~Comment Sample spec file for using a zspc to run Mentor inside of Survent >purgesame ~prep compile -specs [MentorinSurvent,,"Zspc for running Mentor"] {Q1: Dummy question !var } ''Store Program File Name you want to run in Data (Use Full Name) {Program: .26 Mentor.Cgo.Cfmc !Spc,9 } ''Any Arguments for the run. In the case of Mentor ''Arg1 is the specfile ''Arg2 is the listfile, ''other args would be specwid, core, etc. {Argument: .30 input -output !Spc,9 } ''Retrun code so can look to see why it failed {RetCode: Hide !var } ''MAGIC ZSPC that runs Mentor (if this is a long Mentor job, you will sit ''here until it finishes. This does not run in the background. {!Zspc,12,1,[RetCode],[Program],[Argument] } {Q2: Dummy Question at End. Did this run? !Var } ~End