Example of Programming a Long List of Items on a Web Page

There are a couple of ways to program a long list of items on a web page.

The first way is to use a Dropdown box. This will not display all of the items on the screen but will display them in a dropdown box.

Change the following lines to create a dropdown box versus displaying items on the screen:







The second way is to use multiple columns on the screen. This will spread the items in 2 or more columns on the screen.

To wrap long lists into several columns on a web page, you can do that by creating a table and using comment responses for the rowsso that you get a table in two or more columns.

Here is an example on how to program this. This will put Item 1 in a column and Item 2 in a column. Item 3 will display under Item 1. Item 4 will display under Item 2. And so forth.

{!html_text_prefix=<table><tr><td colspan="2" }{!html_text_suffixfix=<table></td></tr><tr> } {!html_rc_prefix=</tr> }  ''only applies to the == response codes{!html_rc_suffix=<tr> } {!html_rc_prefix=<td> }{!html_rc_suffix=</td> } {!html_rl_suffix=</tr></table> } { Q1:Q1 Text!FIELD==0102==0304==0506==0708==0910 }