTIVE    NOT                 BUSY           UN- ==================== ====================                OTHER ====================
                             NUM    NUM    YET    N/A   BUSY  ->N/A  TIMED  SPECD                  108                  162 TYPE 1 TYPE 2   193-  DIALR  SYSTM  OTHER
                           -BERS  -BERS CALLED    101    102    103    104    105    106    107   -155    160    161   -179    191    192    199   851+   901+   181+
                          ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ====== ------ ------ ------ ------
TOTAL                       4966   3224   1202    449      1     45    211    163      -      -   1153      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      8
                           100.0%  64.9%  24.2%   9.0%     *    0.9%   4.2%   3.3%                23.2%                                                           0.2%
                           100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%               100.0%                                                         100.0%
EASTERN: 5                   794    621    355     64      -      8     11     45      -      -    138      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      3
                           100.0%  78.2%  44.7%   8.1%          1.0%   1.4%   5.7%                17.4%                                                           0.4%
                            16.0%  19.3%  29.5%  14.3%         17.8%   5.2%  27.6%                12.0%                                                          37.5%
CENTRAL: 6                   715    444    143     79      -      8     42     20      -      -    152      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      2
                           100.0%  62.1%  20.0%  11.0%          1.1%   5.9%   2.8%                21.3%                                                           0.3%
                            14.4%  13.8%  11.9%  17.6%         17.8%  19.9%  12.3%                13.2%                                                          25.0%
MOUNTAIN:7                   316    190     66     26      1      4     14      9      -      -     70      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                           100.0%  60.1%  20.9%   8.2%   0.3%   1.3%   4.4%   2.8%                22.2%
                             6.4%   5.9%   5.5%   5.8% 100.0%   8.9%   6.6%   5.5%                 6.1%
PACIFIC: 8                  3141   1969    638    280      -     25    144     89      -      -    793      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      3
                           100.0%  62.7%  20.3%   8.9%          0.8%   4.6%   2.8%                25.2%                                                           0.1%
                            63.3%  61.1%  53.1%  62.4%         55.6%  68.2%  54.6%                68.8%                                                          37.5%
Note: Percentage less than 0.05 printed as *.
                                                               REPORT 4B: RESOLVED NUMBERS BY TIME ZONE
                                       STANDARD RESOLVED STATUSES
                                =========================================                                   OTHER RESOLVED
                                                                NON                                     =======================
                                                                  -            VARIOUS TERMINATES                   OTHER
                                                          NON RESID   NON =============================     C           S
                          TOTAL  COMP   REF  LANG       -WORK     - -BUSI  TERM  TERM  TERM  TERM  TERM USTOM DIALR YSTEM  MAX.
                            RES -LETE -USED  PROB  TERM  -ING NTIAL -NESS     A     B     C     D     E   13-  801-   951 CALLS
                          -LVED   -1-   -2-   -3-   -4-   -5-   -6-   -7-   -8-   -9-  -10-  -11-  -12-    99   849  -979   973
                          ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
TOTAL                      1742   531     -     -    28     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -  1183     -     -     -
                          100.0% 30.5%              1.6%                                                 67.9%
                          100.0%100.0%            100.0%                                                100.0%
EASTERN: 5                  173    57     -     -     1     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -   115     -     -     -
                          100.0% 32.9%              0.6%                                                 66.5%
                            9.9% 10.7%              3.6%                                                  9.7%
CENTRAL: 6                  271    84     -     -     6     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -   181     -     -     -
                          100.0% 31.0%              2.2%                                                 66.8%
                           15.6% 15.8%             21.4%                                                 15.3%
MOUNTAIN:7                  126    47     -     -     1     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -    78     -     -     -
                          100.0% 37.3%              0.8%                                                 61.9%
                            7.2%  8.9%              3.6%                                                  6.6%
PACIFIC: 8                 1172   343     -     -    20     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -   809     -     -     -
                          100.0% 29.3%              1.7%                                                 69.0%
                           67.3% 64.6%             71.4%                                                 68.4%
                                                              REPORT 5A: STILL ACTIVE CALL STATUS REPORT
                                                                NUMBER OF CALLS MADE
                                    ============================================================================            AVERAGE
                              TOTAL                                                                        10 OR     TOTAL  # CALLS
                             ACTIVE   NONE    ONE    TWO  THREE   FOUR   FIVE    SIX  SEVEN  EIGHT   NINE   MORE     CALLS     MADE
                             ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ --------- --------
TOTAL                          3224   1202    928    837    129     84     32      6      5      1      -      -      3564     1.11
                              100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%                  100.0%
  0: NEW NUMBER                1202   1202      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -         -     0.00
                               37.3% 100.0%
101: NO ANSWER                  449      -    215    181     26     17      8      1      1      -      -      -       776     1.73
                               13.9%         23.2%  21.6%  20.2%  20.2%  25.0%  16.7%  20.0%                          21.8%
102: BUSY                         1      -      -      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -         2     2.00
                                  *                  0.1%                                                              0.1%
103: BUSY->NO ANSWER             37      -      -     15      8     11      1      -      1      1      -      -       118     3.19
                                1.1%                 1.8%   6.2%  13.1%   3.1%         20.0% 100.0%                    3.3%
104: TIMED CALLBACK             211      -     82     66     30     26      4      2      1      -      -      -       447     2.12
                                6.5%          8.8%   7.9%  23.3%  31.0%  12.5%  33.3%  20.0%                          12.5%
105: TIMED CALL->NO ANSWER      163      -    101     39     11      5      4      2      1      -      -      -       271     1.66
                                5.1%         10.9%   4.7%   8.5%   6.0%  12.5%  33.3%  20.0%                           7.6%
CUSTOM NO ANSWERS:             1153      -    522    535     54     25     15      1      1      -      -      -      1942     1.68
                               35.8%         56.3%  63.9%  41.9%  29.8%  46.9%  16.7%  20.0%                          54.5%
 112: NO ANSWER                1153      -    522    535     54     25     15      1      1      -      -      -      1942     1.68
                               35.8%         56.3%  63.9%  41.9%  29.8%  46.9%  16.7%  20.0%                          54.5%
SYSTEM BUSY->NO ANSWER:           8      -      8      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -         8     1.00
                                0.2%          0.9%                                                                     0.2%
 182: SYSTEM BUSY->N/A            8      -      8      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -         8     1.00
                                0.2%          0.9%                                                                     0.2%
**CURRENTLY ALSO SUSPENDED**      9      -      5      3      -      1      -      -      -      -      -      -        15     1.67
                                0.3%          0.5%   0.4%          1.2%                                                0.4%
Note: Percentage less than 0.05 printed as *.
                                                            REPORT 5B: RESOLVED CALLS AND INCIDENCE REPORT
                                                                NUMBER OF CALLS MADE
                              TOTAL ============================================================================            AVERAGE
                                 RE                                                                        10 OR     TOTAL  # CALLS
                             SOLVED   NONE    ONE    TWO  THREE   FOUR   FIVE    SIX  SEVEN  EIGHT   NINE   MORE     CALLS     MADE
                             ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ --------- --------
TOTAL                          1742      -   1303    298     96     32      9      3      1      -      -      -      2385     1.37
                              100.0%        100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%                         100.0%
  1: COMPLETED INTERVIEW        531      -    332    127     49     18      3      2      -      -      -      -       832     1.57
                               30.5%         25.5%  42.6%  51.0%  56.3%  33.3%  66.7%                                 34.9%
  4: TERM IN INTERVIEW           28      -     20      6      1      -      1      -      -      -      -      -        40     1.43
                                1.6%          1.5%   2.0%   1.0%         11.1%                                         1.7%
CUSTOM RESOLVED STATUSES:      1183      -    951    165     46     14      5      1      1      -      -      -      1513     1.28
                               67.9%         73.0%  55.4%  47.9%  43.8%  55.6%  33.3% 100.0%                          63.4%
 41: RESOLVED                     8      -      7      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -         9     1.13
                                0.5%          0.5%   0.3%                                                              0.4%
 42: RESOLVED                     8      -      4      3      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -        13     1.63
                                0.5%          0.3%   1.0%   1.0%                                                       0.5%
 60: RESOLVED                   457      -    317     93     32     11      2      1      1      -      -      -       666     1.46
                               26.2%         24.3%  31.2%  33.3%  34.4%  22.2%  33.3% 100.0%                          27.9%
 61: RESOLVED                   468      -    442     21      4      1      -      -      -      -      -      -       500     1.07
                               26.9%         33.9%   7.0%   4.2%   3.1%                                               21.0%
 63: RESOLVED                    19      -     17      2      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -        21     1.11
                                1.1%          1.3%   0.7%                                                              0.9%
 64: RESOLVED                    91      -     64     21      4      1      1      -      -      -      -      -       127     1.40
                                5.2%          4.9%   7.0%   4.2%   3.1%  11.1%                                         5.3%
 65: RESOLVED                    20      -     18      2      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -        22     1.10
                                1.1%          1.4%   0.7%                                                              0.9%
 66: RESOLVED                    11      -      8      2      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -        15     1.36
                                0.6%          0.6%   0.7%   1.0%                                                       0.6%
 67: RESOLVED                    22      -     18      3      -      1      -      -      -      -      -      -        28     1.27
                                1.3%          1.4%   1.0%          3.1%                                                1.2%
 72: RESOLVED                    79      -     56     17      4      -      2      -      -      -      -      -       112     1.42
                                4.5%          4.3%   5.7%   4.2%         22.2%                                         4.7%
INCIDENCE (Comp/Comp+Term)     0.30      -   0.25   0.43   0.51   0.56   0.33   0.67   0.00      -      -      -      0.35        -
                                                                 REPORT 6A: TIME ZONE BY AVAILABILITY
                                                                            TIME ZONE
                                                                 (7)                                                    (1-3
                               TOTAL     (4)     (5)     (6)   MOUNT     (8)                    (11)    (23)    (24)   ,12+)
                                 NUM  MID-AT EASTERN CENTRAL    -AIN PACIFIC     (9)    (10)  HAWAII EASTERN WESTERN   OTHER
                               -BERS -LANTIC     USA     USA     USA     USA  ALASKA  HAWAII     DST  EUROPE  EUROPE   ZONES
                             ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
TOTAL                           4966       -     794     715     316    3141       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%           16.0%   14.4%    6.4%   63.3%
                               100.0%          100.0%  100.0%  100.0%  100.0%
TOTAL AVAILABLE (% base):       3224       -     621     444     190    1969       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%           19.3%   13.8%    5.9%   61.1%
                                64.9%           78.2%   62.1%   60.1%   62.7%
TOTAL SYSTEM NUMBERS:           2698       -     547     356     156    1639       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%           20.3%   13.2%    5.8%   60.7%
                                83.7%           88.1%   80.2%   82.1%   83.2%
  NEW NUMBERS                   1095       -     322     129      61     583       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%           29.4%   11.8%    5.6%   53.2%
                                34.0%           51.9%   29.1%   32.1%   29.6%
  DAY PART 2 ONLY                  2       -       -       -       1       1       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%                           50.0%   50.0%
                                 0.1%                            0.5%    0.1%
  DAY PART 3 ONLY                 69       -       3       -       1      65       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%            4.3%            1.4%   94.2%
                                 2.1%            0.5%            0.5%    3.3%
  DAY PART 2 OR 3               1529       -     222     227      93     987       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%           14.5%   14.8%    6.1%   64.6%
                                47.4%           35.7%   51.1%   48.9%   50.1%
  ALL ATTEMPTS MADE                3       -       -       -       -       3       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%                                  100.0%
                                 0.1%                                    0.2%
  ***NET DAY PART 2             1531       -     222     227      94     988       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%           14.5%   14.8%    6.1%   64.5%
                                47.5%           35.7%   51.1%   49.5%   50.2%
  ***NET DAY PART 3             1598       -     225     227      94    1052       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%           14.1%   14.2%    5.9%   65.8%
                                49.6%           36.2%   51.1%   49.5%   53.4%
  TOTAL TIMED TODAY:             124       -       4      33       9      78       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%            3.2%   26.6%    7.3%   62.9%
                                 3.8%            0.6%    7.4%    4.7%    4.0%
     SPECIFIC CALLBACKS:         124       -       4      33       9      78       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%            3.2%   26.6%    7.3%   62.9%
                                 3.8%            0.6%    7.4%    4.7%    4.0%
  ***MORNING                      20       -       1       5       2      12       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%            5.0%   25.0%   10.0%   60.0%
                                 0.6%            0.2%    1.1%    1.1%    0.6%
  ***AFTERNOON                    60       -       3      24       4      29       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%            5.0%   40.0%    6.7%   48.3%
                                 1.9%            0.5%    5.4%    2.1%    1.5%
  ***EVENING                      44       -       -       4       3      37       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%                    9.1%    6.8%   84.1%
                                 1.4%                    0.9%    1.6%    1.9%
  TIMED CALLS LATER:              65       -       3       6       4      52       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%            4.6%    9.2%    6.2%   80.0%
                                 2.0%            0.5%    1.4%    2.1%    2.6%
  SPECIAL INTERVIEWER              3       -       1       -       -       2       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%           33.3%                   66.7%
                                 0.1%            0.2%                    0.1%
  HIDDEN NUMBERS                 334       -      66      49      21     198       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%           19.8%   14.7%    6.3%   59.3%
                                10.4%           10.6%   11.0%   11.1%   10.1%
RESOLVED NUMBERS: (% base)      1742       -     173     271     126    1172       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%            9.9%   15.6%    7.2%   67.3%
                                35.1%           21.8%   37.9%   39.9%   37.3%
  COMPLETES                      531       -      57      84      47     343       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%           10.7%   15.8%    8.9%   64.6%
                                   -               -       -       -       -
  NON-COMPLETES                 1211       -     116     187      79     829       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%            9.6%   15.4%    6.5%   68.5%
                                   -               -       -       -       -
                                                                REPORT 6B: TIME ZONE BY STATUS HISTORY
                                                                            TIME ZONE
                                                                 (7)                                                    (1-3
                               TOTAL     (4)     (5)     (6)   MOUNT     (8)                    (11)    (23)    (24)   ,12+)
                                 NUM  MID-AT EASTERN CENTRAL    -AIN PACIFIC     (9)    (10)  HAWAII EASTERN WESTERN   OTHER
                               -BERS -LANTIC     USA     USA     USA     USA  ALASKA  HAWAII     DST  EUROPE  EUROPE   ZONES
                             ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
TOTAL HISTORIES                 5949       -     516     752     374    4307       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%            8.7%   12.6%    6.3%   72.4%
                               100.0%          100.0%  100.0%  100.0%  100.0%
TOTAL RESOLVED:                 1742       -     173     271     126    1172       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%            9.9%   15.6%    7.2%   67.3%
                                29.3%           33.5%   36.0%   33.7%   27.2%
  1: COMPLETE                    531       -      57      84      47     343       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%           10.7%   15.8%    8.9%   64.6%
                                 8.9%           11.0%   11.2%   12.6%    8.0%
  4: TERM IN INTERVIEW            28       -       1       6       1      20       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%            3.6%   21.4%    3.6%   71.4%
                                 0.5%            0.2%    0.8%    0.3%    0.5%
CUSTOM RESOLVED STATUSES:       1183       -     115     181      78     809       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%            9.7%   15.3%    6.6%   68.4%
                                19.9%           22.3%   24.1%   20.9%   18.8%
 41: RESOLVED                      8       -       3       2       -       3       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%           37.5%   25.0%           37.5%
                                 0.1%            0.6%    0.3%            0.1%
 42: RESOLVED                      8       -       1       1       -       6       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%           12.5%   12.5%           75.0%
                                 0.1%            0.2%    0.1%            0.1%
 60: RESOLVED                    457       -      42      63      36     316       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%            9.2%   13.8%    7.9%   69.1%
                                 7.7%            8.1%    8.4%    9.6%    7.3%
 61: RESOLVED                    468       -      51      85      31     301       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%           10.9%   18.2%    6.6%   64.3%
                                 7.9%            9.9%   11.3%    8.3%    7.0%
 63: RESOLVED                     19       -       2       4       -      13       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%           10.5%   21.1%           68.4%
                                 0.3%            0.4%    0.5%            0.3%
 64: RESOLVED                     91       -       6       9       5      71       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%            6.6%    9.9%    5.5%   78.0%
                                 1.5%            1.2%    1.2%    1.3%    1.6%
 65: RESOLVED                     20       -       1       3       2      14       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%            5.0%   15.0%   10.0%   70.0%
                                 0.3%            0.2%    0.4%    0.5%    0.3%
 66: RESOLVED                     11       -       1       2       1       7       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%            9.1%   18.2%    9.1%   63.6%
                                 0.2%            0.2%    0.3%    0.3%    0.2%
 67: RESOLVED                     22       -       2       7       1      12       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%            9.1%   31.8%    4.5%   54.5%
                                 0.4%            0.4%    0.9%    0.3%    0.3%
 72: RESOLVED                     79       -       6       5       2      66       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%            7.6%    6.3%    2.5%   83.5%
                                 1.3%            1.2%    0.7%    0.5%    1.5%
TOTAL ACTIVE STATUSES:          4207       -     343     481     248    3135       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%            8.2%   11.4%    5.9%   74.5%
                                70.7%           66.5%   64.0%   66.3%   72.8%
101: NO ANSWER                   729       -      65     101      44     519       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%            8.9%   13.9%    6.0%   71.2%
                                12.3%           12.6%   13.4%   11.8%   12.1%
102: BUSY (TIMED CALL)           141       -      18      15       9      99       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%           12.8%   10.6%    6.4%   70.2%
                                 2.4%            3.5%    2.0%    2.4%    2.3%
103: BUSY->NO ANSWER              63       -       5      12       6      40       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%            7.9%   19.0%    9.5%   63.5%
                                 1.1%            1.0%    1.6%    1.6%    0.9%
104: TIMED Callback              905       -      67      97      43     698       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%            7.4%   10.7%    4.8%   77.1%
                                15.2%           13.0%   12.9%   11.5%   16.2%
105: TIMED CALL->NO ANSWER       336       -      45      32      17     242       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%           13.4%    9.5%    5.1%   72.0%
                                 5.6%            8.7%    4.3%    4.5%    5.6%
CUSTOM NO ANSWERS:              2022       -     140     221     129    1532       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%            6.9%   10.9%    6.4%   75.8%
                                34.0%           27.1%   29.4%   34.5%   35.6%
 112: NO ANSWER                 2022       -     140     221     129    1532       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%            6.9%   10.9%    6.4%   75.8%
                                34.0%           27.1%   29.4%   34.5%   35.6%
SYSTEM BUSY->NO ANSWER:           11       -       3       3       -       5       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%           27.3%   27.3%           45.5%
                                 0.2%            0.6%    0.4%            0.1%
 182: SYSTEM BUSY->N/A            11       -       3       3       -       5       -       -       -       -       -       -
                               100.0%           27.3%   27.3%           45.5%
                                 0.2%            0.6%    0.4%            0.1%
                                                         REPORT 7A: CALLS MADE BY AVAILABILITY AND TIME ZONE
                                                                   NUMBER OF CALLS MADE
                                       NOT =====================================================================           AVERAGE
                              TOTAL    YET                                                                 10 OR     TOTAL # CALLS
                             ACTIVE CALLED    ONE    TWO  THREE   FOUR   FIVE    SIX  SEVEN  EIGHT   NINE   MORE     CALLS    MADE
                             ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ --------- -------
**TOTAL AVAILABLE:             3224   1202    961    838    112     73     31      6      1      -      -      -      3463    1.07
                              100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%                         100.0%
  SYSTEM SCHEDULED:            2698   1095    778    680     77     40     23      4      1      -      -      -      2675    0.99
                               83.7%  91.1%  81.0%  81.1%  68.8%  54.8%  74.2%  66.7% 100.0%                          77.2%
    NEW NUMBERS                1095   1095      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -         -    0.00
                               34.0%  91.1%
    DAY PART 2 ONLY               2      -      -      -      -      -      2      -      -      -      -      -        10    5.00
                                0.1%                                      6.5%                                         0.3%
    DAY PART 3 ONLY              69      -      3      7      5     31     21      1      1      -      -      -       274    3.97
                                2.1%          0.3%   0.8%   4.5%  42.5%  67.7%  16.7% 100.0%                           7.9%
    DAY PART 2 OR 3            1529      -    775    673     72      9      -      -      -      -      -      -      2373    1.55
                               47.4%         80.6%  80.3%  64.3%  12.3%                                               68.5%
    DAY PART TARGETS MET          3      -      -      -      -      -      -      3      -      -      -      -        18    6.00
                                0.1%                                            50.0%                                  0.5%
  TIMED CALLBACKS TODAY         189      -     77     59     23     25      4      1      -      -      -      -       390    2.06
                                5.9%          8.0%   7.0%  20.5%  34.2%  12.9%  16.7%                                 11.3%
  ***TIMED MORNING (6am-<12)     20      -     14      5      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -        27    1.35
                                0.6%          1.5%   0.6%   0.9%                                                       0.8%
  ***TIMED AFTERNOON (12-<6)     60      -     25     15      8      9      2      1      -      -      -      -       131    2.18
                                1.9%          2.6%   1.8%   7.1%  12.3%   6.5%  16.7%                                  3.8%
  ***TIMED EVENING (6-<12am)     44      -     17     13      6      7      1      -      -      -      -      -        94    2.14
                                1.4%          1.8%   1.6%   5.4%   9.6%   3.2%                                         2.7%
  TIMED LATER                    65      -     21     26      8      9      1      -      -      -      -      -       138    2.12
                                2.0%          2.2%   3.1%   7.1%  12.3%   3.2%                                         4.0%
  SPECIAL INTERVIEWER ONLY        3      -      1      2      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -         5    1.67
                                0.1%          0.1%   0.2%                                                              0.1%
  HIDDEN NUMBERS                334    107    105     97     12      8      4      1      -      -      -      -       393    1.18
                               10.4%   8.9%  10.9%  11.6%  10.7%  11.0%  12.9%  16.7%                                 11.3%
**EASTERN TZ AVAILABLE:         621    355    234     29      2      1      -      -      -      -      -      -       302    0.49
                               19.3%  29.5%  24.3%   3.5%   1.8%   1.4%                                                8.7%
  SYSTEM SCHEDULED:             547    322    199     23      2      1      -      -      -      -      -      -       255    0.47
                               17.0%  26.8%  20.7%   2.7%   1.8%   1.4%                                                7.4%
    NEW NUMBERS                 322    322      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -         -    0.00
                               10.0%  26.8%
    DAY PART 3 ONLY               3      -      3      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -         3    1.00
                                0.1%          0.3%                                                                     0.1%
    DAY PART 2 OR 3             222      -    196     23      2      1      -      -      -      -      -      -       252    1.14
                                6.9%         20.4%   2.7%   1.8%   1.4%                                                7.3%
  TIMED CALLBACKS TODAY           7      -      5      2      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -         9    1.29
                                0.2%          0.5%   0.2%                                                              0.3%
  ***TIMED MORNING (6am-<12)      1      -      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -         1    1.00
                                  *           0.1%                                                                       *
  ***TIMED AFTERNOON (12-<6)      3      -      3      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -         3    1.00
                                0.1%          0.3%                                                                     0.1%
  TIMED LATER                     3      -      1      2      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -         5    1.67
                                0.1%          0.1%   0.2%                                                              0.1%
  SPECIAL INTERVIEWER ONLY        1      -      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -         1    1.00
                                  *           0.1%                                                                       *
  HIDDEN NUMBERS                 66     33     29      4      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -        37    0.56
                                2.0%   2.7%   3.0%   0.5%                                                              1.1%
**CENTRAL TZ AVAILABLE:         444    143    210     61     28      2      -      -      -      -      -      -       424    0.95
                               13.8%  11.9%  21.9%   7.3%  25.0%   2.7%                                               12.2%
  SYSTEM SCHEDULED:             356    129    159     47     21      -      -      -      -      -      -      -       316    0.89
                               11.0%  10.7%  16.5%   5.6%  18.8%                                                       9.1%
    NEW NUMBERS                 129    129      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -         -    0.00
                                4.0%  10.7%
    DAY PART 2 OR 3             227      -    159     47     21      -      -      -      -      -      -      -       316    1.39
                                7.0%         16.5%   5.6%  18.8%                                                       9.1%
  TIMED CALLBACKS TODAY          39      -     28      6      3      2      -      -      -      -      -      -        57    1.46
                                1.2%          2.9%   0.7%   2.7%   2.7%                                                1.6%
  ***TIMED MORNING (6am-<12)      5      -      5      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -         5    1.00
                                0.2%          0.5%                                                                     0.1%
  ***TIMED AFTERNOON (12-<6)     24      -     17      3      2      2      -      -      -      -      -      -        37    1.54
                                0.7%          1.8%   0.4%   1.8%   2.7%                                                1.1%
  ***TIMED EVENING (6-<12am)      4      -      3      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -         5    1.25
                                0.1%          0.3%   0.1%                                                              0.1%
  TIMED LATER                     6      -      3      2      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -        10    1.67
                                0.2%          0.3%   0.2%   0.9%                                                       0.3%
  HIDDEN NUMBERS                 49     14     23      8      4      -      -      -      -      -      -      -        51    1.04
                                1.5%   1.2%   2.4%   1.0%   3.6%                                                       1.5%
**MOUNTAIN TZ AVAILABLE:        190     66     76     28      8     11      1      -      -      -      -      -       205    1.08
                                5.9%   5.5%   7.9%   3.3%   7.1%  15.1%   3.2%                                         5.9%
  SYSTEM SCHEDULED:             156     61     60     21      7      6      1      -      -      -      -      -       152    0.97
                                4.8%   5.1%   6.2%   2.5%   6.3%   8.2%   3.2%                                         4.4%
    NEW NUMBERS                  61     61      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -         -    0.00
                                1.9%   5.1%
    DAY PART 2 ONLY               1      -      -      -      -      -      1      -      -      -      -      -         5    5.00
