Create a delimited output file with the text of the responses
Attached is a spec called EXCEL.SPX that will read a datafile and a DBfile and create a file to be read into an EXCEL spreadsheet with the variable text in the fields rather than the data codes.
If you use the Survox Console, DELIMITED OUTPUT DATAwill do the same thing under Data Analysis – Data Utilities.
Change the defines below.
Input= name of the data file you are using
DBName= name of the DB file that has the compiled varibles in it
OutName= Name of the file that will contain the information for EXCEL to use. CVS is a good extension to use.
>Define @Input Bank>Define @DBName Bank>Define @OutName Bank^CVS>PurgeSame>AllowIndent>PrtFile @OutName ,User,PgWid=3000,PgLen=1000000 -FormFeed >UseDb @DBName>ListDB , $@DBName~^fir,Type=Var= ,Sort=QQNum,Template=&"$Prt ""v1ST"" !">ListDB , @DBName~^dcl,Type=Var= ,Sort=QQNum,Template=&"$Prt ""ST"" !"~Set -AutoNewLine~Define Proc= CfMCList:If First_CasePrt "CASE_IDT"&?@DBName~^firPrt "N"EndifPrt "ST" CASE_ID&?@DBName~^dcl}~Input @Input Share Dots=100 Salvage_Data~Exc Proc=CfMCList ~End