Using the GLOBAL_EDIT command
The global_edit is to set the edit conditions which are true for all of the tables in a single Mentor run. Generally speaking, now that we have three levelsof edit available, edit statements will be a part of banner tabsets, and local_edits should be apart of stub tabsets.
A global_edit supercedes any previous global_edit, edit, or local_edit statement. The relationship of edit to local_edit statements remains the sameas it has been.
The syntax for a global edit is identical to that of edit, and local_edit. As is the case with local_edit, the global_edit is defined using an edit= statement in the ~define block if it is not being defined within a tabset.
There is no ~set drop_global_edit mode of operation. If you want to return all edit settings to their default. you should use global_edit=; to do so. Unless you always run all of the tables that you’ve spec’ed every time you run Mentor, using ~set drop_local_edit is recommended.
Example Spec:
~comment&global.doc~def'' Note: Outside of a tabset, define global edits using an edit='' statement, just as you would a local_edit.edit={glob_ed:putchars=----rank_if_indicatedpercent_signpdec=2}tabset={global:header={:=Interesting Study on a Fabulous New Product}footer={:=Great Client Who Always Pays on Time & AssociatesPage #page_number#}global_edit={:putchars=----rank_if_indicatedpercent_signpdec=2}}tabset={ban1:edit={:-col_tna colwidth=7 stub_width=30 } col=: [5^1//5] with [6^1//3] banner={: