Produce a top box with a changing percentage base and statistical testing
Attached is a spec RANKTOPBOXPERCENT.SPX that is an example that shows ranking a top box table with a changing percentage base and significance testing.
There are a couple of tricks to doing this setup. Like the non-stat tested version of this table you need to use a $[Mean] to calculate what the percent is. See section 6.1.3 in the Mentor manual to see how the $[Mean] is used.
However, you also must use a $[base] because you have the changing the statistics base in the body of the table.
Basically, it breaks down that you need to create 4 rows in the table for each top box row you want to print.
1) $[Mean] to calculate the percentage for ranking purposes
2-3) $[Base] Creates the statistical/percentage base for the top box along with the effective base,
4) The actual top box itself.
All but the top box are usually suppressed.
>PurgeSame~In ranktopbox.dat ascii=40>Printfile ranktopbox~Def Tabset= Ban1:''*** You will need RankColBase=1 to do the proper rankingEdit=: -ColTna Dostat=.95 RankIfInd RankColBase=1 } Banner=: