How to add rank levels to tables
Attached is a spec RANKLEVELS.SPX that shows how to add extra rows into a table with the rank level for each column so that it prints below the frequency and percent in each row.
- Create the table with normal Col, Row, and Banner definitions.
- Create the Stub with 2 lines for each stub. The 2nd line of each wants a SkipLines=0, -Vper, and Rank=2 options. NOTE: you will get warnings on each tabset that the Stub and the Row don’t match.
- After the table is created (You can use BuildTables to build an entire run of tables), use Table Manipulation to create the extra rows.
- Put the table number into a Repeat in order to do an entire set of tables.
- Make a table with the same number of columns as the original and twice as many rows, less the 2 summary rows.
- Add the old rows into every other row in the new table.
- Use the RankTablesColumns function to put the rank number into the even rows of the new tables.
- Store the New Table
- Reload the original tabset to get all the proper labelling, then load and print the new table.
~In RANKLEVELS^DAT,ASCII=20>Purgesame>Printfile RANKLEVELS>CreateDb RANKLEVELS,Dup=Warn~Set TableDropMode=1~DefTabset= One:Edit=: -Coltna Rank=1 Vper=T Cwid=8 Swid=14 }Title=: Sample Table with Rank Value for each column }Banner=: