Upload Files

Upload files allows you to upload study specific files. When uploading, the proper file extension will be verified.

Study specific files include:

File Types Description
Questionnaire Related Files Files include questionnaire files, disk based recode tables and text files read into the questionnaire
Sample Related Files Files for importing sample, such as new or converted fixed ascii files, delimited files, market definition files and study parameter files.
Look and Feel Files Files used to help create the survey “look”. Such files include css, tmpl, html, php etc.
Images Image Files displayed within surveys, headers, footers, index page etc.
Audio Files Audio Files played within surveys
Post Processing Files Cleaning files used for post processing


  1. Click on the Project Setup Tab
  2. Click Upload Files
  3. Select a project from the drop down menu
  4. Select a Mode from the drop down menu (this can be webSurvent, webCATI or cati)
  5. For duplicate files, select an option from the drop down menu
    1. Prompt Before Overwriting
    2. Automatically Overwrite
  6. Click the “Browse” button and choose the file you wish to upload (you can upload up to 5 files)
  7. Click the “Upload File(s) button
  8. If uploading a study.qpx file, it will compile at the time of upload
    1. If there are no errors, you will receive a SUCCESS message
    2. If there are errors, you will need to fix the errors on re-upload the file again
  9. The default upload limits are currently set to a maximum single file size of 8M, a total for the page of 16M and an overall memory limit of 16M
    1. See below on how to increase the upload limits.
  10. You can upload a compressed file with a .zip extension
    1. The file will automatically be unzipped and checked for proper extension
  11. Files need to be in all lowercase
  12. Files need to have an extension which also need to be in lowercase
  13. If the file has a .qpx extension, it will check to make sure your studycode matches the studycode defined during your Project Creation step


Project Setup-Upload Files

Upload Limits

The default upload limits are currently set to a maximum single file size of 8M, a total for the page of 16M and an overall memory limit of 16M. If you are having trouble uploading or need your upload limits increased please contact your Network Admin and follow the instructions below.

Increasing Upload Limits

The maximum file upload size is a .php configuration variable found in /etc/php.ini. Somebody with root access to your machine will have to edit your php.ini file to change these limitations.

The relevant lines to edit are:

Maximum allowed size for uploaded files. upload_max_filesize = 2M

Maximum size of POST data that PHP will accept. post_max_size = 8M

memory_limit = 16M

Uploading a Questionnaire File

You can upload your study.qpx with this feature. During the upload process, your study.qpx will be compiled. Any warnings and errors will be written to the screen. You also have the option to download your error file to view specific errors and warnings.

Tips for uploading your study.qpx:

  • The study.qpx name needs to match the studycode for your project
  • The studycode in the header needs to match the studycode for your project
  • The studycode in the header needs to be flush next to the [ of the header without any spaces
  • For On-Demand and Custom Web Tables Reporting:
    • Add the keyword MENTOR to the end of the ~PREPARE COMPILE line so the proper files are created for running tables
    • Add brackets and a $ to any !IF condition references. For example, if you have !if intvID=“dbug”, change it to !if [intvID$]=“dbug”
    • If you have any response codes with special characters; i.e. ??, ^^ or ==, you need to add (-mentor) before that response code.

Supported Extensions