                                  *                                       3.2%                                         0.1%
    DAY PART 3 ONLY               1      -      -      -      -      1      -      -      -      -      -      -         4    4.00
                                  *                                1.4%                                                0.1%
    DAY PART 2 OR 3              93      -     60     21      7      5      -      -      -      -      -      -       143    1.54
                                2.9%          6.2%   2.5%   6.3%   6.8%                                                4.1%
  TIMED CALLBACKS TODAY          13      -      7      2      1      3      -      -      -      -      -      -        26    2.00
                                0.4%          0.7%   0.2%   0.9%   4.1%                                                0.8%
  ***TIMED MORNING (6am-<12)      2      -      2      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -         2    1.00
                                0.1%          0.2%                                                                     0.1%
  ***TIMED AFTERNOON (12-<6)      4      -      2      1      -      1      -      -      -      -      -      -         8    2.00
                                0.1%          0.2%   0.1%          1.4%                                                0.2%
  ***TIMED EVENING (6-<12am)      3      -      2      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -         4    1.33
                                0.1%          0.2%   0.1%                                                              0.1%
  TIMED LATER                     4      -      1      -      1      2      -      -      -      -      -      -        12    3.00
                                0.1%          0.1%          0.9%   2.7%                                                0.3%
  HIDDEN NUMBERS                 21      5      9      5      -      2      -      -      -      -      -      -        27    1.29
                                0.7%   0.4%   0.9%   0.6%          2.7%                                                0.8%
**PACIFIC TZ AVAILABLE:        1969    638    441    720     74     59     30      6      1      -      -      -      2532    1.29
                               61.1%  53.1%  45.9%  85.9%  66.1%  80.8%  96.8% 100.0% 100.0%                          73.1%
  SYSTEM SCHEDULED:            1639    583    360    589     47     33     22      4      1      -      -      -      1952    1.19
                               50.8%  48.5%  37.5%  70.3%  42.0%  45.2%  71.0%  66.7% 100.0%                          56.4%
    NEW NUMBERS                 583    583      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -         -    0.00
                               18.1%  48.5%
    DAY PART 2 ONLY               1      -      -      -      -      -      1      -      -      -      -      -         5    5.00
                                  *                                       3.2%                                         0.1%
    DAY PART 3 ONLY              65      -      -      7      5     30     21      1      1      -      -      -       267    4.11
                                2.0%                 0.8%   4.5%  41.1%  67.7%  16.7% 100.0%                           7.7%
    DAY PART 2 OR 3             987      -    360    582     42      3      -      -      -      -      -      -      1662    1.68
                               30.6%         37.5%  69.5%  37.5%   4.1%                                               48.0%
    DAY PART TARGETS MET          3      -      -      -      -      -      -      3      -      -      -      -        18    6.00
                                0.1%                                            50.0%                                  0.5%
  TIMED CALLBACKS TODAY         130      -     37     49     19     20      4      1      -      -      -      -       298    2.29
                                4.0%          3.9%   5.8%  17.0%  27.4%  12.9%  16.7%                                  8.6%
  ***TIMED MORNING (6am-<12)     12      -      6      5      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -        19    1.58
                                0.4%          0.6%   0.6%   0.9%                                                       0.5%
  ***TIMED AFTERNOON (12-<6)     29      -      3     11      6      6      2      1      -      -      -      -        83    2.86
                                0.9%          0.3%   1.3%   5.4%   8.2%   6.5%  16.7%                                  2.4%
  ***TIMED EVENING (6-<12am)     37      -     12     11      6      7      1      -      -      -      -      -        85    2.30
                                1.1%          1.2%   1.3%   5.4%   9.6%   3.2%                                         2.5%
  TIMED LATER                    52      -     16     22      6      7      1      -      -      -      -      -       111    2.13
                                1.6%          1.7%   2.6%   5.4%   9.6%   3.2%                                         3.2%
  SPECIAL INTERVIEWER ONLY        2      -      -      2      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -         4    2.00
                                0.1%                 0.2%                                                              0.1%
  HIDDEN NUMBERS                198     55     44     80      8      6      4      1      -      -      -      -       278    1.40
                                6.1%   4.6%   4.6%   9.5%   7.1%   8.2%  12.9%  16.7%                                  8.0%
Note: Percentage less than 0.05 printed as *.
                                                               REPORT 7B: CALL NUMBER BY STATUS HISTORY
                                                             SEQUENCE CALLED IN
                                                                                   S                        AVERAGE
                              CALLS   CALL   CALL   CALL   CALL   CALL   CALL   CALL   CALL   CALL /LATER  OF CALLS
                             ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ---------
TOTAL CALL HISTORIES           5949   3764   1533    398    173     57     16      7      1      -      -      1.54
                              100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
TOTAL RESOLVED:                1742   1303    298     96     32      9      3      1      -      -      -      1.37
                               29.3%  34.6%  19.4%  24.1%  18.5%  15.8%  18.8%  14.3%
  1: COMPLETE                   531    332    127     49     18      3      2      -      -      -      -      1.57
                                8.9%   8.8%   8.3%  12.3%  10.4%   5.3%  12.5%
  4: TERMINATED IN INTERVIEW     28     20      6      1      -      1      -      -      -      -      -      1.43
                                0.5%   0.5%   0.4%   0.3%          1.8%
CUSTOM RESOLVED STATUSES:      1183    951    165     46     14      5      1      1      -      -      -      1.28
                               19.9%  25.3%  10.8%  11.6%   8.1%   8.8%   6.3%  14.3%
 41: RESOLVED                     8      7      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      1.13
                                0.1%   0.2%   0.1%
 42: RESOLVED                     8      4      3      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      1.63
                                0.1%   0.1%   0.2%   0.3%
 60: RESOLVED                   457    317     93     32     11      2      1      1      -      -      -      1.46
                                7.7%   8.4%   6.1%   8.0%   6.4%   3.5%   6.3%  14.3%
 61: RESOLVED                   468    442     21      4      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      1.07
                                7.9%  11.7%   1.4%   1.0%   0.6%
 63: RESOLVED                    19     17      2      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      1.11
                                0.3%   0.5%   0.1%
 64: RESOLVED                    91     64     21      4      1      1      -      -      -      -      -      1.40
                                1.5%   1.7%   1.4%   1.0%   0.6%   1.8%
 65: RESOLVED                    20     18      2      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      1.10
                                0.3%   0.5%   0.1%
 66: RESOLVED                    11      8      2      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      1.36
                                0.2%   0.2%   0.1%   0.3%
 67: RESOLVED                    22     18      3      -      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      1.27
                                0.4%   0.5%   0.2%          0.6%
 72: RESOLVED                    79     56     17      4      -      2      -      -      -      -      -      1.42
                                1.3%   1.5%   1.1%   1.0%          3.5%
TOTAL ACTIVE STATUSES:         4207   2461   1235    302    141     48     13      6      1      -      -      1.61
                               70.7%  65.4%  80.6%  75.9%  81.5%  84.2%  81.3%  85.7% 100.0%
101: NO ANSWER                  729    422    219     47     25     13      2      1      -      -      -      1.63
                               12.3%  11.2%  14.3%  11.8%  14.5%  22.8%  12.5%  14.3%
102: BUSY (TIMED CALL)          141     85     29     19      5      1      1      1      -      -      -      1.69
                                2.4%   2.3%   1.9%   4.8%   2.9%   1.8%   6.3%  14.3%
103: BUSY->NO ANSWER             63      -     34     10     13      3      1      1      1      -      -      2.95
                                1.1%          2.2%   2.5%   7.5%   5.3%   6.3%  14.3% 100.0%
104: TIMED Callback             905    510    242     89     50      8      5      1      -      -      -      1.70
                               15.2%  13.5%  15.8%  22.4%  28.9%  14.0%  31.3%  14.3%
105: TIMED CALL->NO ANSWER      336    233     66     20      9      4      3      1      -      -      -      1.51
                                5.6%   6.2%   4.3%   5.0%   5.2%   7.0%  18.8%  14.3%
CUSTOM NO ANSWERS:             2022   1200    645    117     39     19      1      1      -      -      -      1.54
                               34.0%  31.9%  42.1%  29.4%  22.5%  33.3%   6.3%  14.3%
 112: NO ANSWER                2022   1200    645    117     39     19      1      1      -      -      -      1.54
                               34.0%  31.9%  42.1%  29.4%  22.5%  33.3%   6.3%  14.3%
SYSTEM BUSY->NO ANSWER:          11     11      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      1.00
                                0.2%   0.3%
 182: SYSTEM BUSY->N/A           11     11      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      1.00
                                0.2%   0.3%
                                           REPORT 7C:  SCHEDULED CALL DATE BY HOUR
                                                 CALLBACK HOUR (local time)
                         <  8am   9am   10am   11am  12pm  1pm  2pm  3pm  4pm  5pm  6pm  7pm  8pm   9pm     >
                TOTAL  8am -9am -10am  -11am  -12pm  -1pm -2pm -3pm -4pm -5pm -6pm -7pm -8pm -9pm -10pm  10pm
                ----- ---- ---- ----- ------ ------ ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- -----
TOTAL             212    -    -     7     14      2     3    4    8   24   34   27   33   30   26     -     -
                  100%              3%     7%     1%    1%   2%   4%  11%  16%  13%  16%  14%  12%
                  100%            100%   100%   100%  100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
2011 February     176    -    -     7     14      2     3    4    7   22   29   22   27   23   16     -     -
                  100%              4%     8%     1%    2%   2%   4%  13%  16%  13%  15%  13%   9%
                   83%            100%   100%   100%  100% 100%  88%  92%  85%  81%  82%  77%  62%
                    1    -    -     -      1      -     -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -     -     -
16th              100%                   100%
                    *                      7%
                    4    -    -     3      1      -     -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -     -     -
17th              100%             75%    25%
                    2%             43%     7%
                   18    -    -     2      8      -     -    -    -    -    -    -    -    3    5     -     -
18th              100%             11%    44%                                             17%  28%
                    8%             29%    57%                                             10%  19%
                    1    -    -     -      -      -     -    -    -    -    -    -    -    1    -     -     -
19th              100%                                                                   100%
                    *                                                                      3%
                   11    -    -     1      -      -     -    1    2    1    1    2    -    2    1     -     -
21st              100%              9%                       9%  18%   9%   9%  18%       18%   9%
                    5%             14%                      25%  25%   4%   3%   7%        7%   4%
                   39    -    -     1      2      -     1    1    3    4   11    5    7    3    1     -     -
22nd              100%              3%     5%           3%   3%   8%  10%  28%  13%  18%   8%   3%
                   18%             14%    14%          33%  25%  38%  17%  32%  19%  21%  10%   4%
                   10    -    -     -      2      2     -    -    1    -    -    1    1    1    2     -     -
23rd              100%                    20%    20%             10%            10%  10%  10%  20%
                    5%                    14%   100%             13%             4%   3%   3%   8%
                   56    -    -     -      -      -     2    1    -   15   10    7    8   11    2     -     -
24th              100%                                  4%   2%       27%  18%  13%  14%  20%   4%
                   26%                                 67%  25%       63%  29%  26%  24%  37%   8%
                   21    -    -     -      -      -     -    1    1    1    2    3   10    -    3     -     -
25th              100%                                       5%   5%   5%  10%  14%  48%       14%
                   10%                                      25%  13%   4%   6%  11%  30%       12%
                   15    -    -     -      -      -     -    -    -    1    5    4    1    2    2     -     -
28th              100%                                                 7%  33%  27%   7%  13%  13%
                    7%                                                 4%  15%  15%   3%   7%   8%
2011 March         26    -    -     -      -      -     -    -    1    1    2    5    4    4    9     -     -
                  100%                                            4%   4%   8%  19%  15%  15%  35%
                   12%                                           13%   4%   6%  19%  12%  13%  35%
                   12    -    -     -      -      -     -    -    1    1    2    2    1    -    5     -     -
1st               100%                                            8%   8%  17%  17%   8%       42%
                    6%                                           13%   4%   6%   7%   3%       19%
                    6    -    -     -      -      -     -    -    -    -    -    -    2    3    1     -     -
2nd               100%                                                               33%  50%  17%
                    3%                                                                6%  10%   4%
                    3    -    -     -      -      -     -    -    -    -    -    1    -    1    1     -     -
3rd               100%                                                          33%       33%  33%
                    1%                                                           4%        3%   4%
                    2    -    -     -      -      -     -    -    -    -    -    2    -    -    -     -     -
7th               100%                                                         100%
                    1%                                                           7%
                    2    -    -     -      -      -     -    -    -    -    -    -    1    -    1     -     -
8th               100%                                                               50%       50%
                    1%                                                                3%        4%
                    1    -    -     -      -      -     -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    1     -     -
10th              100%                                                                        100%
                    *                                                                           4%
2011 April          4    -    -     -      -      -     -    -    -    1    1    -    1    -    1     -     -
                  100%                                                25%  25%       25%       25%
                    2%                                                 4%   3%        3%        4%
                    2    -    -     -      -      -     -    -    -    -    -    -    1    -    1     -     -
1st               100%                                                               50%       50%
                    1%                                                                3%        4%
                    1    -    -     -      -      -     -    -    -    -    1    -    -    -    -     -     -
16th              100%                                                    100%
                    *                                                       3%
                    1    -    -     -      -      -     -    -    -    1    -    -    -    -    -     -     -
22nd              100%                                               100%
                    *                                                  4%
2011 June           1    -    -     -      -      -     -    -    -    -    -    -    1    -    -     -     -
                  100%                                                              100%
                    *                                                                 3%
                    1    -    -     -      -      -     -    -    -    -    -    -    1    -    -     -     -
