
A Survox Dialer requires two packages to be installed.  The first package is the Survox Backend Dialer package.  It contains a custom version of the Asterisk ABE PBX software, a number of support packages, as well as the web-based Dialer Console for managing the PBX configuration and certain settings for the Survox Dialer program. The second package is the latest combined Survent package.  It contains the Survox Dialer program and certain configuration files.

NOTE: You may want to update your system’s OS before proceeding.

Installing the Dialer Package

The dialer package install process should be run as the root user. All the commands that follow should be executed by the root user unless otherwise specified.

Create the /opt/cfmc/ directory, download the latest Survox Dialer package, and uncompress it:

mkdir /opt/cfmc/
cd /opt/cfmc/

# wget Survox_Backend_Package.<backend version>.tar.gz .

# tar zxvf Survox_Backend_Package.<backend version>.tar.gz

Once the package is in place, install the Asterisk PBX:

cd Survox_Backend_Package.<backend version>/install


  • If either the <cfmc> user or asterisk user is not on the system the user will be created and you will be asked to supply a password.
  • If yum needs to install/update packages you will be asked if you want to continue. If you do not continue the install will stop.
  • When the installer finishes dahdi will be running and asterisk will be set to not start on reboot as we have not yet installed all the pieces for asterisk.

Install the Dialer console UI:


Note: If the Survox Dialer database is not there it is created. To do this you are prompted for the mysql root password once if the database exists and twice if it does not. After that the Survox Dialer Console package is either updated or installed. If we are doing an update the files in /var/www/html/Console/includes/astconfig are saved off.

Note: PHP requires that the date.timezone gets set in /etc/php.ini, so set that before opening the Dialer Console in your browser.  If you change that setting you may have to restart the web server (as root run “/sbin/service httpd restart”). In the Gold instance this is already set to ‘America/Los_Angeles’.

At this point you should be able to see the Dialer Console as per the directions echoed at the end of the installation process.

If you have not installed the combined Survent package yet, do so now.

Protip: Do the next steps in a separate terminal window, leaving the current one for when you need to come back to this directory to run post_core_install_fixup:

cd /opt/cfmc/

scp autocomp@web.cfmc.com:packages/combined.centos.6_6.<combined version>.zip .

unzip combined.centos.6_6.<combined version>.zip

cd survent883



  • If yum needs to install/update packages you will be asked if you want to continue. If you do not continue the install will stop.
  • If perl modules and cpanminus need to be installed you will be asked if you want to continue. If you do not continue the install will stop.
  • You will be asked to confirm the following information:
    • Server’s Hostname (if this is on a system without DNS, enter the IP address)
    • Web server’s DocumentRoot (take default)
    • Web server’s cgi-bin area (take default)
    • Server’s Protocol (take default)
  • You will be asked if you want to install the Survox Console. <Hit enter for yes>
  • You will be asked to confirm the following information. Hit enter for the defaults:
    • The base URL for the system
    • DocumentRoot directory
    • Admin email address
    • Admin password
  • Make a note of the admin password as instructed.
  • You will be prompted for the MySQL root user password.
  • You will be asked if you want to configure an account. Hit enter for yes.
  • Then you will be asked for the following information:
    • Name. This can be any name you want. This will be the file name part of the Account File Location on the Survox Console Configuration page (/cfmc/cfg/accounts/<name>.acct).  For example: env1a
    • Unix user name who will own the account. For the dialer, the Survent package is assumed to be set to run under a user named “cfmc”.  <Enter cfmc>
    • Survox runtime area. Use the default or make something up. Default is recommended (take default). This will be the Environment Directory on the Survox Console Configuration page.
    • Account HTML area (take default)
    • Account description (take default)
  • Hit enter for yes when asked whether to set up the runtime area. Choose the time zone.
  • Type y for yes when asked if you want to configure a dialer. This will add the needed ‘dialer’ line in the parmfile.
    • Dialer Type (cfmc|gerry|eis|noble): <enter cfmc>
    • Dialer Host/IP Address (i.e. dialer.cfmc.com): <enter>
    • Dialer extensions (i.e. 201-800,901-950): <enter 3000-3100>
  • At this point, you will be asked if you want to configure another dialer, enter “n” and hit return
  • Hit enter for yes when asked if you want to configure a directory for Survox Console.
    • The directory of the account you entered from above is configured
  • Add more accounts if needed.  If no more accounts are needed, answer “n” when asked “Do you want to configure another account? (Y|n):”

Once the Dialer package, the Dialer console UI, and the core software are installed, you will need to issue these commands:

cd /opt/cfmc/Survox_Backend_Package.<backend version>/install



  • You are asked which account from /cfmc/cfg/accounts you want to connect to asterisk and Survox Dialer Console. Enter a name from the list.

Configuring the Dialer

The following steps will configure asterisk and other items so that the Survox Dialer will function correctly.

Point your browser at http://<your.hostname.com>/Console or http://<IP address of system>/Console (if you don’t have DNS resolution) and login as user “cfmcadmin” with the default password of “n5934”.

Under the top menus choose “Account Administration” and “User Administration”, set a new password for the cfmcadmin user.

Next, go to “Status & Configuration” and select “Console Configuration”. Set the values as follows: 

  • Database Name – Monitoring
  • Company Name – <CFMC>
  • Using Navigator – Yes
  • Account File Location – /cfmc/cfg/accounts/<name>.acct (For example: env1a)
  • Allow Remote Restart – No
  • Dialer Dashboard Datafile: /var/www/html/Console/includes/ddi.data
  • Monitoring Number: <blank>
  • Monitoring Extension: 9999
  • Station Channel Type: SIP
  • Beginning Agent Number – 3000
  • Dialer Type: Local
  • Ending Agent Number – 3100
  • CFMC Environment Directory – the runtime area from above (/home/cfmc)
  • Asterisk Version Type: ABE

Once you have changed these settings you should log out of SURVOX Dialer Console and log back in again, so the new settings will be in effect.

Configure the dialer under the “Status & Configuration” and “Dialer Configuration” menu as follows:

  • Manager Username: cdidialer
  • Manager Password: secretpassword
  • Asterisk IP Address –
  • Asterisk Manager Port: 5038
  • Dialer Callout String 1 – SIP/trunk (For Example: SIP/asterisk-pbx/1%s)
  • Dialer Callout String 2 thru Dialer Callout String 9 – <blank>
  • Dialer Dashboard Datafile: /var/www/html/Console/includes/ddi.data
  • Dashboard Refresh Interval: 5
  • Maximum Calls Per Second: 5
  • Maximum Consecutive No Answers: <blank>
  • No Connect Warning: <blank>
  • No Connect Script: <blank>
  • Faketime: <blank>
  • Dialer Queue Strategy – leastrecent
  • Shutdown Dialer Interface on Disconnect: No
  • Faketime: <blank>
  • Sound file Case: accept
  • Dialer Recordings Directory: <use default>
  • Dialer Whole Interview Directory: <use default>
  • Dialer Audio Playback Directory: <use default>
  • Dialer IVR Files Directory: <use default>
  • Dialer IVR Unknown Study Directory: <use default>
  • IVR Failed Playback File: <use default>
  • Beginning IVR Agent Number – 2000
  • Max Calls Per Waiting Interviewer: 5
  • Ending IVR Agent Number – 2100
  • Dialer Logging: BASIC PARK CHAN

Then configure Asterisk under the “Status & Configuration” and “Asterisk Configuration” menu.

  • Agent Password Required: Y
  • Dialer IP Address:
  • SIP Diversion: Off
  • Diversion User: <blank>
  • Diversion IP <blank>
  • Outbound Device – SIP/trunk (For example: SIP/asterisk-pbx/1%s)
  • Outbound Device2 – <blank>
  • Default System CallerID – 4157770470
  • Administrator Email Address – your email address
  • Recording Format: .wav
  • Absolute Timeout in Seconds: 43200
  • Conference Server IP or URL – http://<IP address of system>/survoxconsole
  • Monitoring Extension: 9999
  • Beginning IVR Agent Number: 2000
  • Ending IVR Agent Number: 2100
  • Beginning Agent Number: 3000
  • Agent Connect: SIP
  • Ending Agent Number: 3100
  • Maximum IVR Atempts before hangup: 2
  • Maximum Digits for Inbound IVR: 11
  • Default Menu Greeting – cfmc/inbound_ivr_menu

We are now ready to make sure we can run things.

Change to the asterisk user and start the asterisk command-line interface
su – asterisk
asterisk -cvvvvv

Once the screen stops quit the asterisk CLI.

*CLI> stop now

Look at the screen output to make sure there are no unexpected errors or warnings.

Return to the root user command prompt.


If everything looked good in the asterisk CLI then, issue the following commands to start asterisk and set it to auto-start at boot time:
/sbin/chkconfig asterisk on
/sbin/service asterisk start

Check that the Survox software will run properly by switching to the “cfmc” user and issuing these commands to make sure mentor can run:

su – cfmc
mentor con con
Exit mentor then return to the root user command prompt.



At this point, the dialer should be ready to run.  However, until the telephone trunk is in place and configured you can not make calls. 

You should then be able to start the dialer process through the Survox Console on your production system.

Navigate to http://<server IP address>/survoxconsole/

Log in using admin/<Admin password from survox console installation above>

Click Admin/Add Company

Fill out fields (Company Name is required)

Assign the environment

Click Add New Company

Click Select Company

Select the new company from the list and click Select Company

Click Add New User

Fill out fields, select security profile settings (for testing purposes, click Check All on everything)

Click Save User Details 


Log back in as the user just created

Click Manage

Click Shop and Server

Click Start and Start <Account name> 

Click Dialer Control

Next to the line you added to the parmfile, click –GO–

Click Start Dialer and Initialize

Under ‘Dialer Command’, select ‘Handshake Dialer’ and click “Run’