Example of a report by interviewer of all the dialing on a particular study

The attached spec FONEINT.SPX produces a report by interviewer off all the dialing they have done on a particular .fon file or set of .fon files. You can use this to track if you think interviewers are going to quickly through the sample.

Change inputname to the name of the file you want to run on. Separate multiple file name with commas, or can use a wild card *.

Change inputopt to be fone_format if reading a .fon file or ASCII=16100 if reading an ASCII copy of the .fon file.

Change printname to the name you want your printfile (output) to be called.

>Define @InputName Bigfon.fon>Define @InputOpt  Fone_Format  ''ASCII=17000   '' To run off ASCII copy of file>Define @PrintName Test^Int ''>Define @SmallFoneFiles>PurgeSame>FillDefinesInQuotes~In Files="@InputName"  @InputOpt   Length=17000,Dot=100>Prtfile $@PrintName~Out Temp1,Ascii,Trimblanks,Len=72~DefProc=WritHist:Blank [21-72]>IfDefine @SmallFoneFilesCopy [61.8] = [1030.8]>ElseCopy [61.8] = [5030.8]>Endif>IfDefine @SmallFoneFilesWhile MaxTimes=51 [1227.27^NB]Copy [20.27] = [1227.27]Copy [1227.1200] = [1254.1200]>ElseWhile MaxTimes=100 [6100.34^NB]Copy [20.9]  = [6101.9]Copy [29.10] = [6112.10]Copy [43.4]  = [6129.4]Copy [6100.10000] = [6200.10000]>EndifWriteCaseEndWhile }~Exc Proc=WritHist~In Temp1,Ascii=72,Dot=100~Out Temp2,AScii,Trimblanks~Sort [25.4$] [29.10] Bv=[69.4]~In Temp2,ASCII=72,Dot=100~DefProc=PrntRept:When TopPrt "">IfDefine @SmallFoneFilesPrt "Study     Phone Number  Int Id     Date     Time   Stop    Status">ElsePrt "Study     Phone Number  Int Id     Date     Time   Elap    Status">EndifPrt "-----     ------------  ------     ----     ----   ----    ------"EndWhen>IfDefine @SmallFoneFilesPrt "8s  3s-3s-4s   4s    2s/2s/2s   2s:2s  2s:2s     3s" &[61.8$] [1.3] [4.3$] [7.4$] [25.4$] [31.2$] [33.2$] [29.2$] [35.2$] [37.2$] [43.2$] [45.2$] [22.3$]>ElsePrt "8s  3s-3s-4s   4s    2s/2s/2s   2s:2s  4s      3s" &[61.8$] [1.3] [4.3$] [7.4$] [25.4$] [31.2$] [33.2$] [29.2$] [35.2$] [37.2$] ([43.4]/60) [22.3$]>EndifIf [71.2] < 2Skip -1Prt " "Endif}~Exc Proc=PrntRept~In;>Delete Temp1>Delete Temp2 ~End

  • foneint.spx