1st               100%                                                              100%
                    *                                                                 3%
2011 September      1    -    -     -      -      -     -    -    -    -    1    -    -    -    -     -     -
                  100%                                                    100%
                    *                                                       3%
                    1    -    -     -      -      -     -    -    -    -    1    -    -    -    -     -     -
17th              100%                                                    100%
                    *                                                       3%
2011 December       4    -    -     -      -      -     -    -    -    -    1    -    -    3    -     -     -
                  100%                                                     25%            75%
                    2%                                                      3%            10%
                    1    -    -     -      -      -     -    -    -    -    -    -    -    1    -     -     -
15th              100%                                                                   100%
                    *                                                                      3%
                    3    -    -     -      -      -     -    -    -    -    1    -    -    2    -     -     -
21st              100%                                                     33%            67%
                    1%                                                      3%             7%
Note: Percentage less than 0.5 printed as *.
                                                   REPORT 7D: TIME ON SUSPENDED INTERVIEW BY QUESTION SUSPENDED AT
                                                                                                       TOTAL TIME
                                  SUMMARY                                                            ===============
                             =================                 MINUTES ON INTERVIEW                             AVG.
                             TOTAL             =====================================================   TOTAL    # OF
                             SUSP-  COMP   ACT  2 OR     3     6    11    16    21    31    46 61 OR    MIN-     MIN
                              ENDS LETED  -IVE  LESS  TO 5 TO 10 TO 15 TO 20 TO 30 TO 45 TO 60  MORE    UTES   -UTES
                             ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- -------
TOTAL SUSPENDS                   -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -       -       -
                                                  REPORT 8:  SPECIAL INTERVIEW TYPE BY AVAILABILITY WITHIN TIME ZONE
                                       NOT                   SPECIAL INTERVIEWER TYPES
                                      SPEC ==============================================================
                              TOTAL   -IAL   TYPE   TYPE   TYPE   TYPE   TYPE   TYPE   TYPE   TYPE   TYPE
                             ACTIVE   TYPE      1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9
                             ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
**TOTAL AVAILABLE:             3224   3194     17     13      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                              100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
  SYSTEM SCHEDULED:            2698   2675     11     12      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                               83.7%  83.8%  64.7%  92.3%
    NEW NUMBERS                1095   1093      -      2      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                               34.0%  34.2%         15.4%
    DAY PART 2 ONLY               2      2      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                0.1%   0.1%
    DAY PART 3 ONLY              69     69      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                2.1%   2.2%
    DAY PART 2 OR 3            1529   1508     11     10      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                               47.4%  47.2%  64.7%  76.9%
    DAY PART TARGETS MET          3      3      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                0.1%   0.1%
  TIMED CALLBACKS TODAY         189    188      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                5.9%   5.9%   5.9%
  ***TIMED MORNING (6am-<12)     20     20      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                0.6%   0.6%
  ***TIMED AFTERNOON (12-<6)     60     59      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                1.9%   1.8%   5.9%
  ***TIMED EVENING (6-<12am)     44     44      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                1.4%   1.4%
  TIMED LATER                    65     65      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                2.0%   2.0%
  SPECIAL INTERVIEWER STACKS      3      -      3      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                0.1%         17.6%
  HIDDEN NUMBERS                334    331      2      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                               10.4%  10.4%  11.8%   7.7%
**EASTERN TZ AVAILABLE:         621    616      2      3      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                               19.3%  19.3%  11.8%  23.1%
  SYSTEM SCHEDULED:             547    543      1      3      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                               17.0%  17.0%   5.9%  23.1%
    NEW NUMBERS                 322    320      -      2      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                               10.0%  10.0%         15.4%
    DAY PART 3 ONLY               3      3      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                0.1%   0.1%
    DAY PART 2 OR 3             222    220      1      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                6.9%   6.9%   5.9%   7.7%
  TIMED CALLBACKS TODAY           7      7      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                0.2%   0.2%
  ***TIMED MORNING (6am-<12)      1      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                  *      *
  ***TIMED AFTERNOON (12-<6)      3      3      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                0.1%   0.1%
  TIMED LATER                     3      3      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                0.1%   0.1%
  SPECIAL INTERVIEWER ONLY        1      -      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                  *           5.9%
  HIDDEN NUMBERS                 66     66      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                2.0%   2.1%
**CENTRAL TZ AVAILABLE:         444    442      1      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                               13.8%  13.8%   5.9%   7.7%
  SYSTEM SCHEDULED:             356    354      1      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                               11.0%  11.1%   5.9%   7.7%
    NEW NUMBERS                 129    129      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                4.0%   4.0%
    DAY PART 2 OR 3             227    225      1      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                7.0%   7.0%   5.9%   7.7%
  TIMED CALLBACKS TODAY          39     39      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                1.2%   1.2%
  ***TIMED MORNING (6am-<12)      5      5      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                0.2%   0.2%
  ***TIMED AFTERNOON (12-<6)     24     24      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                0.7%   0.8%
  ***TIMED EVENING (6-<12am)      4      4      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                0.1%   0.1%
  TIMED LATER                     6      6      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                0.2%   0.2%
  HIDDEN NUMBERS                 49     49      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                1.5%   1.5%
**MOUNTAIN TZ AVAILABLE:        190    188      2      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                5.9%   5.9%  11.8%
  SYSTEM SCHEDULED:             156    155      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                4.8%   4.9%   5.9%
    NEW NUMBERS                  61     61      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                1.9%   1.9%
    DAY PART 2 ONLY               1      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                  *      *
    DAY PART 3 ONLY               1      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                  *      *
    DAY PART 2 OR 3              93     92      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                2.9%   2.9%   5.9%
  TIMED CALLBACKS TODAY          13     13      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                0.4%   0.4%
  ***TIMED MORNING (6am-<12)      2      2      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                0.1%   0.1%
  ***TIMED AFTERNOON (12-<6)      4      4      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                0.1%   0.1%
  ***TIMED EVENING (6-<12am)      3      3      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                0.1%   0.1%
  TIMED LATER                     4      4      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                0.1%   0.1%
  HIDDEN NUMBERS                 21     20      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                0.7%   0.6%   5.9%
**PACIFIC TZ AVAILABLE:        1969   1948     12      9      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                               61.1%  61.0%  70.6%  69.2%
  SYSTEM SCHEDULED:            1639   1623      8      8      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                               50.8%  50.8%  47.1%  61.5%
    NEW NUMBERS                 583    583      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                               18.1%  18.3%
    DAY PART 2 ONLY               1      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                  *      *
    DAY PART 3 ONLY              65     65      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                2.0%   2.0%
    DAY PART 2 OR 3             987    971      8      8      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                               30.6%  30.4%  47.1%  61.5%
    DAY PART TARGETS MET          3      3      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                0.1%   0.1%
  TIMED CALLBACKS TODAY         130    129      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                4.0%   4.0%   5.9%
  ***TIMED MORNING (6am-<12)     12     12      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                0.4%   0.4%
  ***TIMED AFTERNOON (12-<6)     29     28      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                0.9%   0.9%   5.9%
  ***TIMED EVENING (6-<12am)     37     37      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                1.1%   1.2%
  TIMED LATER                    52     52      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                1.6%   1.6%
  SPECIAL INTERVIEWER ONLY        2      -      2      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                0.1%         11.8%
  HIDDEN NUMBERS                198    196      1      1      -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                                6.1%   6.1%   5.9%   7.7%
Note: Percentage less than 0.05 printed as *.
                                                                REPORT 9:  CALL AVAILABILITY BY MARKET
                                                                                                     AVAILABLE WHEN RELEASED
                                         RESOLVED NUMBERS           CURRENTLY AVAILABLE     =========================================
                                    =========================== ===========================           ALL
                                                    USER SYSTEM               SYSTEM                  ATT                       SPECL
                                     TOTAL   COMP    RES    RES           NEW  SCHED  TIMED         EMPTS IN BUC  TIMED        INTVWR    ATT- AVG. #
                             ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- ------
TOTAL                          4966   1742    531   1211      -   2819   1095   1600    124    405      3      -     65    334      3    5808    1.2
                              100.0%  35.1%  10.7%  24.4%         56.8%  22.0%  32.2%   2.5%   8.2%   0.1%          1.3%   6.7%   0.1%  100.0%
                              100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%        100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%        100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
001                            1502    477    146    331      -    876    271    573     32    149      1      -     31    116      1    2229    1.5
                              100.0%  31.8%   9.7%  22.0%         58.3%  18.0%  38.1%   2.1%   9.9%   0.1%          2.1%   7.7%   0.1%   38.4%
                               30.2%  27.4%  27.5%  27.3%         31.1%  24.7%  35.8%  25.8%  36.8%  33.3%         47.7%  34.7%  33.3%
002                            1734    642    201    441      -    968    435    472     61    124      -      -      9    114      1    1480    0.9
                              100.0%  37.0%  11.6%  25.4%         55.8%  25.1%  27.2%   3.5%   7.2%                 0.5%   6.6%   0.1%   25.5%
                               34.9%  36.9%  37.9%  36.4%         34.3%  39.7%  29.5%  49.2%  30.6%                13.8%  34.1%  33.3%
003                            1730    623    184    439      -    975    389    555     31    132      2      -     25    104      1    2099    1.2
                              100.0%  36.0%  10.6%  25.4%         56.4%  22.5%  32.1%   1.8%   7.6%   0.1%          1.4%   6.0%   0.1%   36.1%
                               34.8%  35.8%  34.7%  36.3%         34.6%  35.5%  34.7%  25.0%  32.6%  66.7%         38.5%  31.1%  33.3%
                                                        REPORT 10: CALLS MADE BY AVAILABILITY WITHIN REPLICATE
                                                                   NUMBER OF CALLS MADE
                              TOTAL    NOT =====================================================================           AVERAGE
                                NUM    YET                                                                 10 OR     TOTAL # CALLS
                              -BERS CALLED    ONE    TWO  THREE   FOUR   FIVE    SIX  SEVEN  EIGHT   NINE   MORE     CALLS    MADE
                             ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ --------- -------
TOTAL SAMPLE:                  4966   1202   2281   1134    198    101     40      9      1      -      -      -      5808    1.17
-------------                 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%                         100.0%
  RESOLVED NUMBERS:            1742      -   1320    296     86     28      9      3      -      -      -      -      2345    1.35
                               35.1%         57.9%  26.1%  43.4%  27.7%  22.5%  33.3%                                 40.4%
    COMPLETES                   531      -    337    127     48     14      3      2      -      -      -      -       818    1.54
                               10.7%         14.8%  11.2%  24.2%  13.9%   7.5%  22.2%                                 14.1%
    OTHER RESOLVED             1211      -    983    169     38     14      6      1      -      -      -      -      1527    1.26
                               24.4%         43.1%  14.9%  19.2%  13.9%  15.0%  11.1%                                 26.3%
  STILL AVAILABLE:             3224   1202    961    838    112     73     31      6      1      -      -      -      3463    1.07
                               64.9% 100.0%  42.1%  73.9%  56.6%  72.3%  77.5%  66.7% 100.0%                          59.6%
    SYSTEM SCHEDULED:          2695   1095    778    680     77     40     23      1      1      -      -      -      2657    0.99
                               54.3%  91.1%  34.1%  60.0%  38.9%  39.6%  57.5%  11.1% 100.0%                          45.7%
      NEW NUMBERS              1095   1095      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -         -    0.00
                               22.0%  91.1%
      RESCHEDULED NUMBERS      1600      -    778    680     77     40     23      1      1      -      -      -      2657    1.66
                               32.2%         34.1%  60.0%  38.9%  39.6%  57.5%  11.1% 100.0%                          45.7%
    TIMED TODAY                 124      -     56     33     15     16      3      1      -      -      -      -       252    2.03
                                2.5%          2.5%   2.9%   7.6%  15.8%   7.5%  11.1%                                  4.3%
    AVAILABLE WHEN RELEASED:    405    107    127    125     20     17      5      4      -      -      -      -       554    1.37
                                8.2%   8.9%   5.6%  11.0%  10.1%  16.8%  12.5%  44.4%                                  9.5%
      ALL TARGETED ATTEMPTS       3      -      -      -      -      -      -      3      -      -      -      -        18    6.00
                                0.1%                                            33.3%                                  0.3%
      TIMED LATER                65      -     21     26      8      9      1      -      -      -      -      -       138    2.12
                                1.3%          0.9%   2.3%   4.0%   8.9%   2.5%                                         2.4%
      HIDDEN NUMBERS            334    107    105     97     12      8      4      1      -      -      -      -       393    1.18
                                6.7%   8.9%   4.6%   8.6%   6.1%   7.9%  10.0%  11.1%                                  6.8%
      IN SPECIAL INTV/OWNED       3      -      1      2      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -         5    1.67
STACK                           0.1%            *    0.2%                                                              0.1%
Note: Percentage less than 0.05 printed as *.

