How To Find and Send Log Files

By default, log files for both the study server and dialer (cdi) are stored in the super/logs sub-directory off of the main directory of wherever theSurvox software is installed.

For instance, if software is installed in opt/cfmc86 then the log files will be in


You can cause them to be stored in any directory you want by using the environment variable CFMCLOGS.

To set this in the cshell you would type:

setenv CFMCLOGS /mydir/logs/

and then the log files will be saved in the directory /mydir/logs/.

Both sets of log files use a very similar naming convention.

For the server logs, they start with ll and then look like this:


where yymmddhhmmss is the date/time stamp of when the file was created and statnumb is the station that the study server is running on. This is usually a number from 9901-9909 when the study server is running in the background.

A study server log file started at exactly 3:00am on Monday February 24th, 2016 would look like this:


Typically you can compare the name of the file to the date/time stamp on it to figure out what range of time it covers. The name is always the time it started and the date/time stamp should be the time it finished, unless someone edited the file afterwards.

For the dialer (cdi) logs, they use the same exact naming convention except they start with di and usually the station number is 1 for the dialer.

A dialer log file started at exactly 3:00am on Monday February 24th, 2016 would look like this:


For both types of logs a new log file is started when a new process is started and there are settable options to say when a new log file is created during normal operations.

Log files are typically rather large and we often need several of them, so we recommend that you at least zip them up before you send them. If the zip file is over 10 megabytes you may have problems sending them through email or the service center, so you would then want to put them on our ftp site.

To log into our ftp site, start up your ftp program (i.e. winscp) and then go to

login: anonymous

password: your@email.add

then change your directory to inbound

cd inbound

upload the file or files there and then send an email to support letting us know what the file names are.