Display websurvent/webcati text in multi-mode surveys
There are display commands that can be used:
You can have text that is specifically targeted for webSurvent and webCATI. only. The syntax is:
+? (this is webCATI-only text)
+! (this is webSurvent-only text)
This is an extension of the “+ Survent display only” feature.
You can also use the WEBSURVENT() function to control different questions for webSurvent or webCATI only.
The return codes are:
1 Running in webSurvent mode
4 Was suspended due to a suspend timeout (also known as “autosuspend”, where the survey was suspended because no response was given in the last 30 minutes or so) in webSurvent
or webCATI
8 Running under webCATI
16 Running as a web utility (eg. “&&&phrpt.qff” to run PHONERPT under Mentor)
32 Suspended because there was a webSurvent or webCATI killed session