Live Study
The Live Study Dashboard displays study statistics for live projects. This gives you access to study information such as interviewing times, sample information and interviewer productivity. The Live Study Dashboard screen is a “snapshot” view of activity. It will update every 5 seconds. All fields are sortable.
Click on the Project Tracking Tab
Click Dashboards
Click Live Study
The report will display in a separate popup window
Report Information
The Live Study Dashboard includes the following information:
Parameter | Description |
Study | Name of the study |
Session | Total time on a study including |
Active | Amount of time that interviewers have been ACTIVE (dialing,collecting data or in an interview) |
Nivr | Total interviewers dialing including live interviewers and interviewers in practice/training mode |
Nlive | Number of interviewers collecting real data |
Ntrain | Number of interviewers in practice mode(not collecting real data) |
Nstart | Indicates how many interviewer starts per study |
Ncmplt | Shows number of completed interviews per study |
Compl/Hr | Shows completes per hour. Calculation: (Number of Completes/Session Time x 60) |