Run Custom Web Tables
The Web Tables feature is designed to compile Mentor syntax for producing crosstabs only. The user should not use Web Tables to compile anything that does not produce crosstabs.
- Click on the Data Analysis Tab
- Click Custom Web Tables
- Click Run
- Select a project from the drop down menu
- When running Custom Web Tables you also have the ability to report on Live or Test data.
- If you haven’t deployed your project yet, Web Tables will automatically run using your test data.
- To run Web Tables, choose a spec file from the drop down menu
- By default, a <study>_tabs.spx is automatically created when compiling your spec in the Project Setup phase
- This is a standard <study>_tabs.spx
- You have the option to use that one as is or you can download it to make changes to it
- Once your changes are made, you can then upload the file
- You can also upload your own specific spec
- All specs uploaded will appear in the drop down menu for Selecting a Specfile to Run
- To process the Web Tables, click the “Run Web Tables” button
You need a working knowledge of Mentor in order to use Web Tables!
Saving Tables Under View
Once you’ve successfully run your Web Tables, there will be a “Save” button on the bottom of the screen that will prompt you to save and name your Web Tables. A pop up box will appear where you can specify the web table file name and the web table display name (which can be different from the file name). You can also choose a previously saved file from the drop down menu. The table generated will automatically be named as: studycode_loginname and will have “_table”s appended to it. After choosing your file names, you can set security on these reports by clicking the Set Security check box (optional). When finished, click the “Submit” button. The file will now be listed under the View Option in Custom Web Tables. If you do not set security, the file can be accessed by anyone who has access to View for that particular study.
Setting Security on Web Tables
If you chose the Set Security option when saving your Web Tables in the above step, a popup box will appear allowing you to specify which users can have access to the Web Tables. A listing of Available Users will appear on the left and a listing of Assigned Users will appear on the right. Use the arrow buttons to move the users between the two boxes. To assign multiple users at once, hold down the ctrl or shift key as you highlight each user. For non-Survox Console users, choose a username and password. This is often used for clients that do not have Survox Console access. Simply provide the web tables link with their username and password. After setting security options, click the “Submit” button. Once the web table listing is finished processing, the link will be added to the the list of files in View. You can then click View under Custom Web Tables on the panel on the left side of the screen to view a listing of saved Web Tables. In the example below, the assigned users on the right will have access to this report. In addition, the non-Survox Console user John Smith will also have access to the report. His user name is John and his password is Smith.
Output Files Created
When the web tables have finished processing, a new screen will refresh with a SUCCESS message. Four different output files are generated and automatically named. The output files generated will be in the format of studycode_loginname and will have “_tables” appended to them. An extension for each file type is added to each file name. An extension for each file type is added to each file name.
Files Generated | Description |
studycode_loginname_tables.prt | Printable web tables which can be opened in any editor |
studycode_loginname_tables.html | Html formatted web tables which can opened in a browser |
studycode_loginname_tables.dlm | Delimited web tables which can be opened in Excel |
studycode_loginname_tables.spx | Mentor spec to use to run your Custom Web Tables |
Downloading Output Files
You can select which files to download in a zipped file format by clicking the files and then clicking the “Download” button. You can select which files to download in a zipped file format by clicking the files and then clicking the “Download” button. If you want to select All the files, click the “Check All” link at the bottom of the screen. To deselect all the files, click the ‘Uncheck All” link at the bottom of the screen. When finished, files will be downloaded to a zipped file. Click the “Download” button to download the file to your desktop. The files will be listed in the tables section of Downloaded Files under the Data Analysis tab.
Mentor Syntax Rules
~COMMENT blocks are not removed from processing. Therefore the user should be careful
not to use keywords in any ~COMMENT BLOCK, otherwise they may be incorrectly included and may
result in an error. -
No more than 1 ~input command allowed (1 ~input command is required)
No more than 1 >printfile command allowed (1 >printfile command is required)
No more than 1 ~specfile command allowed (1 ~specfile command is required)
@DEFINE cannot be used on ~input lines. This will result in a script error. No defines are allowed with ~input command.
@DEFINE cannot be used on >printfile lines. The script will check for pathing on the >printfile command. If @define or ”/” or “\” is found indicating an attempt to supply a path, the user will get an error.
@DEFINE cannot be used on ~specfile lines – The script will check for pathing on the ~specfile command line. If @define or ”/” or “\” is found indicating an attempt to supply a path, the user will get an error.
The META command >-PURGESAME is not allowed
Necessary ~SET Keywords
The keyword web_tables or webtables must exist
The keyword delimited_tables or delimitedtables must exist
You must use make_banner or makebanner syntax to define the column labels
META Commands to add
>cfmc_extension dlm=xls
>cfmc_extension htm=html
QPX Syntax Tips
Some questionnaire syntax may not translate properly to the .def file for Custom Web Tables therefore resulting in errors. Below are some tips to avoid possible errors:
Add the keyword MENTOR to the end of the ~PREPARE COMPILE line so the proper files are created for running tables
Add brackets and a $ to any !IF condition references. For example, if you have !if intvID=“dbug”, change it to !if [intvID$]=“dbug”
If you have any response codes with special characters; i.e. ??, ^^ or ==, you need to add (-mentor) before that response code.
~prepare compile mentor [bank] {intvID: !spc,5,1,4} {!if [intvID$]="dbug" !goto finish} {status: Hello my name is.... !fld 01 No Answer 02 Busy 03 Callback (-mentor)^^ Hit Return to continue}