match_text current docs

This is the current documentation for the xf(match_text

XF(MATCH_TEXT(TEX or VAR label or location, string 1 ,string 2, string n))
Returns the position of a string or set of strings in the answer to long or short open-end questions. It returns the position of the first string if it finds that, otherwise the position of the second string, etc. If more than one string is present, it returns the position of the first string even if it is at a later position than the second. Use this for automated coding applications or to ask follow-up questions based on references to a client product, for instance. You could use multiple strings to check other spellings of the same product. The maximum string length is 80 characters.

The request is that any of the search strings can be a regular expression designated by saying


The first and last character in the regular expression must be a “special” character to start and end the expression. The notion is that by allowing any special character you should never have to worry about the character being in the string itself.

The string comparison will be case INSENSITVE, unless the keyword C(ase)_S(ensitive) is used.  Case_Sensitive is only allowed in Mentor (trying to do it Survent caused too many other problems).

For now that is the only allowed keyword.

This should allow all existing programs to run as is.


This uses quotes as the delimiter and will do a case sensitive search.


This uses vertical bars as the delimiter and will do a case insensitive search.
