Current status for study “XXXXX” is: Deactivated. Number of active sessions: #

There may be times where the Survox Console when trying to activate a study underMANAGE->Study Control->Activate-Deactivate, as “LIVE” and submitted the “Activate Study” yieldsresults of “Current status for study XXXXXX is:Deactivated. Number of active sessions: #.” even though the study is active and ready for production use.

The reason why this may occur is that the Survox Console determines the status of the study by running the MAKECFG program in the background and utilizing the “SHOW STUDIES” command. Essentially, it is also most likely that running that from the command line will also show that the study is in a deactivated state.

If you invoke the “Current status for study “XXXXX” is: Deactivated. Number of active sessions: #” in the Survox Console, then from command line via the Supervisor command prompt from the SURVSUPER program, issue the following:

undo_deactivate <qffname>

This should resolve the issue and now show that the study is active under the Survox Console.