6.7.3 Using MAKEZONE to Build the ZONE TABLE

This program lets you add area codes to an existing ZONETABL file. Since area codes are being added so quickly in the United States, users cannot wait for each update to receive a new file. Be careful about adding area codes into the table before the area is activated, or your interviewers will be unable to successfully dial those numbers. See example file MAKEZONE^DOC for more information. You should download a current ZONETABL file from the CfMC Support Web site and find out what the most current area codes and prefix changes have been made before running MAKEZONE to make a custom version, since the changes may already be incorporated into that version. If you do not have access to the CfMC Support Web site, contact CfMC Support to get the information to log in. Note to predictive/preview/auto dialer users: Make sure that the dialer program has the same area codes added to its database, or the dialer may reject these numbers even though Survent thinks they’re OK. MAKEZONE reads a spec file that is an ASCII version of the ZONETABL. This spec file is the zone source file and is supplied as part of each update. The exact name of the file is operating system dependent:
/cfmc/survent/zonetabl.src (UNIX)
To add a new area code into the ZONETABL do the following: 1 Make backup copies of the current ZONETABL and zone source files. Try dialing a couple of the numbers that your current zone table is rejecting and verify that the phone rings. If it does ring, then the area code has been activated. If it doesn’t ring and you get a fast busy signal, then the area code has not been activated and you probably should not add that area code into the ZONETABL. Check the current zone source file to see if the area code exists. If it does not exist, find the area ode it split off from, and if it has no exceptions, you can copy that line to the appropriate place for the new area code and change the area code to the new area code. If the old area code has exceptions, you cannot update this area code with 100% accuracy. Contact the Support Hotline. CfMC may not have 100% accurate information for some time after the area code is activated. We must rely on our supplier to give us a list of exchanges for the new area code. If you need 100% accuracy and CfMC has not yet received updated information, then use example file FIXAC^SPX to change the old area code to the new one for each phone file. 2 After adding the area code(s) into the zone source file, run the program MAKEZONE and at the spec file put in the name of the zone source file. At the list file prompt put in a valid file name to save any error messages. If you get error messages, try to figure out what you did wrong. Most likely you did not supply a proper time zone or daylight savings setting for the area code you added. 3 If MAKEZONE runs successfully, it will create a file called ZONETABL in the local directory/group. You can then use the Mentor spec file ZONE2DOC to convert the ZONETABL back to the source file. Compare the new ZONEDOC file with the zone source file to make sure it has all your changes. 4 If ZONEDOC has all your proper changes then, you can rename the ZONETABL file into the CONTROL directory/group and rename the ZONEDOC file into the SURVENT directory/group. 5 Use FONEBULD to add some numbers into a dummy phone file. Make sure you use a cross-section of numbers that contain both new and old area codes, plus some known bad area codes like 999. If this works, everything is OK. If it doesn’t, retrace your steps to see what went wrong. 6 If you are unable to figure out what is wrong, then use your backup of the ZONETABL and contact the Support Hotline for assistance. 7 To fix just a few area codes for a particular phone file (because you need to get the study up in a hurry), see the example file FIXAC^SPX.

6.7.4 Using FONESIM to Test Phone Parameters

FONESIM stands for PHONE SYSTEM SIMULATOR. It allows you to pick up records and put them back in the file with a status, as if you were running Survent and doing interviews. It has many facilities to watch what is happening as you pick up and put down records. Many of the facilities are also available in FONEUTIL, such as modifying phone parameters and market weights, seeing status screens and so on. Here is the help screen:
 CH <number> | <name>        - show info on all stack/specified stack
 CHANGE <new phone number>   - change gotten number to new number
 CHECK <stack>               - check all stack/specified stacks
 DELAY <time>                - delay for <time> seconds
 F<phonenum>                 - find a fone number (use SF to see info)
 G[S] [<phonenum>] [<time>]  - GET a phone number (S - specific #)
 ID <id> or SPECIAL <type>   - set interviewer ID/special intv type
 MAP                         - show stacks map
 STAT                        - show phone status values
 MKT                         - display markets/modify market weights
 MM                          - modify phone parameters
 OPEN <studycode>            - open a new phone file
 OWN                         - make gotten record 'owned' by current id
 P <stat> <took> <callback>  - PUT number back with this status
 NOTE: G can be followed on the same line with 'P 999' to just leave
  record up-in-the-air
 PT [<callback>]             - PUT number back as 10-min. timed call
 PZ <a/b/c/d/e>              - print phone status screens (abcde)
 SCAN                        - check if call histories in file are OK.
                               Use FONEUTIL FIX option to fix up any
                               bad history slots reported by this
 SR <phone rec #>            - show all info about phone record
 ST                          - show intv id, rec #, and whether gotten
 TM                          - show current time
 >FAKETIME <time>            - set to different time
The following are commonly used commands that have facilities not available in FONEUTIL: G This gets a number. If you just say “G” it gets the next available number. If you say “GS <phonenumber>” it tries to get that phone number. If you give a time it changes the time to that time as it gets the number, so you can see which number you would get at that time. P Puts the number back. You must specify a status. “P 101” puts the number down as a “No Answer” (see STAT for statuses). PT Puts the number down as a timed call (status 104) with the date/time specified, and treats it like a 10-minute call. SCAN Checks the call history fields to make sure there is valid data there. Use the FONEUTIL “FIX” command to fix any errors. SR Shows system fields for the record you picked up with “G”, such as call histories, record number, state code, number calls so far, etc. >FAKETIME Allows you to change the perceived time to try to get numbers then.

6.7.5 Command Files and Examples

CfMC provides many utilities and examples related to phone system operation. They are referenced throughout the chapter in the appropriate sections. Here is a list of the command files and utilities provided. PHONE SYSTEM COMMAND FILES To run the command files, you simply specify the command name and any additional parameters that are needed.
This runs FONEUTIL on a phone file or set of phone files, and execute whatever options you specify in the file FNRUN^SPX. By default, it fixes and verifies the file and prints before and after information. It saves a backup copy of the file before executing. If you type “FONERUN ALL” it will do all studies in the phone directory. If you say “FONERUN USELIST” it will do all studies specified in the file USELIST. If you say “FONERUN <study>” it will operate on that study only. Additional options are “NEXTDAY” and REBUILD”. Following is the help screen. Type:
Fonerun <Parm1> <Parm2>
Parm1 must be one of the following:
ALL:         will do all files in current/fone directory
CURRENT:     will rebuild all files updated in the last 24 hours
StudyName:   will do only the phone file StudyName
USELIST:     will do all the files in the file USELIST
Parm2        can be either of the following:
NEXTDAY:     will integrate phone file as if it was tomorrow
REBUILD:     will dump the file to ASCII and rebuild it
This uses the file FNRUN^SPX in the local directory if there is one or it uses the one in %CFMC%SUPPORT. You can change this file to customize what FONEUTIL options will be performed on each phone file. When the CfMCFONE variable is set, this will look for FON files in that directory, otherwise it will look in current directory. Use the CFMCENV batch file to change your environment.
This runs FIXRESUM on a set of suspended records for a study; if the records cannot be fixed up, it runs FONEUTIL and KILLS (resolves with status 81) the phone records associated with the unfixable resume files. A backup is kept of the unresumable files.
MAKESUSP <study> <question number>
This is intended to retrieve the data from suspended interviews because you wish to count the interview as a “complete” instead of continuing with the interview. It runs FONEUTIL to get a list of suspended files that were suspended after a particular question, SUSPRES to get the data from those suspends, and Mentor to combine the files. It then runs FONEUTIL to KILL (resolve with status 81) records whose data was saved.
This utility reads study QUOTA files and FON files to produce a report which includes current quota and target counts, time on study, time to completion of quotas, and number of completes, resolved, etc. Like FONERUN, QUOTARPT supports “ALL” to do all studies, “USELIST” to do all studies in a list, and “<study>” to do a particular study (NOTE: Use “<study> LOCAL” to get files from the local directory instead of the system area. Here is an example report:
QUOTA/PHONE REPORT FOR STUDY:  ***  PHONE  ***  15 sEP 2011 15:49     PAGE 1
----------      ------  -----  ----  -----  ------  -----   ----- ------  -------
COMPLETE       :    20      2   10%      2      18   66.7     1.0     18      0.3
FEMALE         :    10      2   20%      2       8   66.7     1.0      8      0.1
MALE           :    10      1   10%      1       9   33.3     2.0     18      0.3
OVERALL (Trg>0):    40      5   13%      5      35  166.7     0.4     14      0.2
HIGHEST VALUE  :    20      2   20%      2      18   66.7     2.0     18      0.3
LOWEST VALUE   :    10      1   10%      1       8   33.3     1.0      8      0.1
ANSWMACHS      :     0      5            0            0.0
BUSYS          :     0      3            0            0.0
CALLBACKS      :     0      7            0            0.0
TERM_IN_PROG   :     0      9            0            0.0
------    -----  ------  -----  ------ ------- --------  ---------  -----   -----
    26       23       1      2       0      0      0.03       0.03      3   100.0
The report tells you what you need to do to finish all of your quota groups. The numbers in the top banner come from the quota file and the numbers below from the phone file. To get all the values on the report, you must use TRIPLEQUOTAS mode (see 3.1.5 Using TRIPLEQUOTAS mode). Quotas without targets will be listed, but will not have calculations regarding percent done, balance needed, or hours to finish. Currently, this report does not report on NUMBERED quotas. To modify the table, see the file QRPT^SPX in the CFMC SUPPORT directory. Phone System Example Questionnaires and Mentor Spec Files Here is an alphabetic listing of the phone system-related example files in the CFMC SURVENT directory. These are referenced throughout the chapter; use them to see exactly how different phone system features work, or just read them to see how they would be implemented. Files with ^QPX extensions are questionnaire specifications and can generally be compiled as is or modified. Files with ^SPX extensions are Mentor spec files used to manipulate or check phone file data or produce reports. They generally require some modification of defined variables in the file to run. This information is also available with the other Survent examples in the INDEX file in the examples area: ADDPH^QPX shows how to add a single phone number to a phone file and use it immediately during interviewing. This is an application of the !PHONE,A statement, unlike the PHONA^QPX example, which is a questionnaire to add many records to the phone file as a separate process. AUTOD^QPX shows one way to do autodialing using a modem in a front end screener. See MODEM^QPX for a spec file to test if a modem is working/configured properly. BURN^QPX shows how to create a “dummy” interviewing process that does nothing other than Hide over quota numbers, so that actual interviewers are much more likely to get under quota numbers. CHGST^SPX reads a .FON or ASCII copy of it, and will convert numbers from a resolved status and make them a timed call-back status. CMBDP^SPX reads a .FON or ASCII copy of it, and combines information for duplicate records that were dialed into a single record. You might want to use this when converting a phone file that was built with Duplicates=Yes and to one with Duplicates=No. DSTCV^SPX converts phone numbers not currently in the zone table to/from daylightsavings. This is for numbers not in the USA or Canada. CNVFN^SPX converts phone files to/from version 7.6s (small) format to 7.7 (large) format. DISPO^SPX produces a simple disposition report from the phone file showing counts of either final status for resolved numbers or last status for numbers that are still live. See PHONERPT to get full reports on the phone file. DUPES^SPX shows how to drop duplicate numbers from a file, e.g. duplicate phone numbers. This reads the file DUPES^DAT. EXAM2^QPX is the sample spec file used by CfMC documentation on the use of phone files. It contains a more complex contact screen than PHONE^QPX and is combined with BANK^QPX to create a more realistic questionnaire. (NOTE: You can build a sample phone file using FONEBULD and the file NUMBERS^RAW. FIXAC^SPX reads an ASCII (raw) phone file and allows you to assign time zones to phone numbers for area codes not yet in the standard Zonetabl file used by FONEBULD to assign time zones. FNCHK^SPX reads either a FON file or a converted ASCII phone file and reports on records that have an illegal format (corrupted phone file) and/or fixes up records that are in the error stack. FNCNT^SPX counts the number of interviewers working on a study during each hour of the day and produces a summary report. FNIND^QPX shows how to use the multiple index feature to get specific numbers by, for example, last name or company name. Read the file FNIND^FBL into FONEBULD to build the phone file and use the raw file of phone numbers FNIND^RAW. This uses FNIND^FBL to make the phone file. FNEXP^SPX writes one record for every call history to be processed later. You can get all the call histories in a particular date range. FNINT^SPX lists each call made sorted by interviewer; lists the time of the call, call status, and total time on the call. FONEADD1 Command file to add 1 to the phone number and generate a new phone file. This is often done for RDD sample projects where you want to call the numbers that you haven’t gotten a complete with the first number you tried to call. Uses file FNAD1^SPX. FXHST^SPX reads a FON or ASCII copy of it and will update the actual last history slot with data from the copy of the last history slot, since the last history slot is NOT used in older versions of FONEBULD when the ASCII record is read back in. This spec can also be used to modify that last history or add a history to a particular set of numbers. MAKEZONE^DOC contains notes on how to run the MAKEZONE program so you can update your own ZONETABL file when new area codes are added. See also ZONE2^DOC, ZONESRCE and ZONET^DOC for information on the area code assignments used by MAKEZONE. MARK^QPX shows how to set up Market areas. Use the file MARK^FBL in FONEBULD to build the file with market areas. You should always use a spec file in FONEBULD when using market areas so you can easily rebuild the file without having to re-type all the market information. Use the file MARK^RAW as the raw phone file. Uses MARK^FBL to make the phone file. MKTCV^SPX allows you to change an existing non-market phone file into a market one, or show you how to change the current market settings in an existing market job. Markets allow you control what numbers get released by group using market weights. MODEM^QPX builds a questionnaire to test whether a modem is configured/working properly to have the program dial the number instead of the interviewer. MOVER^SPX reformats data from one location to another, for example, an ASCII file from an outside supplier into the format of a CfMC raw phone file. PHLAY^QPX has a questionnaire file layout for the phone file so that you can run the REFORMAT program to export phone sample data to delimited or other layouts. Add labels and locations for your own variables to get them included with CfMC variables in the converted dataset. PHONA^QPX shows how to add numbers to a phone file while a study is active. This has a number of different applications. See ADDPH^QPX for more information. PHONE^CMD is a file to be read by FONEBULD to modify/create a shop file in batch mode. This can also be used to update the shopfile from release to release. PHONE^QPX is a spec file that builds a default phone status screen and related features. This is the recommended file to start with when first attempting to use the phone system. See SHELL^QPX for a sample front/back end spec file that does not use a .FON file. See STDRD^LZW for a standardized questionnaire with more features. PHONE^QPX is a spec file that shows how to use the Phone,L sub-type question in conjunction with markets to cause an interviewer to only dial numbers in a particular market. This can be used to control studies that are being done in multiple languages or to reduce the number of interviewers getting numbers from an almost closed market to reduce the chance of going over quota. Use the file PHONL^FBL in FONEBULD to build the fone file. RNDFN^SPX creates one file with records from up to 10 other files, interleaving the records so there is one record from each file before the next record from the same file. This is to get all the records from separate sample files added in the order they are in the original files. STDRD^LWZ is a set of files that let you build a phone file and write a questionnaire with standard features automatically provided, such as standard phone file positions, a standard front and back, interviewer comment area and coding and editing areas. You just provide the initial phone file layout and the body of the questionnaire, and it does the rest. STRPF^SPX Spec file that strips unwanted characters out of the phone number field in a raw ASCII file. UNKIL^SPX Reads a phone file or ASCIIfied phone file that was incorrectly killed and tries to undo the kill process as best as possible. UNZAP^SPX Reads a phone file or ASCIIfied phone file that was incorrectly zapped and tries to undo the zap process as best as possible. ZAPLS^SPX Spec file to do with commands what the “ZAP,LAST” command does in FONEUTIL. This is so you can integrate this feature into overnight applications.


This section includes a discussion of various issues related to installing and running CfMC’s Survent in conjunction with an automatic phone dialer. The current dialers supported are a dialer from MSG PRO-T-S Systems and a predictive dialer from SER/EIS. The MSG PRO-T-S dialer can run in predictive mode or autodial mode. In autodial mode, it dials numbers for a particular station until it gets a connect; the EIS predictive dialer and the MSG PRO-T-S dialer in predictive mode dial numbers until they get a connect, then they assign the call to an available interviewer. This section does not include information on how to install the dialers, just the interface between the dialers and the CfMC system. See the respective documentation for these systems for installation and maintenance of the dialers themselves. PLATFORM DIFFERENCES Directory /cfmc/ on UNIX machines is directory \CFMC\ on DOS networks. All other groups/directories follow the normal CfMC platform difference rules. Note to UNIX Users: There are no configuration differences between UNIX systems.

6.8.1 Setting Up the Hardware and Dialer Interface

1 Before starting installation, make sure that both CfMC and dialer personnel will be available at least by phone. Also have a couple of terminals available that can be used to test to make sure that all the cabling is good. Make sure you have verified with both CfMC and dialer personnel that you have the correct versions of each software. A particular version of CfMC software (e.g., version 7.6) may only work with particular versions of EIS or MSG PRO-T-S dialer software. IMPORTANT NOTE: Version 8.1 supports SER dialers whereever EIS was previously supported. This is due to the fact that the provider changed from EIS to SER. EIS is still supported, however. So, SER and EIS are interchangable when used in commands, etc. 2 Make sure that the dialer is running independently of CfMC and is otherwise behaving as it should be. Determine the dialer extension for each station. This may be done on an dialer by taking a single extension off hook and checking at the call processor to see which extension is off hook. NOTE: If the correct extensions are not associated with the proper CfMC station numbers, things will not work correctly. The correspondence is maintained in the TTYINFO file or using environment variables and is described below. 3 Install the CfMC Survent software onto your system per the instructions provided. 41 Set up the interface between the computers: After configuring and connecting the ethernet cards on the computers, you should enter “ping XXXX” (where XXXX is your device name for the dialer on your network) to verify communications between the CfMC computer and dialer machine. Establish a telnet connection if possible to easily move back and forth between the machines. For DOS configurations, you must run the CfMC server on a WINDOWS-based machine with the program DIALRW.EXE running as a separate process. 5 Run the DIALCFG program to set the dialer parameters that you want to use by default. If you are not sure what you want, use the CfMC defaults to start. If you have calling codes for each study, this is where you set them and build a separate configuration file for each. Quit the program and re-run it to verify that you have properly updated the dialing parameters. You can also set the dialing parameters using commands from a file. See below for more information on how to run DIALCFG. 6 Modify the parmfile and TTYINFO file to describe your dialer connection(s) and options (see below). 7 Set up the terminal descriptions to include dialer extensions: If you have hard-wired ports, you set this using line descriptions in the TTYINFO file (see below). If you are connecting using TCP/IP or other non-hardwired configurations, you will need to set at least the following variables in a batch file or login script for the program to properly access the terminal. Here is an example:
setenv TERM wyse50
setenv LDEV 101
setenv EXTENSION 101
setvar TERMTYPE "wyse50"
setvar LDEV 101
setvar EXTENSION 101
8 If you are on a UNIX system, make sure your .login and .cshrc scripts are correct, or copy “login.exam” and “cshrc.exam” from the CfMC CONTROL directory to your login directory and adjust them accordingly. If you are running terminals under TCP/IP, set the variables as in 6) above. 9 If you are running UNIX, verify that the “atmsread” background process is not running by saying “ps -ef | grep atmsread”. If it is running, kill it by typing “kill -9 <process number>”. 10 Start up the CfMC “snapper” and “server” programs by entering “server”. If you see error messages or the programs do not start, make sure you have the proper access to all files, the ports are properly configured, etc. Then, try again. 11 Start up a supervisor station (usually by entering “SUPER”) and then preceding the commands described below with “SERVER:” to send the commands to the server. Enter “SERVER:>DUMP s”, making sure the “s” is lower-case. Enter ”>DUMP show” to verify that the “s” dump switch is set. This causes dialer communication to be echoed to the screen as well as being saved in the server’s “ll<date>” log file. Then enter “DIALER: 9 INIT”, or “DIALER” then “9 INIT”, where 9 is the dialer number that you are testing. This will initialize the CfMC/dialer communication and on the SERVER machine you should see some messages echoing back and forth about opening the read and write ports and that communication has been established. If you look in the log file there will be a message about the time differences between the two machines. If the machines are more than one minute apart, you could end up with some strange results in the history information. If the program hangs or does not appear to be communicating with the dialer, you need to redo the steps above. Then enter “DIALER:9 HS:MY OWN MESSAGE”. This will send the string MY OWN MESSAGE to the dialer. You should see “from atms …” messages returned from the dialer acknowledging receipt of the message. If not, back up and try again. 12 Now, check that the CfMC system is working independent of the dialer. First, make sure that a non phone-system study works with the software. Start up a SERVER. Then logon with CfMC access at a station, and enter “NETSURV”. If the program starts up, you will get a “Enter study code” prompt; enter a study code. Then you will get an interviewer ID prompt; enter a valid interviewer ID (valid IDs should be recorded in the /cfmc/cfg/ file. If you get into a study and can collect one or more data cases, you are done. 13 Start up a SUPERVISOR (by entering “SUPER”) at a terminal and make sure you can start up interviewers on a test job like example file BANK^QPX. At the interviewer station in DOS or UNIX, enter “START” or “START ” where “” is the device number. 14 Make sure that a phone system controlled study works independent of the dialer. Start up an interviewer on a test phone job like example file PHONE^QPX and collect some interviews. 15 Get your dialer test questionnaire ready (you may use DIALER^QPX in the CFMC Survent example directory. Make sure you have lots of phone numbers to be dialed in the sample file, and your bucket times allow calling in the time frame you are working in. If you are using the MSG PRO-T-S dialer or preview mode using an EIS or SER dialer, make sure you have made the appropriate spec modifications to your test questionnaire (you will need a !PHONE,1 to retrieve numbers and a !PHONE,D to dial numbers). If you are using a predictive dialer such as the EIS or SER dialer, you do not need to make any spec modifications. 16 Start up one interviewer using the ATM command in the SUPERVISOR or start up “NETSURV” at a terminal and enter ”<id>,ATMS” at the interviewer ID prompt. This should initialize the study for the dialer and start sending phone records from the server to the dialer,and live calls to the interviewer(s) started. The interviewers should take their phones off the hook to tell the dialer they are ready to receive numbers. They will see ”…A…B…C” on their screens until the dialer connects them. You should see various types of SHIP records on the SERVER screen (they will also be saved in the server LOG file for later review). You should see “to ATMS” messages, and “from ATMS” messages coming back. If this does not occur, either your dialer is not running or you have some configuration or hardware problem. If necessary, CfMC, MSG, or SER/EIS personnel can interpret the SHIP messages to try and isolate the problem. 17 Start as many interviewers as you can for testing and make sure the system runs with the maximum number of users running. Check that the correct phones are getting voices when the interview gets a “connect.” Note: It is best to instruct the interviewers to either ask a few actual questions or ask for a person they know will not be there, so they don’t disturb the test respondents. If communications are established, and you get live voices at the correct stations, the program is configured properly and you can start your Survent study on the dialer. If not, you should take the supervisor and server down, reboot the dialer if necessary, make any necessary changes, and start your CfMC server again. Remote phone logins with an MSG dialer The MSG dialer allows you to call in from a remote phone to hook up to the dialer. To do this in Survent, at the interviewer ID prompt enter”rem_phone=##########”. For example:
Enter Interviewer ID--> mike,dialer,rem_phone=4157770470
The dialer will call the phone number specified and when it is picked up the interviewer will be attached to the dialer. Don’t forget to set the value of CFMCEXTENSION or EXTENSION in the interviewer’s login script. If you are using webCATI, you set REM_PHONE=“value” on the index.html page where the interviewer logs in. You will need one index.html page for each interviewer in this case.

