~Comment This is the Current Qpx file and because QAdd was added the data layout has changed on some questions from Datalayout1. Compare the file Datalayout1.chk with Datalayout2.chk to see the changes. This setup is used to create the "new" DBfile that will be used by adjust_data_layout.spx >PurgeSame ~Prep Compile [Datalayout2,caslength=20000,textstart=15001] >Repeat $a=1,...,5 {Q$A: This is $A Question that is Field !Fld,,3 >Repeat $b=01,...,05 $B Code $B >EndRepeat } {Q$A_X: !If Q$A(01-03) Text Question to see what Happens !Text } {QAdd$A: This is the added to change the Data Layout !Var,,15 } >EndRepeat ~End