Import Sample Workflows

NOTE1: See Qualtrics Import Sample for more information on importing sample for Qualtrics projects.

NOTE2: See Kinesis Import Sample for more information on importing sample for Kinesis projects.

NOTE3: See MaritzCX Import Sample for more information on importing sample for MaritzCX projects.

Online Closed Projects

There are two ways to import sample for online Closed projects: Generate sample or Upload a file.

Generate Sample

  1. Click on the Project Setup tab
  2. Click Create Sample
  3. Click Import Sample
  4. Select a project from the Project drop down menu if different than the prefilled project name
  5. Click the “Reload” button (arrow circle)
  6. Select Generate webSurvent Sample from the Select Source drop down menu
  7. The default shop file is automatically loaded with the settings displayed on the screen
    1. Select the shop file from the Select Shop File drop down menu if a different shop file should be used
  8. Click the “Load File” button
  9. Edit the Sample Parameters as needed by clicking on “Edit”
    1. See the Edit Phone Parameters screen below
    2. Select the Do Not Use Call Files check box since DNC files are not needed for online studies
    3. Click the “Save Changes” button
  10. Edit the Phone File Map as needed by clicking on “Edit”
    1. See the Sample Edit Generate Sample screen below
    2. You can modify the number of non-test passwords to generate
    3. You can  modify the number of test passwords to generate
    4. Click the “Save Changes” button
  11. Click the “Import Sample” button to build the fone file
  12. The Fonebuld return log will display on the screen after a successful fonebuld
  13. Click the “Download” button to download the files to your desktop


Generate Sample – Edit Phone Parameters Screen

The “Do not use Do Not Call files” check box is selected since DNC files are not needed for online projects.

Generate Sample – Edit Generate Sample Screen

The number of records and test records to generate are modified.

Upload a File

  1. Click on the Project Setup tab
  2. Click Create Sample
  3. Click Import Sample
  4. Select a project from the Project drop down menu if different than the prefilled project name
  5. Click the “Reload” button (arrow circle)
  6. Select either Upload Sample or Previously Uploaded Sample from the Select Source drop down menu
    1. If Upload Sample is selected from the Select Source drop down menu:
      1. Choose the file to upload
      2. If a fixed-width raw sample file is uploaded, a secondary prompt will display to upload the corresponding .MAP file
        1. The file names of these files must match
        2. The .MAP file is required for this type of format
      3. If an ASCII phone file is uploaded, a secondary prompt will display to upload the corresponding .HED file
        1. A third prompt will display to upload a corresponding .FDF file
        2. The file names of these files must match
        3. The .HED file is required for this type of format
        4. The .FDF file is optional for this type of format
      4. Click the “Upload” button
    2. If Previously Uploaded Sample is selected from the Select Source drop down menu:
      1. Select the Existing Sample File from the drop down menu
      2. Follow the file rules above for each format type
  7. The default shop file is automatically loaded with the settings displayed on the screen
    1. Select the shop file from the Select Shop File drop down menu if a different shop file should be used
  8. Click the “Load File” button
  9. Edit the Sample Parameters by clicking on “Edit”
    1. See the Edit Phone Parameters screen below
    2. Basic Knowledge of phone parameters is required
    3. A secondary index variable needs to set
    4. The system will try to map the password and username
      1. These will appear as Survox Password and Survox Username
      2. If these are mapped, those fields will be used during the import process
      3. By default password is set to come from an import and username is set to be generated
      4. If Survox Username has a variable selected, it will override the generation
    5. Select the Do Not Use Call Files check box since DNC files are not needed for online studies
    6. Click the “Save Changes” button
    7. If an ASCII fone file is uploaded, you can only “View” the Sample Parameters
  10. Edit the Import File Map as needed by clicking on “Edit”
    1. See the Edit Import File Map screen below
    2. Edit the webSurvent Variables
      1. Create or Import the Password
      2. Create or Import the Username
      3. Define how many test passwords to create
      4. Create or Import the Phone number
    3. Click the “Save Changes” button
    4. If an ASCII fone file is uploaded, you can only “View” the Import File Map
      1. If a .FDF file is used, the map will be populated from those fields
  11. Click the “Import Sample” button to build the fone file
  12. The Fonebuld return log will display on the screen after a successful fonebuld
  13. Click the “Download” button to download the files to your desktop


Online  – Edit Phone Parameters Screen

The “Do not use Do Not Call files” check box is selected since DNC files are not needed for online projects.


Online – Edit Import File Map Screen

The output widths and Optional Survox Variables can be modified, and the webSurvent Variables can be modified to import or create the required variables for Password, Username, and Phone Number.


CATI Projects

You can only upload files for online CATI projects, there is no sample generation.

Import Process

  1. Click on the Project Setup tab
  2. Click Create Sample
  3. Click Import Sample
  4. Select a project from the Project drop down menu if different than the prefilled project name
  5. Click the “Reload” button (arrow circle)
  6. Select either Upload Sample or Previously Uploaded Sample from the Select Source drop down menu
  7. If Upload Sample is selected from the Select Source drop down menu:
    1. Choose the file to upload
      1. If a fixed-width raw sample file is uploaded, a secondary prompt will display to upload the corresponding .MAP file
        1. The file names of these files must match
        2. The .MAP file is required for this type of format
    2. If an ASCII phone file is uploaded, a secondary prompt will display to upload the corresponding .HED file
      1. A third prompt will display to upload a corresponding .FDF file
      2. The file names of these files must match
      3. The .HED file is required for this type of format
      4. The .FDF file is optional for this type of format
    3. Click the “Upload” button
  8. If Previously Uploaded Sample is selected from the Select Source drop down menu:
    1. Select the Existing Sample File from the drop down menu
    2. Follow the file rules above for each format type
  9. The default shop file is automatically loaded with the settings displayed on the screen
    1. Select the shop file from the Select Shop File drop down menu if a different shop file should be used
    2. Click the “Load File” button
  10. Edit the Calling Parameters as needed by clicking on “Edit”
    1. See the Edit Phone Parameters screens below
    2. Knowledge of phone parameters is required
    3. You have the option to load in a market file or to set your markets manually
    4. You have the option to use existing DNC files or upload study-specific DNC files
      1. Study specific DNC files that already exist are automatically used
      2. You have the option to upload additional DNC files as needed
    5. Click the “Save Changes” button
    6. If an ASCII fone file is uploaded, you can only “View” the Calling Parameters
  11. Edit the Import File Map as needed by clicking on “Edit”
    1. See the Edit Import File Map screen below
    2. You can modify the field widths so that any additional sample files loaded will use the set width as originally built each time
    3. Useful for delimited files where the column widths can vary
    4. Click the “Save Changes” button
    5. If an ASCII fone file is uploaded, you can only “View” the Import File Map
      1. If a .FDF file is used, the map will be populated from those fields
  12. Click the “Import Sample” button to build the fone file
  13. The Fonebuld return log will display on the screen after a successful fonebuld
  14. Click the “Download” button to download the files to your desktop


CATI  – Edit Phone Parameters Screens

Markets can be imported. You have the option to manually set your markets, upload a market file or use a previously uploaded market file. Markets are set up and used to control the release of sample. Markets normally coincide with Quotas.

  1. Select either Upload Sample or Previously Uploaded Sample from the Select Market Source drop down menu
  2. If Upload Sample is selected from the Select Source drop down menu:
    1. Choose the file to upload
    2. Click the “Upload” button
  3. If Previously Uploaded Sample is selected from the Select Source drop down menu:
    1. Select the Existing Sample File from the drop down menu
  4. Select the Market field from the drop down menu to map to the Select Market Variable

DNC files can be imported. You have the option to use previously uploaded DNC files, upload a study specific DNC file, or not use DNC files at all.  Study specific DNC files that already exist are automatically used.  You can upload additional DNC files as needed.