6.8.2 Setting Up The parmfile and TTYINFO file Parameters

The parmfile includes server parameters for the Survent software, the TTYINFO file has a description of all the terminals and devices you will be using with Survent. See 4.4.4 INTERVIEWING CONFIGURATIONS, The TTYINFO file for more information. The only required parameter in the parmfile is the TIMEZONE.  Time zones are numbered going west  from Greenwich Mean Time, 5=Eastern United States, 8=Western United States. The EXPIRATION and VALIDATION strings should be received from CfMC.
If you are in part of the world (for example, Arizona) that does not observe daylight savings time, you can add the option “NO_DAYLIGHT_SAVINGS_TIME” after your timezone setting and the system will automatically adjust how it handles the phone system when the rest of the world changes their clocks, but your shop does not. You no longer have to manually change the timezone setting in the parmfile. Note, we still recommend though that you reset the study server on the mornings when the rest of the world changes their clocks. Here are the additional parameters that are required if you are using a dialer: DIALER: This tells Survent the type of dialer you are using. The syntax is:
It is not required, but if it is missing there must be a dialer type on each DIALER## line. If you plan to allow Survent to give special statuses to numbers that have been returned from the dialer with a disconnect status, you need to specify ”<type>,DUMMY”. This mode allows you to set up your own status rules by having a station signed on the study with interviewer type 9 which would receive the numbers after they were returned from the dialer to re-status them before allowing interviewers to talk to them. DIALER:##: This tells the program specific information about the dialer or dialers you are using. You may have up to 20 dialers, and you need one DIALER:##: line for each to tell the program where the dialer is and what ports and extensions are involved.
This will specify the type of any dialer that doesn’t have a type on the line for that specific dialer. It is not required, in which case, everyDIALER## line must have a type specified. The syntax is:
DIALER##: <read><write><ext list>,<SOUND>,<baudrate> <group> <type>
DIALER## SOCKET=<IP address><read><write><ext list>,<SOUND> <group> <type>
VOIP You can use Voice-over-IP phones with the SER dialer. To do so, add “VOIP” to the DIALER## line for your dialer. For example:
dialer08: 1995.162.1.1 5002,5003 1-240,eis,VOIP
This causes the SER dialer to create a connection to the VOIP phones using the extension we specify. IP address is the IP address of the dialer (eg. 192,168.1.1). read is the ldev or socket the dialer reads (from where it gets its input). write is the ldev or socket to which the dialer writes when it sends data to CfMC. ext. list is a list of extensions connected to this dialer and it looks like <from-to>+<fromto>+<from-to>+<to> … baudrate may be present for serial connected dialers, in which case it must be 9600 or 19200. For dialers connected via sockets, this field should be blank. group is an ASCII string of up to 5 characters. This will be the column head on the dialer summary screen, which you get in SURVSUPR with the “sum” command. The counts of interviewers for dialers with the same <group> will be added together. type is the dialer type. If this field is missing, it will be filled in from the “dialer:” line in the parmfile. If present, it must be SER/EIS, NOBLE, GERRY or STRATASOFT. NOTE: The fields <baudrate>, <loc>, <type> can be in any order, but you’d better not have a <loc> that looks like a <type> or a <baudrate>. Here is an example:
DIALER01: SOCKET=,1200,1201 41-100 mork gerry
“01” is the dialer number, is the IP address for the dialer on your network (or you could use it’s NAME like “DIALERX”). 1200 and 1201 are the read/write sockets for the dialer machine. 41 – 100 are the CfMC dialer extension numbers you are assigning to the phones connected to the dialer. These must be in a sequential range where 41 is the first physical dialer extension and 100 is the last (see terminal description in TTYINFO file below). Mork is the name and Gerry is the dialer type. You can also specify disjoint extension sets. Here is an example:
DIALER01: 5001 5002 1-20+32+45+51-99
This states that the dialer 01 is at ip address, the read port is 5001, the write port is 5002, and the extensions used are 1-20, 32,45 and 51-99. If you are using a Noble dialer, you can have Survent pass an IP address to use for the extension of the IP phone. You can set the environment variable CFMCPHONEIPADDRESS to and it will pass it along to the dialer as the address for the dialer to find for its IP phone extension. The IP address goes to the NOBLE dialer via the Agent Login Command that CfMC sends to Noble:
IVR_STARTED <studycode>, <ivr ID>, <extension>,<specialtypes>, <IP address>
SER/EIS_REAL_EXTENSIONS: When using multiple dialers, this causes the EIS GATEWAY displays to show the same extension numbers used by the CfMC system, instead of starting each dialer’s extensions at “1” in their displays. This allows you to name interviewer stations and EIS extensions with the same number and have consistency across the CfMC and SER/EIS displays. NOTE: The MSG PRO-T-S dialer works this way by default. (EIS_REAL_EXTENSIONS: YES) SER/EIS_REAL_EXTENSIONS: YES causes the Portal Connect Gateway displays to show the extension numbers used by the CfMC system, instead of starting each dialer’s extensions at “1” in the display. This allows you to name booths and Portal Connect extensions with the same number and have consistency across the CfMC and Portal Connect displays. This is now the default in version 7.7. (If you are running version 7.6+ in conjunction with version 7.2, set “SER/EIS_REAL_EXTENSIONS: NO”) FONENUMBER_PREFIX You can add one to six characters in front of the phone number that is passed to the dialer. You can set this on the parameter screen or use the keyword. FONERECNUMLEN: This tells the dialer the length of the phone record number it receives from the CfMC server. The default is “5” and it may be set to “6”. Use 6 if you wish to use more than 99,999 phone records per study. This must also be set in the dialer machine configuration. (FONERECNUMLEN: 6) CALL_MODEM_STATUS: This allows you to set a status other than 78 for a modem disconnect. In particular, you can set the status to a non-resolved status (> 100) so that the number will be called back. For more extensive control of return statuses, see the DIALER:SER/EIS,DUMMY command below. (CALL_MODEM_STATUS: 122) CALL_INCOMPLETE_STATUS: This allows you to set a status other than 76 for an incomplete disconnect returned from the dialer. In particular, you can set the status to a non-resolved status (> 100) so that the number will be called back. For more extensive control of return statuses, see the DIALER: SER/EIS,DUMMY command above. (CALL_INCOMPLETE_STATUS: 123) CALL_TRUNKBUSY_STATUS:### By default, these calls were recorded with a standard “Busy” status of 102. Now, they are recorded with their own status of 157 by default. Note that statuses 157-159 now act like 102 (treated as a “busy” status). This parmfile command can be used to set the status to whatever you want. If you want it to be treated exactly like a busy, use 102 (standard “Busy” status). The new Parmfile comand “CALL_TRUNKBUSY_STATUS:###” can be used to set the status to whatever you want. If you want it to be treated exactly like a busy, use 102 (standard “Busy” status). DEFAULT_USE_DIALER: YES causes any non-practice mode supervisor→interviewer startups on the system to use a dialer, unless otherwise specified. This means all supervisor “Start” and “Chi” commands will use the dialer unless ”-Dialer” is specified on the command. This is for shops where they are almost always using a dialer. It keeps the supervisors from making mistakes when starting up. DIALER_CONNECT_STATUS: This allows you to set a status other than “1” for a connect; It would be best to use a resolved status such as 25 so if you don’t otherwise set a status it will not attempt a callback. This is useful because Survent uses status “1” as a default if you do not otherwise set a status, so there can be confusion about whether the number was a complete or never assigned a status. (DIALER_CONNECT_STATUS: 25) DIALER_ABANDONMENT_STATUS: This allows you to set a status other than 106 for “abandoned/nuisance” calls (numbers that were dialed by the dialer but hung up on a respondent because no interviewer was available). This would most likely be used if you did not want to call those people back; set it to a value from 2-99 to resolved the number and not call back. (DIALER_ABANDONMENT_STATUS: 23) KEEP_DIALER_NUMBER:YES keeps dialer number used in call history. The keyword “KEEP_DIALER_NUMBER: YES” will store the number of the dialer used in the history slot in place of the first digit of ”# seconds on call”. This will either be an ”@” if there is no dialer, a number 1-9, or a letter A-K representing dialer numbers 10-20 from the DIALERxx: line in the parmfile. This will also cause the ”# seconds on call” field to be stored in 6029.4 instead of 6028.5, which would be used standardly. NOTE: If you use this feature, you can only record up to “9999” seconds in the ”# seconds on call” field (166 minutes). MAX_DIALER_CLOCK_ERROR:YES indicates when to disallow dialing because the CfMC server and dialer clocks don’t match. It will require that the dialer clock and the server clock agree to within the specified number of seconds or the dialer will not run. REMOTE signals the use of “VOIP” (Voice over IP) for the SER dialer. If you add ”,remote” to the extension list on the DIALER##: line in the parmfile, the software will send the commands needed to connect to “VOICE OVER IP” phones. Here is an example:
NOTE: In order for a supervisor to be able to voice-monitor these stations, they have to log in with an extension that is greater than 20000. SER_INTERVIEWER_NAME:<VALUE> This controls the interviewer name sent to the SER dialer. CfMC defaults to sending the first 9 characters of the interviewer name field from the employee file (columns 5-13). The options for “SER_INTERVIEWER_NAME:” are:
NAME       first 9 characters of the name field (5-13) (default)
ID         just the 4 character interviewer ID (1-4)
IDName     ID from 1-4, followed by a dash, followed by first part
           of the name (5-9)
LDevnum    The device number the interviewer is running at
Extension  The phone extension number (old default in version 7.2-)
NOTE: If you have duplicate values in that field, the program will not acknowledge the second interviewer logging on with that name. Note also that the default has changed. It used to send just the interviewer ID. SERVER_DROP_STUDY: This tells the server to drop any study that has not been accessed for a certain number of minutes. Dialer users should be careful with this if their system is under a heavy load, as any non-connected numbers still at the dialer will be returned when the server shuts down the study. (SERVER_DROP_STUDY: 60)

6.8.3 Setting Up Device Descriptions

When using a dialer, each station you plan to use for interviewing or other CfMC purposes on your system must have a terminal type, a station number, and a dialer extension number. This needs to either be specified in the TTYINFO file, or using environment variables in the login script for the user. If you are using TELNET connections that do not have specific device numbers or TTYs, you must set environment variables to describe the devices. Each device description includes a terminal type, station number, time zone, dialer extension, and possibly a sound channel or socket number. Here is the syntax and an example for individual stations for UNIX:
Termtype TTYvalue Station# DialerExtension TimeZone SoundChannel Socket
EX: wyse50 tty5a 101 11 8 15 1001
wyse50 is the terminal type for station 101. tty5a is the tty value for that station; this can be determined by typing tty at each individual terminal.101 defines the CfMC station number. 11 is the dialer extension and 8 is the time zone. 15 is the sound channel and 1001 is the socket to use. The last 2 values are not required. Here is an example for individual station for DOS:
Station #,,TerminalType TimeZone DialerExtension SoundExtension
EX: 101,, WYSE50 8 11
101 is the device number of the Survent station. WYSE50 is the terminal type for that station. 8 is the time zone. 11 is the dialer extension. If you are using TELNET connections, to set device numbers you must set the following environment variables as part of the user login script or batch file before issuing a start command to the device. Here is an example setting of the variables in UNIX:
setenv LDEV 115          (Specifies the station number)
setenv TERM wyse50       (Specifies terminal type in UNIX)
setenv CFMCPROCESSTIMEZONE 5 (Specifies the time zone
                         for this device)
setenv EXTENSION 115     (Specifies dialer extension to use)
setenv SOUNDCHANNEL 15   (Specifies sound channel to user)
setenv SOCKET 1001       (Specifies the socket to use)
In UNIX under the C shell, set these using setenv <name> <value>. Use UPPER CASE for variable names and lower case for commands and values. In DOS, use SET <name>=<value>. You do not need to set a TERM value for DOS.

6.8.4 Troubleshooting the Installation

1 Problem: Nothing is being transmitted to the DIALER machine.
  • Check to be sure your read/write ports are defined correctly. If they are reversed, nothing will work.
  • Hook terminals up to both the read and write ports and make sure you can logon to the host machine. Cables must be cross
cables for serial port dialers (Pin 2 and Pin 3 are crossed to allow machine to talk to machine). UNIX users note: Make sure that the read/write settings on the communications ports are set properly and that the device is disabled. 2 Problem: Messages are sent, but are causing strange problems like a STACK OVERFLOW or DMPT.
  • Compare our log file with that of an existing known good one
and make sure the messages are in the proper format.
  • Compare information from our log file to the dialer logfile to
verify that they both have the same information. 3 Problem: Wrong stations getting live voices.
  • Check the phone wiring.
  • Check that the TTYINFO FILE extension numbers match the
actual phone extensions. 4 Problem: In UNIX, ‘ ps –ef } grep “atmsread” ‘ doesn’t display “atmsread” process.
  • Something has the wrong permissions or it doesn’t exist.
  • The atmsread program is missing or it is the wrong version.

6.8.5 Running The DIALCFG Program

The dialer default configuration must be set up before you can talk to the dialer. Use DIALCFG to set up the configuration file. DIALCFG will give you a screen like this:
dialer config v.13sep2012(4,25Oct2012)(,) ... HP Spectrum (C) CfMC 1978 - 2013
22 NOV 2013 11:37
Spec File-->
List File-->
Enter "OK" or "CONFIG" or “WRITE” -- >
If you enter “OK,” this means you are done. If you type “CONFIG,” you can modify parameters. The “WRITE” command can be used when you are working interactively. After making your settings, type “WRITE” at the prompt to see the keywords and their settings. If you are running from a “Batch” file, you can use “write default” to write the default settings, or “write <study>” to write a particular study’s settings. To write to a list file, you would type something like:
dialcfg dialsets dialsets.out
If “dialsets” contains the command “write default,” the default settings would be written to the file “dialsets.out.” You may enter a spec file of commands or a list file to save the results, see the commands below. If you do not have commands you will pressEnter until the last prompt. As an added option, you can put one to six characters in front of the phone number with the FONENUMBER_PREFIX command. You can set this on the parameters screen or use the keyword. DIALCFG now can have dialer type specified on the command line or it can be entered as a new command. So you can enter:
This can be used set the parameters for a Gerry/PRO-T-S dialer. In addition, DIALCFG has a new “CALLER_ID” keyword for the Gerry dialer. This will be sent to the dialer after the STUDY_CONFIG message in the form “CID: ”. This is the caller ID that will be specified for a project on the respondent’s phone. Main Configuration Menu The item that you are “on” will be highlighted. To move to a new item (for UNIX users) you can either press Enter to go to the next item, Ctrl-Dto move down the screen, Ctrl-U to move up the screen, Ctrl-R to move one item to the right, or press Ctrl-L to move one item to the left. DOS users can move around the screen using the arrow keys. Once you are on an item, either you can enter an appropriate answer for it, or if it requires moving to another menu, press Esc . To return to the OK or CONFIG prompt, you must highlight the “Hit ‘escape’ to accept …” line and press Esc . The main configuration menu looks like this:
ATMS and ATD program configuration
(Hit 'escape' to accept the configuration as it sits)
Edit the DEFAULT study configurations
Edit a NEW or EXISTING study configuration:
Move to the “Edit the DEFAULT …” line and press Esc . This allows you to set up/modify the default dialing parameters that the dialer will use. Study Configuration Menu The modification screen will look like the following:
*** Configuration for study start-up parameters ***
(Hit 'escape' to accept the configuration as it sits)
This study code:
TARGET number of pending numbers per interviewer: 10
Number of NUISANCE calls allowed per 1000 dialings: 6
Number of rings (@ 6 seconds/ring) to call a 'no answer': 4
Target interviewer rest time, between calls, (in seconds): 2
Use automatic answering machine detection (0=No, 1=Yes): 0
How to treat various types of connects:
(1 - Return unconnected, 2 - Hold until study close, 3 - Connect)
Changed Number:    1   Out-Of-Service: 1
Unknown Problem:   1   Can't Complete: 1
How to treat various types of non-connects:
(1 - Return unconnected, 2 - Hold until study close)
Modem:    1  No Answer:     1   Busy:           1
Nuisance: 1 Invalid Number: 1   Answer Machine: 1
Billing code for PBX (3 - 4 digits)0 preview dialing?--> No
DIALCFG shows only the parameters that make sense for the dialer type(s) you have specified in the CfMC parmfile. For instance, the “Gerry” and “SER” dialer screens will look like this:
This study code:
TARGET pending per interviewer:        4
# NUISANCE calls per 1000 dialings:    3
# rings to call a 'no answer':         2
ivr rest time, between calls (sec):    4
auto ans machine detect (0=No, 1=Yes): 1
How to treat various types of connects:
(1 - Return unconnected, 3 - Connect)
Changed Number:  2   Out-Of-Service: 3
Unknown Problem: 1   Cant Complete:  1
Billing code for PBX (3 - 6 digits) preview dialing?-->No
prefix for every phone number (0 - 6 digits)-->
suffix for every phone number (0 - 6 digits)-->
TARGET refers to the number of numbers to send to the dialer when you start up a process. This option is not used by the CfMC Survox dialer. An ABANDONDED or  NUISANCE CALL is one in which a respondent is on the line but no interviewer is available. The higher the number of abandoned calls allowed, the faster the dialer will dial numbers if they are available. TARGET INTERVIEWER REST TIME sets the average amount of time the interviewer will be able to rest between calls. This cannot be set to less than one. This option is not used by the CfMC Survox dialer. HOLDING NUMBERS TO THE STUDY CLOSE can speed up the processing time, but should not otherwise be used. See the description of FLUSH below. BILLING CODE FOR PBX is used if you need to send such a code through your phone switch before dialing a long distance number. Can be 0 (zero) if you do not need such a code. If you use different codes for each study for billing purposes, you will need to make a new configuration file for each study. PREVIEW DIALING is used to cause the SER/EIS predictive dialer to go into preview mode. This will send a number to each individual station before it is dialed. You can cursor around setting all these options. Most of these settings can also be changed on the SER/EIS gateway, but we strongly recommend that you change them here if possible as any changes made on the SER/EIS gateway will be lost when you flush the study. Whatever settings are in this configuration are sent to the dialer when you start/restart a study. EDIT A NEW OR EXISTING STUDY CONFIGURATION allows you to set various dialing parameters on a particular study. The study code can have three to eight characters. The study code must be entered here to either build or modify an existing study configuration. The default configuration settings will be saved differently on the different systems: The exact name of the file is operating system-dependent. In UNIX, the default configuration file is called ATMSCON and is saved in the CfMC CONTROL directory by default, or, if the CFMCDIALER variable is set, it puts it there. If you make a configuration for other studies, the file is called <study>.cf. In DOS, the file is also called ATMSCON but is in the CfMC\CONTROL directory by default. The CFMCDIALER parameter will cause it to go wherever it points to. Configurations for new studies are also called <study>.cf in the same directory. THE LISTCFG UTILITY Once you have your study configuration files set up, you may want to check and see what setting all your studies have without having to run DIALCFG for each study. You can do this by invoking the LISTCFG utility. It lists the main settings for the default study and all studies that have been set up. Here is example output:
Listing of current Dialcfg settings for all studies at 21 MAY 2011 10:28
                                  Phone   #s        Rest            #Rings   Answer
Study                  Billing   Number   Per       Time  Nuisance    -No    Machine
 Name     Dial type     Code     Suffix   Intrvwr  (Secs)   Rate    Answer  Detection
-----     ---------    -------   ------   -------  ------ --------  ------  ---------
Default   Predictive    44444                 5       5    .005        6      No
J123      Power Mode    22222                 3       2    .002        2      No
NOTE: If your study is not listed above, it will use the ‘Default’ settings. As you can see, it lists the study name, type of dialing being done, billing code, phone number suffix (if any), #s released per interviewer, average rest time between interviews, nuisance rate (# per 1000), number of rings to consider a “no answer” call, and whether “answer machine detection” is used. USING BATCH COMMANDS You may use commands to set all the DIALCFG parameter, like other CfMC programs. This allows you to use a command file to set the parameters instead of having to work interactively. Here are the available commands:
Command                     What it does
>batchjob                   tells the program this run is using a command file
config                      tells program to use commands below to configure
study: <name/DEFAULT>       set name of study config file to name or default
nums_per_intv: ##           number of numbers to assume per interviewer
abandonment_rate: ##        number of abandoned calls allowed per 1000 dialings
number_rings: ##            number of rings to call a "no answer"
rest_time: ##               seconds allowed between interviews per interviewer
have_ans_machine: #         answering machine detection on or off
connect_changed: #          how to treat a connect for changed number (1-3)
connect_noservice: #        not in service connect
connect_unknown: #          unknown number connect
connect_traffic: #          can't complete connect
connect_modem: #            how to treat modem non-connect
connect_rna: #              no answer non-connect
connect_busy: #             busy non-connect
connect_nuisance: #         abandoned/nuisance call non-connect
connect_invalid: #          invalid number non-connect
connect_ans_machine: #      answering machine connect
billingcode: ###            PBX code sent to telephone for billing purposes
Fonenumber_suffix:<characters>   Sets a suffix for the phone number when the
                            number is sent to the dialer. (This is not to be
                            confused with the "billing code", which is sent to
                            the SER/EIS dialer when the study is started and
                            is appended by SER/EIS.)
preview_mode: Y/N           whether to do preview mode
quit                        quit reading commands
OK                          done with processing
To run a command file called dialcmd and list output to diallist, type:
EX: dialcfg dialcmd –diallist

6.8.6 Dialer Issues while the Study is Live

SUPERVISOR COMMANDS AVAILABLE There are many commands you may specify from the supervisor that are related to the dialer. Here are some of them: ATM <interviewers>, <study> Starts interviewers on study using the dialer. CHI <interviewers>,<study>, -DIALER Switches interviewers to study using/not using the dialer. DIALER_STATUS Checks the dialers and reports whether they are running. IS_DIALER_UP Checks the dialers and reports whether they are running. STUDY <studyname> Returns info on study, including DUMMY number processor. For example:
dummy ldev = 3112 ncases = 473 nstarts = 1
Last message from dummy, time = (02 FEB 2013 12:20)
SUMMARY Reports how many people are on each dialer by study. Here is what a summary report would look like:
Study total dialer #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9
MA05 13 12 12
SP05 5 2 2
totals 18 14 2 12 .......
SUMMARY note: If you put a name (5 characters or less) at the end of the DIALER##: line in the parmfile, it will be displayed on the summary report instead of #1, #2, etc. Once you have started the SERVER, you can send commands from the supervisor by preceding them with “SERVER:” Server commands available are: CLEARSTUDY <study> Releases study, unused numbers returned from dialer. CLEARSTUDYNOW <study> Totally/immediately releases study from the dialer. LOG Closes the current log file so you can look at it with an editor. DOWN Shuts down the SERVER and returns numbers from dialer if studies are not active. DOWNNOW Shuts down CfMC server no matter what. DIALER:1 CLOSE Closes dialer #1 and dialer port. DIALER:1 HANDSHAKE ## TIMES Handshakes with dialer to show activity. DIALER:2 INIT Initializes the dialer interface on dialer #2. DIALER:3 MSG:HS:stopatms Sends stopatms to SER/EIS dialer #3 to shut down. DIALER:4 MSG:CC:stud:F:Y:N Closes the campaign study at SER/EIS dialer #4. DIALER:5 WIPEOUT Closes communications with dialer no matter what When you exit the SERVER or use the LOG command, the SERVER closes the current log file. It calls it LL######, where ###### is the day of the month followed by the military time of when that file was opened. The file is stored wherever the server is running. This is useful when debugging problems as it has a copy of all the messages that the SERVER has sent and received. This includes messages to or from Survent, SURVSUPR, SURVMON and the DIALER. This file can be used with the dialer’s log file to see what happens. SERVER AND DIALER INTERACTION When you start the dialer on its first study in UNIX, the CfMC SERVER starts the program ATMSREAD to read messages back from the dialer. When debugging problems, make sure the ATMSREAD program is running properly. They could be incorrect versions or have bad permissions, etc. If you are running with a dialer under DOS, the DIALRW.EXE program must also be running. This sends messages to the dialer via TCPIP, but also talks to the DOS IPCFILES in file i/o mode. DIALRW must run on the same network as the server and be available to the dialer via TCPIP. The command line to run DIALRW is as follows:
DIALRW CON -XOUT LDEV:168 GERRY.CFMC.COM 8 1810 1812 231-240
Where: CON is the “spec file” of commands, which in this case is “NONE” -XOUT is the name of the list file. It contains the messages to/from the DIALRW program, which may be useful for debugging. LDEV:168 Is the mailbox where DIALRW will receive messages from the SERVER. GERRY.CFMC.COM Is the name of the DIALER machine on the TCPIP network. 8 Is required, and corresponds to dialer08: line in the parmfile. 1810 1812 Are the ports the DIALRW and dialer programs read and write to. 231-240 Is the extension list, which should match the extensions in the TTYINFO file. The log file name for DIALRW.EXE will be in this format:
DD represents the day, HH, the hour, MM, the minutes, and SS, the seconds of the current month. SER/EIS Dialer Emulation Program “DIALPS” We now have a dialer emulation program that will run with the CfMC Server and return information from the dialer as if it was calling the numbers requested. The program name is dialps. To run it, enter:
dialps con -dps.lfl inport:5000 outport:5001 dialer_name:eis
The “dialer_name” can be “ser” or “eis”, “gerry”, “noble”, or “strata”. You need to set the proper information in the /cfmc/control/parmfile for this to function:
eis_real_extensions: yes
dialer: eis
dialer01: 5000,5001 1-50+72+83-99
The “” says to use a dummy dialer, 1-50 are the extensions that you would set to the extensions that you are using. PREPARE Commands Related to the Dialer When you write your questionnaire for a dialer, there are just a few issues. If you are using predictive mode, the questionnaire makes the interviewer available for calls as soon as the phone is off hook and the “!PHONE,4” statement in the questionnaire is triggered. If you are using “preview” mode, you use the “!PHONE,1” statement to get a number from the dialer. You may then do quota checks or otherwise prepare the number to be dialed. Then you execute a “!PHONE,D” statement to dial the number. If you want to change the number to be dialed, use the syntax “!PHONE,D,<label>”, where <label> has the number to call. You can use the function “!IF DIALER()=#” to tell whether you are running in predictive or preview mode. This function returns a “1” if you are in predictive mode, a “2” if you are in preview mode, and a “0” if you are not using a dialer at all. Using this function, you can write questionnaires that allow you to run interviewers in any mode. By the way, you can have some interviewers running on the dialer and some not, but you cannot have some running in preview mode and others in predictive mode on the same study at the same time. {!PHONE,V} and {!PHONE,W} may be used to control what happens when an interviewer goes off hook after the dialer has sent them a call. The default {!PHONE,V} is they get a message to “PICK UP THE PHONE, CALL COMING!”. If you say {!PHONE,W}, a message will be sent to the dialer to hang up the call and it will get status 109 and be put back to be called later. If you are using “Validators” in conjunction with the SER/EIS dialer (see 6.6.6 Independent Validation of Interviews Upon Completion), you will use the !PHONE,X statement to mark the interview to be validated. This will cause the phone call to be transferred to the validating interviewer at the completion of the interview by the SER/EIS system. The CfMC system will send the phone and data record to the validator to allow the display and modification of the respondent name, etc.

6.8.7 Survent and Phone System Issues when Using a Dialer

When you start a study under the dialer, it initializes the campaign at the dialer. Then numbers are sent from the phone file in batches to the dialer depending on how many interviewers are logged on. While numbers are at the dialer, they will appear as Up in the Air in the phone status screens. When an interviewer takes his phone off the hook, a message is sent to the dialer that they are available for calls. They will see ”…A…B…C…D” until the dialer sends them a number. They could wait as much as a minute at their terminal for a number if there are not enough good numbers in the phone file. If you run out of numbers or lose contact with the server, the interviewer will get a “not getting info from server, disconnect?” message. Either release more numbers or enter “yes” to disconnect the interviewer. You cannot display phone file information until a number is returned from the dialer. Sometimes the voice will come on the other end of the line before the screen paints if your system is slow. Make sure the interviewers have some introductory statement that will allow time for the screen to come up with the respondent’s name and other information. When a number is dialed by the dialer, it is returned to the CfMC server with a status. If it is a good connect, it is sent to an available interviewer. If the interviewers are “special” interviewers, they get numbers sent directly to them instead of through the pool of available numbers. If a call is not connected, the number does one of three things: 1 The number is returned to the phone file where the status is recorded and rescheduled or resolved. 2 The number is given to a live interviewer because you set DIALCFG to return certain types of numbers to a live interviewer. 3 The number is given to a Dummy interviewer (interviewing session logged in with special type 9) because you have set EIS,DUMMY as the dialer type in the TTYFILE/parmfile. The dummy interviewer will then use questionnaire control logic to determine a special status for the number. Here is a list of statuses returned from the dialers SURVOX uses:
                             Ship           MSG
                CfMC         Message        PRO-T-S
Name            status       Status         Status
CONNECTED       800           0/K/C          CONNECTED
NO ANSWER       851          R               NOANSWER
BUSY            852          B               BUSY
ABANDONED CALL  856          N, d or g       ABANDON
MACHINE         857          Y or y          ANSMACH
TRUNK BUSY      854          T               CIRCBUSY
NO RINGBACK     863                          NORINGBACK
CALLBACK        185
REPLACE                      (NOT
HUMBER          211          DIALED)
NUMBER           803         U or u
OUT OF SERVICE   805         S or s          OOSERVICE
INCOMPLETE       806         i               NOCOMPLT
*=status # may be modified by parmfile parameter. You may use the FONESTATUS( ) function when a record is returned from the dialer to find out the status returned. This is often used by the DUMMY interviewer that gets numbers back from the dialer that were not connects. If either a supervisor (SURVSUPR) or monitor (SURVMON) wants to monitor a station, they should enter in the appropriate monitor command and then should get both the audio and video monitoring of that station if their phone is also connected to the dialer. It is possible to set up external monitoring with a dialer that allows voice reception. In the SURVMON program, use the command “Phone xxx” where xxx is the extension you wish to use for the external voice monitoring. Contact CfMC for more details.