Textpad and UltraEdit syntax highlighting templates

Attached are TextPad and UltraEdit syntax highlighting templates for spec-writers composing webSurvent/webCATI studies. Using these templates, the standard Survent syntax, webSurvent formatting commands, CSS elements, HTML tags andSurvox JavaScript functions are identified with different colors for easier reading and coding.

UltraEdit syntax definition files for Survent to enable syntax coloring are attached.
Backup your existent wordfile.txt in your UltraEdit directory and replace it with this.

The actual colors can be changed interactively in Advanced -> Configuration -> Syntax Highlighting -> Language ->Survox in UltraEdit

The files attached are:

SurvoxUltraEdit Syntax file for webSurvent/webCATI: UltraEditWSurv.zip
SurvoxUltraEdit Syntax file for Survent: Wordfile.txt

SurvoxTextPad for webSurvent/webCATI: TextPadSurv.zip
SurvoxTextPad Syntax file for Survent: Survent.syn

  • survent.syn
  • TextPadSurv.zip
  • UltraEditWSurv.zip
  • wordfile.txt