  1. If uploading a study specific DNC file:
  2. Select Upload Do Not Call File from the drop down menu
    1. Choose the file to upload
    2. File must be in the correct DNC format
    3. See DNC Upload  and DNC Manage for more information
    4. Click the “Upload” button
  3. If using previously uploaded DNC files from the displayed list:
    1. Previously uploaded DNC files are those that have been uploaded during the DNC Upload process
    2. See DNC Upload and DNC Manage for more information
    3. Select the check box next to each previously uploaded DNC file to use
    4. Uncheck the check box next to each previously uploaded DNC file to deselect it
  4. If not using DNC files select the Do Not use Do Not Call files check box
  5. Click on the “Save Changes” button to submit all changes


CATI – Edit Import File Map Screen

The output widths and Optional Survox Variables can be modified.


International Dialing

Follow all steps above for importing sample for a CATI project.  The two sections that need to be modified further for International dialing are the Edit Calling Parameters and Edit Import File Map.

NOTE1: Before uploading the spec, if there is a !PHONE,GET_PHONE_INFORMATION for the phone number, set it to !PHONE,GET_PHONE_INFORMATION,1,18 to ensure that all digits are accounted for.

NOTE2: Make sure that there is a field in the raw sample source containing the timezone for each sample record before importing the sample.

After the sample and shopfile are loaded:
  1. Edit the Calling Parameters by clicking on the edit icon
  2. Modify the phone number to 18 digits to accommodate the international phone number
  3. Modify the market information if the project is using markets
  4. Set the necessary time zone(s) that the phone numbers will be in.  See below for more information about time zones.
  5. Set the country_code to 1
  6. Set any DNC files to use
  7. Save the calling parameters



After the calling parameters are modifed:

  1. Edit the Import File Map by clicking the edit icon
  2. Modify output widths if necessary per Best Practices
  3. Expand the Optional CFMC Variables
  4. Assign the time zone to each record by clicking on the dropdown menu and choosing which field the timezone is in
  5. Save the import file map changes
  6. Import the sample by clicking in the Import Sample icon

Delimited Format

When uploading a delimited type sample file, it must be either a comma delimited (.CSV) or tab delimited (.TSV) format. Once the file is loaded follow the instructions above to import.


Fixed Width Format

When uploading a fixed width sample file, a second prompt will display asking to upload the .MAP file that corresponds with the .RAW sample file.  Both file names must match.  Once the files are loaded, follow the instructions above to import.


ASCII Fone File Format

When uploading an ASCII phone file, a second prompt will display asking to upload the .HED file that corresponds with the .ASC sample file.  A third prompt will also display asking to upload the .FDF file that corresponds with the .ASC sample file.  This file is optional.  All file names must match. The .HED file will populate the calling parameters and the .FDF file will populate the import file map fields.  Once the files are loaded, follow the instructions above to import.



Existing Fone Files

If there is an existing phone file, you will be presented with the option to Add or Overwrite to the existing file.
All import processes previously described above are the same after selecting Add or Overwrite.


Fonebuld Return Log

The files created to download are different between each mode.  See below for more information under Downloading Output Files.


Download Output Files

  1. Available files for download will appear on the screen
  2. You can click the “Check All” box to select all the files, the “Uncheck All” box to deselect all the files, or you can select the specific file hyperlink that you want to download
  3. These files will be automatically compressed and saved as a zip file
  4. Click the “Download” button to download the files

Sample Import – Downloaded Files Created

File Type Description
study.fdf Listing of all phone variables and locations in the sample.  This file is NOT created when an ASCII phone file is imported.
study.phg Listing of all phone statements.  This file is NOT created when an ASCII phone file is imported.
study_imp_samp.lst Listing of the sample build process including errors. This file is useful for debugging purposes.
study_samplelist.prt Listing of each sample record supplying password, username and email information that has been imported.  This file is ONLY created for webSurvent projects.