KinesisPanel can now be imported into Survox for full multi-mode data collection utilizing web and phone methodologies.  This allows panel managers to revitalize sample and collect data through both self-administered and interviewer-assisted phone-based sessions.  All response data, regardless of collection method, is collected by the Kinesis platform for streamlined analysis.


NOTE: This is available in version 8.9+ only.

Survox Prerequisites

All of the following must be true.

Kinesis Prerequisites

All of the following must be true.

  • Current Survox user
  • On version 8.9 of the Survox platform
  • Using the Survox Console
  • Have Admin access
  • Current customer of KinesisPanel
  • IP address the Survox Console is running on must be enabled by KinesisPanel to access their API

Enabling the Integration

Enabling the integration is a straightforward process. All necessary software is installed as part of each Survox environment.