~Comment This is original spec file with 4 open ended TEXT questions 1) QN1O is the other response for question QN1 2) QN20 is the other response for question QN2 3) QN5 is an open ended question asked to all respondents 4) QN8 is an open ended question asked to only certain respondents See the file CODING1.QPX for the codingmode questionnaire that goes with this file. You can enter in a few data cases, or use Random Data Generation to build a file to code. >PURGESAME ~PREP COMPILE [ORIGINAL1,2000,"",TEXTS=501] { QN1: 1/11 Enter in your response for Question 1 !CAT*,,5 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 9 Other Y DK/NA } { QN1O: 1/12 !IF QN1(9) \A Enter other response !TEX,,1,40 } { QN2: 1/21 Enter in your response for Question 2 !CAT*,,5 [SAMEAS QN1] } { QN2O: 1/22 !IF QN2(9) \A Enter other response !TEX,,1,40 } { QN3: 1/23.3 Num question 1-100 and dk !num,,,1-100,,dk } { QN4: 1/26 Yes/No CAT question !CAT 1 Yes 2 No } {QN5: 1/31 THIS IS YOUR BASIC UNBASED OPEN END RESPONSE !TEX } { QN6: 1/32 Another yes/no Cat question !CAT [sameas qn4 ] } { QN7: 1/33 How would you rate this thing? !CAT* 1 very good 2 good 3 fair 4 poor (will get follow-up text question) 5 very poor (will get follow-up text question) X DK/NA } { QN8: 1/41 !IF QN7(4,5) Why did you rate this thing \:QN7: !TEX } { Final question in survey !DISPLAY } ~end